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Easy / Lucky / Funny / Hard / Weird scrambles thread

Generated By csTimer on 2025-01-31
single: 6.33

Time List:
1. 6.33 D' R U2 L2 D R2 B2 F2 U F2 R2 F2 D R D2 L F' R' B U
bruh could have been a PB without the V perm 😭😭
41 moves ez xxx-cross
i thought you meant you found a 41-move xxxcross that was really easy to find lmao, congrats on the solve tho!
R U' R' U2 R F U2 R U2 R' U'
New PB, 1.74. Beat it by 0.04. 6 mover. Very long pause because it was a LL skip.
 Twizzle link 
R U' R' U2 R F U2 R U2 R' U'
z2 y // inspection
F2 U L F2' L' F // 6 move layer into a ll skip
1. 4.575 R L' U R' U' R L l r u'
Very good pyraminx scramble, could have been a faster time if I were actually good at pyra
0.76, nice scramble!
D' B2 U F' R B U2 L U' F2 R2 U F2 U' F2 U' R2 U' B'

y‘ z2

R F‘ D LR‘ D‘ R2 // xxcross
UD R U2 R‘ u‘ // f2l3
U2 R‘ U2 R U‘ R‘ U2 R // f2l4
F R U R‘ U‘ F‘ // ll
What is the time you got? Or was this FMC
Generated By csTimer on 2025-02-03
single: 8.966

Time List:
37163. 8.966 U2 L D2 R2 D2 B2 D2 B2 L' B2 L R' B D' B2 R2 B' L U' F

I just got this scramble, there isn't anything too special about it, but I did an interesting cross solution and I wanted to see if anyone else could see the same cross+1 that I did, so don't look at my solution until you've given it a shot.

z2 // inspection
R D R D F' E' // cross
L' U L U' L' U' L // 1st pair
U2 F' U' F // 2nd pair
R' U2' R U R' U' R // 3rd pair
y U' R U2' R2' U' R2 U' R' // 4th pair
U' F U R U' R' F' // OLL
R U R' U' D R2 U' R U' R' U R' U R2 D' // PLL
Just remembered the time I was at Franconia Christmas B and got this weird Skewb scramble

R B R' B U' L U B L' R L
Thought it was a misscramble at first, I was very surprised when my judge told me it wasn’t after the solve
Generated By csTimer on 2025-02-03
single: 8.966

Time List:
37163. 8.966 U2 L D2 R2 D2 B2 D2 B2 L' B2 L R' B D' B2 R2 B' L U' F

I just got this scramble, there isn't anything too special about it, but I did an interesting cross solution and I wanted to see if anyone else could see the same cross+1 that I did, so don't look at my solution until you've given it a shot.

z2 // inspection
R D R D F' E' // cross
L' U L U' L' U' L // 1st pair
U2 F' U' F // 2nd pair
R' U2' R U R' U' R // 3rd pair
y U' R U2' R2' U' R2 U' R' // 4th pair
U' F U R U' R' F' // OLL
R U R' U' D R2 U' R U' R' U R' U R2 D' // PLL
I found something better for this scramble that appealed to me instantly.
And believe me: this scramble is special at the start.
y' //inspection
D' R' U' L' R D' R2 U' R' U L' U L U F //xxcross
R U2 R' //first pair
U' L U2 L' U L U' L' //Last pair
r' U' r (U' R' U R U' R' U R) r' U r //OLL
x R2 D2 R U R' D2 R U' l B //Aperm + auf
No rotations at all
I found something better for this scramble that appealed to me instantly.
And believe me: this scramble is special at the start.
y' //inspection
D' R' U' L' R D' R2 U' R' U L' U L U F //xxcross
R U2 R' //first pair
U' L U2 L' U L U' L' //Last pair
r' U' r (U' R' U R U' R' U R) r' U r //OLL
x R2 D2 R U R' D2 R U' l B //Aperm + auf
No rotations at all
I saw a similar start:
y' //inspection
D' R' U' L' D' R' U R' L F2 L' F //xxcross
U2 R U' R' L U' L' //3rd pair
U' R' F R F' R U R' //4th pair
U Rw U R' U' Rw' F R F' //C(O)LL
U2 R U' R U R3' U R U' R' U' R2 //PLL
Also no rotations, and could be even better with a ZBLL.