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Easy / Lucky / Funny / Hard / Weird scrambles thread

what's the solution? I can't seem to find it since I only use a bit of Ortega and a few algorithms.
also all of the solutions I have been finding end with a J perm 💀
R U2 R' on yellow gives a J perm, cancelled solution is R U' R' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U'(if you do a T-perm instead it skips AUF)
what's the solution? I can't seem to find it since I only use a bit of Ortega and a few algorithms.
also all of the solutions I have been finding end with a J perm 💀
nvm found the solution
Cancelled into it in 2 moves
 Twizzle link 
R' U' R' F R' F2 R U' R2
x' R U' R' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U'
wow, just wow

Generated By csTimer on 2025-01-19
single: 7.940

Time List:
1. 7.940 B2 L' D2 L2 F2 B R D' L D2 L U2 R F2 B2 R2 B2

@Garf sent me this solution to which he downsolved to a low 4:

x2 y // inspectionR' D' F' U R U' R' u //xxcrossR' U2 R // Third pairU' R' F R F' R U' R' // last pairU' r U' r2' U r2 U r2' U' r //OLLU2 // auf
L2 B2 D' R2 B2 D' L2 D2 L2 U B2 U B R B2 D' U' L D2 B2 R'
basically premade 1x2x3 block
amazing for roux and cfop solvers idk about other methods(maybe also good for petruss and rectangular Francisco but no one uses those)
forgot somthing
Generated By csTimer on 2025-01-25
single: 13.737

Time List:
1. 13.737 L2 B2 D' R2 B2 D' L2 D2 L2 U B2 U B R B2 D' U' L D2 B2 R'