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Easy / Lucky / Funny / Hard / Weird scrambles thread

My .61 2x2 PR isn't a 4 mover, but it's quite as good.....

U F R U2 R U' F' R' U'

generated by csTimer
start on green, hold the bar on left, basic insert front corner (Green, White, Red), and cancel into back corner (Green, Yellow, Red)(5-mover)
Yeah, me neither...
Generated By csTimer on 2024-11-10
avg of 5: 4.25

Time List:
4739. (6.47) B2 R' B2 R2 F2 B' D' B U R2 F2 D2 F2 U2 R' F2 L2 F2 R2 F2 U2
4740. 4.87 B' D F2 B' U' L' B U L2 F2 D' R2 B2 D B2 U L2 U2 L' B2
4741. 4.12 B' U2 L' B2 R F2 L' B2 R U2 R2 D2 B L' R' U F' L2 B2 R2
4742. 3.76 B' R2 B2 D2 L2 D2 F' L2 F' L2 F2 L U L' U' B' R D L
4743. (3.75) U D2 F2 D2 B L2 U2 R2 F' R2 B' L2 D2 U' R B' D' R U' R' F'

I'm stunned, I'm capable of getting world class results like this, I NEVER thought I would get close to WR anytime soon, but here I am literally 0.16 away

Recons for last 4 solves

Posted about this in my progression thread btw

Also because of this I now have an ao5 faster than my PB6 single??
Generated By csTimer on 2024-11-12
single: 12.537

Time List:
32358. 12.537 R' U' D2 F2 D2 R' B' F2 L2 F2 U F2 U2 B2 U B2 U' L D2

This OH solve I got had some crazy potential, I had a huge ZBLL recog pause so this could have been sub 10. 6.39 down-solve too.

x' // inspection
U' U' R' x' F D' R2 // cross
U' U' R U R' // 1st pair
y' U' R U2 R' U' R U R' // 2nd pair
y' D U R U' R' D' // 3rd & 4th pairs
R U R' U R' U2 R2 U R2 U R2 U' R' // ZBLL
38STM /6.39=5.95TPS
38STM /12.53=3.03TPS
Another random lucky solve. This time 3x3 on orange cross, stackmat.

Generated By csTimer on 2024-11-13
single: 6.070

Time List:
32545. 6.070[ORANGE] B2 L' B2 L' F' L2 D R B U B2 U D' L2 B2 D' F2 B2 L2

@precompsubwr I know you like to do a lot of these easy scrambles, so what's your initial solution and what is your best down-solve solution and times? Also if you got this would you do orange or a different colour, since white is also pretty good?

I initially planned a single pair, but it ended up being a pseudo-pair, so I got a free xxcross from that, then pair 3 and 4 are really easy to spot even on orange, then OLL and PLL was a quick transition.

z' y' // inspection
D F U' L' U L D' // xxcross
R' U R U' R' U' R // 3rd pair
R U' R' U R U' R' U R U' R' // 4th pair
U l' U' L U' L' U2 l // OLL
U' x R2 F R F' R U2 r' U r U2 x' // PLL
44STM /3.84=11.46TPS
44STM /6.07=7.25TPS
@precompsubwr I know you like to do a lot of these easy scrambles, so what's your initial solution and what is your best down-solve solution and times? Also if you got this would you do orange or a different colour, since white is also pretty good?

I initially planned a single pair, but it ended up being a pseudo-pair, so I got a free xxcross from that, then pair 3 and 4 are really easy to spot even on orange, then OLL and PLL was a quick transition.

z' y' // inspection
D F U' L' U L D' // xxcross
R' U R U' R' U' R // 3rd pair
R U' R' U R U' R' U R U' R' // 4th pair
U l' U' L U' L' U2 l // OLL
U' x R2 F R F' R U2 r' U r U2 x' // PLL
44STM /3.84=11.46TPS
44STM /6.07=7.25TPS
Not @precompsubwr (wish I was tho, bro’s so cool and smart), but as someone experimenting with potentially switching from DCN to full CN by only doing easy CN scrambles, I would definitely do orange in these scenarios, even in an official solve, as on my first attempt with this solve (which ended up being a 4.67) I could plan a solution (actually your solution) that I knew would be cross+2 in about 5 seconds (not even counting the pseudo pair in the xcross, making everything I planned cross+3).

I downsolved to a 3.49 with around a low 2 F2L.
My solution was exactly the same as yours into LL (I did not look at your solution) where I instead did

U R U2’ R’ U2’ R’ F R F’ //OLL
U R U R’ U R’ U’ R2 U’ R’ U R’ U R U // PLL

Basically the same solution, but I think a little bit faster In my case as Ua perm is faster than Ja perm for me
Another random lucky solve. This time 3x3 on orange cross, stackmat.

Generated By csTimer on 2024-11-13
single: 6.070

Time List:
32545. 6.070[ORANGE] B2 L' B2 L' F' L2 D R B U B2 U D' L2 B2 D' F2 B2 L2

@precompsubwr I know you like to do a lot of these easy scrambles, so what's your initial solution and what is your best down-solve solution and times? Also if you got this would you do orange or a different colour, since white is also pretty good?

I initially planned a single pair, but it ended up being a pseudo-pair, so I got a free xxcross from that, then pair 3 and 4 are really easy to spot even on orange, then OLL and PLL was a quick transition.

z' y' // inspection
D F U' L' U L D' // xxcross
R' U R U' R' U' R // 3rd pair
R U' R' U R U' R' U R U' R' // 4th pair
U l' U' L U' L' U2 l // OLL
U' x R2 F R F' R U2 r' U r U2 x' // PLL
44STM /3.84=11.46TPS
44STM /6.07=7.25TPS
Not CN so I would do white
Original time: 5.03
Best downsolve: 4.55
B F D2 R' D' R D' // cross
L U' L' // 1st pair
R' F U' F' R // 2nd and 3rd pairs
F' U' F U' R U R' // 4th pair
F R' F' R U R U' R' // OLL
U2 R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' // Jb

If I do a z rotation before the scramble it shows up on yellow which for some reason I am more comfortable with
Original time: 4.01
Best downsolve: still 4.01 ☠️
Solution is the same as @Cubist-Guitar, I can't really turn that fast rn
3651. (9.231=1.478+3.383+3.371+0.999) L2 R2 U2 B D2 L2 F' D2 B D2 L' F D2 U' L F' R F
pretty insane block, if done correctly gives a XX cross.
 Twizzle link 
L2 R2 U2 B D2 L2 F' D2 B D2 L' F D2 U' L F' R F
F' D R' D R' U2 R' F //XX cross
y' U2 L' U' L
U2 R U2 R2 F R F'
M' U' M U2 M' U' M
U l' R' F R F' R U2 r' U r U2 B2
Clock with 7SF which has a super easy memo and execution

Generated By csTimer on 2024-11-18
single: 11.190

Time List:
727. 11.190 UR6+ DR3- DL4- UL3+ U3+ R3+ D3+ L1+ ALL1+ y2 U1- R4- D2- L1- ALL5+ DR DL

My memo was 100 -1-2-2
6.51 Down-solve