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Easy / Lucky / Funny / Hard / Weird scrambles thread

This pyra scramble is quite ridiculous in multiple ways:

L R L' B' L B' L U L' r

2.93 single even though i avg sub 5.
F2 D' L2 B' U' D' L B U2 R' U2 R F2 U2 F2 D2 R' L' U2 L'

This is a crazy scramble, I got a 6.03 keyboard first try, then a 4.8 down solve after two attempts.
z2 y' // inspection
D R' D L2 U F2 // xcross
L' U L // 2nd pair
y R U R' // 3rd pair
L' U2 L U2 L' U L // 4th pair
U F R U R' U' R U R' U' F' U // OLL
F2 D' L2 B' U' D' L B U2 R' U2 R F2 U2 F2 D2 R' L' U2 L'

This is a crazy scramble, I got a 6.03 keyboard first try, then a 4.8 down solve after two attempts.
z2 y' // inspection
D R' D L2 U F2 // xcross
L' U L // 2nd pair
y R U R' // 3rd pair
L' U2 L U2 L' U L // 4th pair
U F R U R' U' R U R' U' F' U // OLL
I got just a 7.09 first try and ds'ed to around a 4.9. Somehow I had the same solution as you tho.