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Difference between White and Black DIY Cube?


Mar 24, 2008
I was just wondering if there was any distinct difference between the White and Black DIY cube? In terms of smoothness and locking up etc...Thank you. :)
I found it easier to set the tension on the White Type (A) so that it rarely popped or locked up but turned smoothly. I haven't achieved the same with 5 Black Type (A) cubes.

IMO get one of each to do the comparison yourself. Personally I don't like using cubes colored other than Black so I gave my best cube, White Type (A), away :-P

I found it easier to set the tension on the White Type (A) so that it rarely popped or locked up but turned smoothly. I haven't achieved the same with 5 Black Type (A) cubes.

IMO get one of each to do the comparison yourself. Personally I don't like using cubes colored other than Black so I gave my best cube, White Type (A), away :-P


same here, my White type (A) does not lock up, turns smoothly, cuts corners
without locking, was easy to adjust.
unable to set up none of my Black type (A) to run like my white cube.
I also have a Pink type (A) that as good as the white.

sadly though I can't get used to the white & pink cubes, colours come out
confusing to me with that white (or pink) background

i'm conviced the black type (A) cubes are made of harder material,
just that the white and pink feel as if made of softer plastic
In my personal experience, their differences are the color and the quality of the plastic.
Though I don't have a white DIY myself, people say that the different colored DIYs have plastic with varying hardness/ quality (for example, some people say the transparent cubes are grainy) affects what the cube's like. There isn't a HUGE difference though, the differences are usually slight between different colors. It's not like the difference between a type A) DIY and a type B) DIY.