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Custom images for floating 2-flips, 4-flips, floating 2-twists, floating 3-twists, 2e2e, 2e2e', LTCT, parity


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Jan 9, 2014
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I already have a letter pair list for UF/UFR 3-style since the last 10 years.

Since the last few years, I am focusing on making letter quads for 5-style, and letter pairs for floating 3-style.

I wanted to know how much of my efforts and time should I give to making images for all the cases of:
  1. floating 2-flips
  2. 4-flips
  3. floating 2-twists
  4. floating 3-twists
  5. 2e2e
  6. 2e2e'
  7. LTCT
  8. Parity
If anyone has made sheets for any of these, please do share them with me. Thanks!
  1. 2-flips including buffer is just a letter pair,
  2. 2-twist including buffer is just a letter pair,
  3. 3-twist including buffer is just 2 letter pairs,
  4. LTCT UF-UR is just a letter pair
  5. 2e2e is 2 letter pairs (linking them is on the fly for me)
  6. Parity is no information if we do weak swap (does not work if I decide to a fancy 2c2e, and want to remember that not visually)
