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Cubing Task 4 Fun: Make a Tier List Ranking the Official WCA Puzzles

Jan 18, 2024
In @Cubinginatree’s hot oven
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Ok, this is optional, but fun! :D
My task for you is to create a tier list ranking the official WCA puzzles
What to put on the tier list: 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7, Mega, Pyra, Skewb, Squan, and Clock


Here’s a link to create it: Ranking WCA Puzzles Tier List
S+ Tier: 3x3 is the main and best event, no question.
S Tier: 2x2 is almost as godly as 3x3, but requires more algs and tons of practice to get good at.
A Tier: Clonk is not hard to get good at, I was averaging 10 seconds last week (beginner method) and now I average 8 (7-Simul Flip). 3BLD only requires a few algs at first, but then once you learn M2 you take off.
B Tier: Pyra and Skewb are short events, which I like, but they require tedious practice and many algs to get good at them, IMO. 4x4 and 5x5 are the "mini big cubes", and you can get fast at them without many algs (other than 3x3 algs and parity).
C Tier: 4BLD, 5BLD, and MBLD are kinda fun to do when you get a success, but they require lots of brain space and memory.
D Tier: 6x6 and 7x7 are similar to 4x4 and 5x5, but longer. Squan is just horrible without knowing tons of algs (I don't know most of them lol) and Mega is...Mega. JK mega is kinda long and requires tons of algs to get good at it. Also, 6, 7, and Mega are a pain in the ass to scramble.
F Tier: FMC. Do I really have to explain this one? Okay, here it is in four words: ONE HOUR OF PAIN.
Here’s mine completely my opinion. Based on the aspect of fun to practice/good event.
S+ - OH
S - 4x4, 5x5, 3x3
A - Skewb, Square-1, 6x6
B- Pyra, Mega, 7x7
D- Clock
F- Nothing.
S + - OH is simply the best event. Yes it is my main and fastest event but is a blast to practice too. RUL algs are super fun to execute OH. I like that you can implement more techniques and have better look head too.
S- 3x3 is also fun to grind just not on the same level as OH. 4x4 and 5x5 implement fun block building and ultimately Yau is a VERY fun method.
A- Skewb is a very unique event and is very simple making it a fun to practice event but not enough to main. Square 1 is very fun to practice on and shape shifting is cool. I love 6x6. It’s just a bigger 4x4.
B- Pyraminx is hard. Mega finding peices suck so is 7x7.
D- remove clock
In conclusion I love all events but OH is just awesome.
Here’s mine completely my opinion. Based on the aspect of fun to practice/good event.
S+ - OH
S - 4x4, 5x5, 3x3
A - Skewb, Square-1, 6x6
B- Pyra, Mega, 7x7
D- Clock
F- Nothing.
S + - OH is simply the best event. Yes it is my main and fastest event but is a blast to practice too. RUL algs are super fun to execute OH. I like that you can implement more techniques and have better look head too.
S- 3x3 is also fun to grind just not on the same level as OH. 4x4 and 5x5 implement fun block building and ultimately Yau is a VERY fun method.
A- Skewb is a very unique event and is very simple making it a fun to practice event but not enough to main. Square 1 is very fun to practice on and shape shifting is cool. I love 6x6. It’s just a bigger 4x4.
B- Pyraminx is hard. Mega finding peices suck so is 7x7.
D- remove clock
In conclusion I love all events but OH is just awesome.
2x2 has left the chat 😭
S+ 3x3 is a fun event is not short and extremely simple and is just a fun event.
S 4x4 is like 3x3 but takes a little long and is a lot of fun even to just pick up and just do a slow solve with out a timer or anything pyra is a fun event and not like other traditional cubes mega is the same way, although it takes a lot longer for me atheist.
A 2x2 is fun but a little fast and not a lot to it. Clock is weird but fun to turn and play with sq 1 is a lot of fun to solve but also really hard to do when just starting.
B skewb is somewhat fun interesting but also slips out of my hand alot. 5x5 takes a long time and rpyou ru. The risk of popping it but still enjoyable
C Big cube don't do but would hat to pop if
D waytobig of a cube to try to speed solve


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S+: 3x3: I think this one is self-explanatory. 3x3 is fun to solve, and becoming comfortable with 3x3 can help you with so many other events.
S: 2x2: It’s fun, quick, and easy (and an easy podium for some) 4x4: Really fun, probably the best big cube because it’s the quickest to solve. Also the 3x3 stage is satisfying. If you know how to solve a 4x4, then solving other big cubes comes easier to you.
A: Pyraminx: It’s fun, but it’s not one of my main events. I do it sometimes though.
B: All of the cubes in this tier I know how to solve, but I don’t do them very often. I’m sure some of these events will move higher on my list once I am able to do more.
C: I dont even know how to solve square 1. I’ve done it once and I really like how the cube turns, but I can’t rank it higher because I can’t solve it.


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S:2x2,fun but not as fun as 3x3
A: pyra,skewb and oh,pyra and skewb are easy,oh is pretty fun.
B:4x4,fun but takes me 2 min
C:squan and mega,both take me pretty long(2min and 5 min) but are ok
D:5x5 and FMC,both take me forever
Can't do blind,clock don't have 6x6 and 7x7
3x3: Classic puzzle and really fun
2x2: Fun to solve, and lots of cool algs to learn
3BLD: Fun to watch and quite impressive
MBLD: Ultimate test of memorization and focus
FMC: A unique event, has a lot of puzzle theory

4x4: A big cube that does not take long to solve, and nice to watch.
5x5: See 4x4
OH: Very fun to do once you know how to turn, and some OH algs are fun to do. Different methods are viable such as Roux and ZZ. One thing preventing it from being S is that it’s not exactly unique, it has quite a similar solving style to 2H.
Megaminx: Unique 12 sided puzzle, it has a lot of lookahead yet it does not take long, can sometimes get a bit boring as it is a lot of F2L, but you can do cool things with it.
Pyraminx: Short Quick event, and good for those who want to get into spammy one-look events without learning much algs. Tips are so annoying though.
4BLD: 3BLD with a lot of new techniques, requires more memory and takes longer, but not by that much, and it can still be fun to watch sometimes.
(FTO if it became an event): An Octahedron puzzle that does not take long, and has a unique solving style.

6x6: Long event that is sorta repetitive of 5x5
Skewb: Kinda a mid event. I like to solve it, but it’s kinda a repeat of 2x2 and Pyra, and solving can be kinda repetitive unless you’re advanced.
Square-1: Can shapeshift, which is cool. Sometimes it’s just alg pause alg though which can be boring, and parity is annoying enough that those who don’t learn CSP are at a disadvantage

5BLD: Takes a while and losses its novelty after 4BLD. Can still be impressive though
OSMBLD: Very impressive and is really cool when done at home, but in comp, it would take way too long, and I can see why the WCA switched to New Style
Feet: It has a really hard barrier to entry, it’s not an event you could just decide to do one day, and some people find feet solving gross. It also suffers from OHs similar to 3x3 problem, but not as much, as there is a lot more opportunities to try new things and techniques in feet.

7x7: Takes too long, though I think it should stay in the WCA, the WCA kinda needs a marathon event, and 7x7 accomplishes that.
Clock: Shouldn’t have been added in the first place, it is not a twisty puzzle, and compared to the other puzzles, matching colors is not the objective of clock. It has benefits though, such as being the event with such a high turning accuracy, and it’s puzzle is the one where the regulations allow you to customize it the most with your own decorations and stuff, which can be cool for some people. With new methods, it’s not that easy to remove clock as of now.

Magic: You can’t really scramble this puzzle, and you do the same things over and over again.

Master Magic: Who’s idea was it to make a 5x5 version of a stupid event? They could’ve done Gigaminx, master Pyra, or even 4MBLD or something. No, the puzzle they decided to make a variant for was Magic 💀