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Cubesmith Textured Tiles


Feb 12, 2008
Visit Channel
My tiles came today - they look great and generally feel good, except for one thing. I get a nasty 'nails-on-the-chalk-board' feeling when doing some turns. Even with very short nails, they scrape against the plastic, most notable D turns with ring fingers. Constant shivers aren't exactly good for my times.. so I'm wondering if there's any way to stop this. What first comes to mind is rubbing them down a bit so they're not as rough, but I'm worried I'd scratch the color. Any other solutions besides using non-textured?

Hmmm, I haven't ever had that problem. I'm going to assume what you mean is when you, say, do a move like U, and right at the end of the stroke your nail kind of scrapes it? I recommend cutting your nails shorter, or else I don't know sorry.
When it comes to Cubesmith's textured vs. non-textured tiles, it's mostly personal preference. It's not like one is better than the other. If the textured tiles don't work for you, just try something else.
You don't have to worry about the color fading for whatever reason. On his site, he mentions that his tiles have the color printed on the back. The tile is adhesive, then color, then plastic. To get to the color you need to really rub it down.
If you don't like the tiles because that happens to me too I like cubesmith's colors so I got the stickers which are nice and smooth and hardly peel after you put them. That is what I did.