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Cubers in Saskatchewan

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Feb 3, 2023
Hey everyone, we recently attended a WCA event in Alberta and I’d like to get one organized to happen in the Saskatoon area (likely November sometime). I’m wondering if anyone on here lives close enough that they would:
A) attend the competition
B) be willing to get involved with organizing the competition
C) get the word out to any friends you have who cube so we can have a well-attended event
Looking forward to meeting some more people and hopefully getting some comps organized in SK!
I’d 100% do it. I have a friend that would do it too
Thanks for the reply, Tanner! Do you and your friend know of any other cubers that would be interested? I'm having trouble getting in touch with people, though I would assume that there are enough people cubing in Saskatchewan that we could put on an event that had a good number of competitors. I'll post here again as things progress, or if you would want to send me a private message with another way to communicate with you, I'd start putting together a list of interested people.
I personally don’t know anybody else, that would do it. I’ll ask my friend if he knows anybody though. I’ll back to you asap
Hello, I am Tanners friend. We would possibly have one other friend that might participate. But he hasn’t solved a cube in a while. I can ask him though.
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