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[Member Intro] Cuber from Illinois looking forward to meeting other cubers


Nov 18, 2024
In my house, playing storm chasing games.
Hey there! I am a cuber from Illinois who has been looking for cubing friends all over the place, but all of them were not really nice to me, and I did not really like that. So I am really looking forward to being in this community! I am not that fast, as I only average around sub 30. It's decent for me, since I learned how to solve a 3x3 in August of this year, and I have learned a little bit of OLL and PLL, (and no zbll lmao). Really excited to be a part of this. My name is Leon and I am excited to be a part of here.
Main 3x3: X-Man Tornado V4 Pioneer
Main Pyra: GAN Pyraminx (idk what version)
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