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CubeLite's Progression Thread | Road to Skewb NR | On the FMC and Square-1 Grind!

What is going to be my main event?

  • 3x3

  • 2x2

  • Skewb

  • Clock

  • Square-1

  • 4x4

  • 3x3 BLD

  • Pyraminx

  • Multi-BLD

  • Ignore what is above, new question. What should I do?

  • Learn coll on 3x3

  • Practice big cubes/megaminx for look ahead

  • Learn better algs for F2L

  • Learn zbll (Idk why I put this here)

  • Drill algs

Results are only viewable after voting.
First sub 9 seconds ao5 in clock
Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-11
avg of 5: 8.83

Time List:
1. (10.04) UR2+ DR5- DL4- UL1- U1- R0+ D2+ L1- ALL5+ y2 U1- R2- D6+ L5+ ALL5+
2. 9.46 UR4- DR6+ DL3+ UL3- U5+ R5- D1- L5- ALL4- y2 U6+ R3+ D0+ L2+ ALL4-
3. 7.96 UR4- DR4- DL2- UL1+ U1- R4+ D3- L1+ ALL2+ y2 U0+ R6+ D5- L1+ ALL1-
4. (7.67) UR4+ DR1- DL5- UL6+ U0+ R4+ D3+ L2- ALL5- y2 U2+ R4+ D2+ L0+ ALL5-
5. 9.07 UR3+ DR0+ DL5- UL1- U4- R5- D3- L0+ ALL2- y2 U2- R3- D6+ L3- ALL2+
Nooooo, I did 5 cubes for Multi-BLD and got 4/5 cubes, the DNF was because I did "i" instead of "C"
Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-13
single: 36:06.87

Time List:
1. 36:06.87=26:50.37+9:16.50 1) F2 L2 D2 U2 R' F2 U2 R2 D2 F2 R' U' F' U' R2 F' L B2 U' Rw'
2) L2 U2 B' F2 R2 U2 F2 U L2 D B2 D' B2 D L B2 D' L B U' L Uw2
3) F2 B' R' D L' F' L2 B U' D2 B2 R2 D2 R B2 L2 F2 R D2 L' Rw
4) F' U D' B U B2 L U R F' L2 U2 L2 F' D2 R2 F L2 F' U2 Rw2 Uw2
5) R D B R F2 D2 L2 B2 U2 R' B2 F2 L D2 F' U' R D2 F2 U L Rw' Uw2
I also got a 7.77 seconds on Clock at the weekly comp
Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-15
avg of 12: 8.57

Time List:
1. 8.92 UR2- DR2+ DL4+ UL0+ U2+ R3+ D3+ L6+ ALL1- y2 U3+ R3- D3+ L1- ALL1-
2. 8.28 UR5- DR2+ DL5+ UL3- U1+ R4+ D5+ L1- ALL0+ y2 U0+ R6+ D4+ L3- ALL1-
3. (7.44) UR0+ DR3- DL0+ UL3- U3+ R4- D5+ L3+ ALL3+ y2 U2+ R1- D5- L2+ ALL4-
4. 8.31 UR1- DR2+ DL3+ UL6+ U1- R1+ D3- L2+ ALL5- y2 U4+ R2+ D2+ L5+ ALL3-
5. (DNF(10.17)) UR3+ DR2- DL0+ UL1- U1- R3- D3- L2+ ALL0+ y2 U0+ R3+ D6+ L3+ ALL2-
6. 8.19 UR1- DR1- DL3+ UL5- U1- R3- D4+ L5+ ALL6+ y2 U2- R3- D1- L1- ALL2+
7. 9.04 UR6+ DR2- DL6+ UL2+ U4- R0+ D3+ L1- ALL4+ y2 U2+ R0+ D5- L1+ ALL4-
8. 8.72 UR5+ DR1- DL2+ UL2+ U1- R1- D5- L1+ ALL4- y2 U0+ R3+ D3+ L3- ALL5-
9. 8.10 UR1+ DR4+ DL1+ UL1- U1- R2+ D3+ L5- ALL0+ y2 U1+ R4+ D3- L2- ALL3+
10. 8.21 UR1+ DR3- DL3- UL4+ U1- R1+ D6+ L5+ ALL2+ y2 U5+ R5- D1- L5- ALL4+
11. 8.29 UR6+ DR2- DL5+ UL1- U5+ R2+ D5+ L1- ALL2- y2 U0+ R4+ D1+ L5- ALL4+
12. 9.67 UR1+ DR4+ DL5+ UL2+ U1- R2+ D2+ L2- ALL2+ y2 U5+ R3+ D5- L2+ ALL5+
And a PB ao5, which include a 7 seconds solve
Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-15
avg of 5: 8.26

Time List:
1. 8.28 UR5- DR2+ DL5+ UL3- U1+ R4+ D5+ L1- ALL0+ y2 U0+ R6+ D4+ L3- ALL1-
2. (7.44) UR0+ DR3- DL0+ UL3- U3+ R4- D5+ L3+ ALL3+ y2 U2+ R1- D5- L2+ ALL4-
3. 8.31 UR1- DR2+ DL3+ UL6+ U1- R1+ D3- L2+ ALL5- y2 U4+ R2+ D2+ L5+ ALL3-
4. (DNF(10.17)) UR3+ DR2- DL0+ UL1- U1- R3- D3- L2+ ALL0+ y2 U0+ R3+ D6+ L3+ ALL2-
5. 8.19 UR1- DR1- DL3+ UL5- U1- R3- D4+ L5+ ALL6+ y2 U2- R3- D1- L1- ALL2+
Also here are my goals for Bucharest Blind Time May 2024, even though is over a month later, I just want to have some things to hunt down until then, I will also make one before the comp to see how my expetation changed
Clock: sub 8 seconds ao5 and a sub 6 seconds single
3BLD: I want a sub 1:20 single and I want a mean (maybe sub 1:45 minutes) and also I want to podium
And the main event, Multi-BLD: I WANT NR, the NR is of 11/11 in 58 minutes, and in just like 2 Weeks, I went from first try, to 5 cubes, so I think in a month and 2 Weeks I can get to that, I also just ordered a pack of 9 cubes for this, so I think I have enough cubes
I also want at this comp to get top 5 overall, cause in Romania, for top x cubers overall, get cubes, so I want a cube for free (I think I even have chances for top 3)
Also here are my goals for Bucharest Blind Time May 2024, even though is over a month later, I just want to have some things to hunt down until then, I will also make one before the comp to see how my expetation changed
Clock: sub 8 seconds ao5 and a sub 6 seconds single
3BLD: I want a sub 1:20 single and I want a mean (maybe sub 1:45 minutes) and also I want to podium
And the main event, Multi-BLD: I WANT NR, the NR is of 11/11 in 58 minutes, and in just like 2 Weeks, I went from first try, to 5 cubes, so I think in a month and 2 Weeks I can get to that, I also just ordered a pack of 9 cubes for this, so I think I have enough cubes
I also want at this comp to get top 5 overall, cause in Romania, for top x cubers overall, get cubes, so I want a cube for free (I think I even have chances for top 3)
Oh nice, here for podiuming you usually get gift cards to TheCubicle, not cubes.
For skewb I work on getting NR like for more than a year at this point, Square-1 I'm bad, and BLD I also saw it was easy, I mean the 3BLD single is from 2016, and Multi-BLD NR is from 2019
True, I’m surprised the NR still stands from 2016. A sub-1 single will place you pretty high up in the ranking. (If I rember correctly, I think top-5).
True, I’m surprised the NR still stands from 2016. A sub-1 single will place you pretty high up in the ranking. (If I rember correctly, I think top-5).
I know, for like every side event, I'm top 100, even though for some of them I didn't even practice, like megaminx I'm top 100, there aren't even 100 people who got an average for mega
I know, for like every side event, I'm top 100, even though for some of them I didn't even practice, like megaminx I'm top 100, there aren't even 100 people who got an average for mega
Yep, same with SQ-1 I believe. A couple months ago I got a 1:34 single on SQ-1 or something like that, which is horrendous, but it still placed me in place 97 or something like that. Crazy.