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CubeLite's Progression Thread | Road to Skewb NR | On the FMC and Square-1 Grind!

What is going to be my main event?

  • 3x3

  • 2x2

  • Skewb

  • Clock

  • Square-1

  • 4x4

  • 3x3 BLD

  • Pyraminx

  • Multi-BLD

  • Ignore what is above, new question. What should I do?

  • Learn coll on 3x3

  • Practice big cubes/megaminx for look ahead

  • Learn better algs for F2L

  • Learn zbll (Idk why I put this here)

  • Drill algs

Results are only viewable after voting.


Feb 5, 2024
Cubinginatree's Mailbox
Visit Channel
Hi, these are my PB's, PR's and goals for 3x3 and skewb.
For 3x3 I average 15-16 seconds with a 8.39 seconds PB single, ao5 12.79 seconds PB, ao12 13.67 seconds PB, ao100 15.51 PB. PR single 13.97 and PR ao5 16.38. My goals until next year is sub 6.5 seconds solve, sub 8 seconds ao5 PB, sub 9 seconds ao12 PB and sub 10 seconds ao100 PB. For comp sub 8 seconds PR single and sub 10 seconds ao5 PR.
For skewb I average 4-6 seconds and 1.10 PB single, ao5 3.35 seconds PB, ao12 4.37 seconds PB and ao100 5.11 seconds PB. For comp 3.59 single PR and 4.41 seconds ao5 PR. My goals are to get sub wr single at home, sub 2 seconds ao5 PB, sub 2.5 seconds ao12 PB and sub 3 seconds ao100 PB. For comp I want to get one NR.
I will try to post every time I get a PB or when I have a comp.
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So I have a comp this Saturday and it has 3, 2, 4, Pyraminx and Skewb.
-For 4x4 I'm really happy with my times and even got 3 sub 1 minute solves in CsTimer and a PB ao5 with 1:01.81, almost sub 1 minute.
-At 2x2 I've relearnt CLL and average around 4-5 seconds with a PB single of 1.59 seconds, PB ao5 of 3.29 and almost sub 4 seconds ao12 with 4.08.
-At Pyraminx I didn't got anything special, but I am pretty consistent sub 8 seconds.
-3x3 I got nothing, but I'm averaging around sub 16 seconds, but I want for the comp a sub 15 seconds average.
-And my main event, Skewb, I average around 4 seconds, in bad days is 5 seconds, but I started to get a lot of 3 seconds averages of 5 and 12. And also I did 10.000 skewb solves.
I really hope that I win skewb at the comp and maybe get podium at 2x2 and Pyraminx, but it's very hard.
So I've started to do 3BLD and I really like the event, I don't think is going to be my main event, but is one of my favourites, at the start I was averaging 6 minutes, but now I average around 4-3 minutes with M2/OP, with a PB single of 3:13.65 and a PB mean of 4:14.35.
So I've started to do 3BLD and I really like the event, I don't think is going to be my main event, but is one of my favourites, at the start I was averaging 6 minutes, but now I average around 4-3 minutes with M2/OP, with a PB single of 3:13.65 and a PB mean of 4:14.35.
Good progress with 3BLD.

Do try learning up 3-style yo!
I don't think that I can really learn 3-style now cause I have school and also I don't really care to learn it now, maybe in the summer or when I get around 1 minute I will try to learn corners first and then edges.
Okay makes sense.

Do start with 3-style corners when you are comfortable.

Also choose UF buffer for 3-style edges, UR and UB buffers are also fine.