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CubeLite's Progression Thread | Road to Skewb NR | Grinding Skewb, 3x3, 4x4 and squan | Squan PB ao5

What is going to be my main event?

  • 3x3

  • 2x2

  • Skewb

  • Clock

  • Square-1

  • 4x4

  • 3x3 BLD

  • Pyraminx

  • Multi-BLD

  • Ignore what is above, new question. What should I do?

  • Learn coll on 3x3

  • Practice big cubes/megaminx for look ahead

  • Learn better algs for F2L

  • Learn zbll (Idk why I put this here)

  • Drill algs

Results are only viewable after voting.


Feb 5, 2024
Romania, the Land With No Skewbers Except Me
Visit Channel
My thoughs on the comp:
So these are the goals that I achieved
✅Clock: -sub 6.5 seconds single
✅-sub 7.5 seconds AVG
❌-get top 5 in finals
❌3BLD: -sub 1:30 minutes single
❌-sub 2 minutes mean
❌Multi-BLD: -NR
❌-Win Multi-BLD
✅Get top 3 overall in comp
So as You can see, I literally completed the goals for the event that I cared the Little
Something annoying was that they took out one round of 3BLD, which made me to not get a mean, since I wanted in the seconds round to go safe, but saw that it was finals, and forgot the memo on the first solve which gived me a DNF mean, at least I got a single under 1:45 minutes
The most dissapointing event was Multi-BLD, because I went into the comp with the goal of getting the NR, and I didn't even got podium
On the last one, 5/8 cubes, I stayed like 15 minutes just thinking about the memo, on one of them, I forgot 2 letters, and the other one around 4 letters, so I had a really good chance of getting podium
And somehow the Best event and also the worst one, clock, I got in second round a 7.21 seconds average, which was really good, which placed me 3rd in the round, and in the first round I got a single of 6.09, again really, sad that it wasn't sub 6, but still happy. But the thing that makes clock also the worst is that in the finals I messed up a solve and got 16 seconds, then DNF'ed I think a 6 seconds solve, which made me get the lowest ranking in the round, of who didn't DNF'ed their average. But still the good single and average places me I think 7th in Romania, which is nice.
And also the other goal that I achieved was to get top 3 overall in the comp, and I got 3rd, which means that I got a free cube, is a 5x5, the sad thing is that I got the MGC 5x5 just some weeks ago, and this one isn't that good, but is nice to have more puzzle
Overall a decent comp, not the best, but not the worst
Now that is over, I can really just concentrate for getting the skewb NR, and also other events that I enjoy, like getting sub 10 seconds on 3x3, I'm averaging around 14 seconds, so is going to be hard but achievable
I don't have a planned comp, but the next possible comp is going to be in july


Feb 5, 2024
Romania, the Land With No Skewbers Except Me
Visit Channel
Just saw that I got a NR at the comp, guess which I got...
The Name Record for the fastest Alberto in Clock average, which record did you think that I was reffering🤔

And I'm also ranked 57th for Kinch in Romania, from I think 80 Something, or even 90 something


Feb 5, 2024
Romania, the Land With No Skewbers Except Me
Visit Channel
3x3 today was REALLY GOOD and REALLY BAD
So first got this really good solve which was on pace to sub 10 seconds but locked at pll and also +2😭
Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-30
single: 12.14

Time List:
1. 12.14+ U R D F2 U F2 D2 R2 D' B2 R2 U' F2 B L' D2 B D R U
Then got PB8 single, but yet again locked up on pll and failed ANOTHER sub 10
Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-30
single: 10.55

Time List:
1. 10.55 F2 L2 R2 U' L2 F2 L2 U F R2 U B D' L' D' U2 F2 L'
But at least with all of these sad things, I still got a PB ao5
Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-30
avg of 5: 12.75

Time List:
1. 11.17 D B2 L B U R2 D F L2 F2 L2 B2 U D F2 D' B2 U2 R D'
2. 14.57 D' B U2 L2 F D2 L2 B2 F D2 R2 U2 D B D2 R' U2 R' U L'
3. (16.73) D' L2 D' U' B2 R2 U' B2 D' B2 F2 L2 F' D2 F' L' B' U2 F' L2 D
4. (10.55) F2 L2 R2 U' L2 F2 L2 U F R2 U B D' L' D' U2 F2 L'
5. 12.52 R U' R2 D2 U B2 R2 B2 L2 U' R2 B2 R D R B' F U2 L' F'


Feb 5, 2024
Romania, the Land With No Skewbers Except Me
Visit Channel
So I kinda want a new second main, my main event to still be skewb, but also something else, and I think Square-1 would be interesting, I'm 100% sure that it will be my second main, but I like it, except the CS part
So in square-1 I got a PB ao5, and 2 solves that are less than 1 second away from PB
Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-31
avg of 5: 33.05

Time List:
1. 27.39[messed up the AUF out of PB] (4,0)/ (0,3)/ (3,-3)/ (-4,-1)/ (-3,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (4,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (3,0)/ (-2,-4)/ (4,0)/ (0,-4)/ (0,-1)
2. (49.21) (-3,-1)/ (0,-3)/ (3,0)/ (4,-5)/ (5,-1)/ (-3,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (-2,0)/ (0,-1)/ (4,0)/ (-5,0)/ (-4,0)/ (-2,-2)
3. 41.06 (-3,-4)/ (-5,1)/ (-4,-1)/ (-2,-5)/ (-3,-3)/ (2,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (4,0)/ (5,0)/ (-2,-5)/ (4,-2)/
4. (27.37) (-3,2)/ (1,-2)/ (-3,0)/ (2,-1)/ (-3,-3)/ (-2,0)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-2)/ (-1,0)/ (3,-2)/ (1,0)/ (3,-4)/ (-4,0)
5. 30.70[Messed up EO, but got CP skip] (-2,0)/ (2,2)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-3)/ (4,-5)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-1)/ (-3,-3)/ (-5,-2)/ (2,0)/ (2,-2)/ (-2,-2)
In 5x5 I got almost PB single, a PB ao5, sub 3 min, and PB ao12
Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-31
avg of 5: 2:54.81

Time List:
1. 2:54.34 L2 Rw F2 Lw L D' Dw U2 F Dw2 Lw2 R L2 Rw' U Lw2 Uw Rw' R2 Bw' Uw' Rw' D' Lw' U R2 Fw' R2 L Bw2 U2 Dw B' Uw2 Fw' U' R' L2 D' Uw R2 Bw U B L' Bw2 Rw2 F2 Fw R D Bw' Dw' U2 Fw R2 D F' B' Fw'
2. (2:38.71) U' Rw Bw' Lw2 Fw2 D' F R' U Rw R' Bw' B D Rw' B' F2 Fw Dw' B2 U2 Lw2 U2 Fw Lw Dw2 F2 Rw2 L Lw2 Bw2 F D Lw L2 Uw' R2 B D' L R Fw' R2 D' U' F B2 U' Dw B2 Lw' Rw R U D R F2 Uw2 Dw' Lw'
3. (3:26.95) U2 F2 L2 Fw' D Rw2 Uw Dw' B2 D2 B2 Lw2 D Dw2 Fw2 Uw' B2 R2 Uw2 D Bw' F Lw2 Bw' B2 U2 Bw2 Fw' U Uw Dw' L Bw' R D' F' B2 R2 Uw' U' Fw Dw2 R L2 Fw Bw' Rw2 Bw2 Fw2 Uw Rw2 B' Rw2 R' F Dw' Fw U' Uw Bw2
4. 3:10.64 R2 U2 Dw' Rw D2 L Fw' D Rw2 Lw B2 Uw' D2 U2 L Bw' L2 D' L' F B2 Uw' Dw' D' L Rw' Lw' D U Fw' U R' D' R Lw Bw' F2 Rw' D2 Fw' Dw2 Rw B2 Dw F' U Dw Fw2 Bw R2 F2 Rw B' Lw' Dw2 R' Rw Uw2 B Fw2
5. 2:39.44 Rw L' R U2 D Uw2 Fw2 Uw' Dw2 Rw' Bw2 Rw Dw Lw D2 F2 Dw' Bw R D' Lw2 Fw' Bw2 F2 Lw' Uw2 D B F D2 R' D R' Uw B Lw2 Bw' Rw2 Dw2 D' Uw2 B2 Fw2 Dw U2 Uw F' R2 Lw2 F2 Lw Uw' R2 Uw D' Lw2 F' R' L2 F2
Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-31
avg of 12: 3:13.17

Time List:
1. 3:13.47 Bw2 D2 Uw2 B' F' Dw Rw F' L R2 Uw2 Fw' Bw2 Dw L Fw' B2 L' Fw U2 R U' F R L Dw D2 Rw' F2 Rw2 B2 Lw F2 D Dw' Rw Fw' Rw2 Lw' Uw2 Fw F2 D L' Dw2 F' B R2 D2 Bw D2 L B U' Bw Lw Fw' B2 R B2
2. 3:30.86 F U Uw' Lw2 Fw2 Rw Lw' Dw2 Uw' U' Bw2 Rw' L' D' R' L' Fw' Lw' F2 D2 Fw2 Rw2 R2 Fw' Bw L' R Fw' Uw' Fw L D' B' Dw2 Uw2 U D' Rw' R' Uw D F Fw' U' R Dw Uw2 L2 Uw U' Dw2 F' Fw U2 Dw R2 Fw L2 B2 Uw2
3. (4:04.12) Bw2 Uw' D L Bw2 U2 Uw' Rw2 D2 L' F Dw' U Bw2 Fw' D' Fw2 Bw' L' Dw2 Bw R B Rw Bw2 D Fw' U' R B' Rw' F2 Rw' R F U' B2 U2 R B D' Lw' Bw2 Rw Uw2 Bw2 B' L' Lw' R Rw' F L' Bw L Dw Fw' F' Bw' U'
4. 3:31.60 R' Bw F Uw' R B' U' L Bw2 R2 U2 Lw Fw Dw' Fw Dw2 Lw L2 Rw' Dw2 Bw2 Lw' Bw R L U L2 Dw' U' Rw' F U Uw2 R F' D2 Dw2 L2 Uw2 Fw' L' R2 Rw2 Bw Dw' Uw2 B Bw2 D2 Rw B' Uw' Bw Dw' Rw' R' F2 Lw2 Dw2 R'
5. 3:42.41+ Rw Uw R' Dw D' Bw' Dw Bw D2 Uw2 Rw Bw' U Dw2 B Uw B2 L F Lw Fw' R' D R B Rw Dw F2 Uw2 D2 B2 U2 L' Uw Fw Rw2 L' Bw' D' Lw2 B F R Rw2 U2 L D B Fw F Dw' R Uw F' U' Uw L2 Fw L' Dw2
6. 3:03.28+ B2 Dw' R2 Lw2 Uw B2 Lw2 F' D' Rw F' D2 Fw F Dw Uw2 U Bw' R U2 Lw2 U2 B' Fw2 D' Lw2 Dw2 F2 Fw' D B2 L2 Uw2 Lw' Rw R2 D' R D2 R F R2 Dw' B' Rw2 R2 F2 B2 Lw' Dw L Rw Bw2 Lw2 B' R Lw2 F' Uw Bw'
7. 2:54.34 L2 Rw F2 Lw L D' Dw U2 F Dw2 Lw2 R L2 Rw' U Lw2 Uw Rw' R2 Bw' Uw' Rw' D' Lw' U R2 Fw' R2 L Bw2 U2 Dw B' Uw2 Fw' U' R' L2 D' Uw R2 Bw U B L' Bw2 Rw2 F2 Fw R D Bw' Dw' U2 Fw R2 D F' B' Fw'
8. (2:38.71) U' Rw Bw' Lw2 Fw2 D' F R' U Rw R' Bw' B D Rw' B' F2 Fw Dw' B2 U2 Lw2 U2 Fw Lw Dw2 F2 Rw2 L Lw2 Bw2 F D Lw L2 Uw' R2 B D' L R Fw' R2 D' U' F B2 U' Dw B2 Lw' Rw R U D R F2 Uw2 Dw' Lw'
9. 3:26.95 U2 F2 L2 Fw' D Rw2 Uw Dw' B2 D2 B2 Lw2 D Dw2 Fw2 Uw' B2 R2 Uw2 D Bw' F Lw2 Bw' B2 U2 Bw2 Fw' U Uw Dw' L Bw' R D' F' B2 R2 Uw' U' Fw Dw2 R L2 Fw Bw' Rw2 Bw2 Fw2 Uw Rw2 B' Rw2 R' F Dw' Fw U' Uw Bw2
10. 3:10.64 R2 U2 Dw' Rw D2 L Fw' D Rw2 Lw B2 Uw' D2 U2 L Bw' L2 D' L' F B2 Uw' Dw' D' L Rw' Lw' D U Fw' U R' D' R Lw Bw' F2 Rw' D2 Fw' Dw2 Rw B2 Dw F' U Dw Fw2 Bw R2 F2 Rw B' Lw' Dw2 R' Rw Uw2 B Fw2
11. 2:39.44 Rw L' R U2 D Uw2 Fw2 Uw' Dw2 Rw' Bw2 Rw Dw Lw D2 F2 Dw' Bw R D' Lw2 Fw' Bw2 F2 Lw' Uw2 D B F D2 R' D R' Uw B Lw2 Bw' Rw2 Dw2 D' Uw2 B2 Fw2 Dw U2 Uw F' R2 Lw2 F2 Lw Uw' R2 Uw D' Lw2 F' R' L2 F2
12. 2:58.68 F' D' Lw2 B' Dw Lw2 B R' F' D U' Uw' Fw' B2 Dw L' Uw2 R F2 Bw D2 F' Fw2 L' Fw' Dw2 R' U F' B2 R Rw' F2 Rw2 R' Dw B Dw' Rw L Dw' L' Rw2 D Fw2 L2 R Bw2 B' Uw Bw' B' Uw F' B D2 Rw U2 D2 F
In 4x4 I got almost PB single, but PB in CStimer, since my PB is in a weekly comp
Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-31
single: 54.00

Time List:
1. 54.00 F2 U' R' L' U2 D' B D L2 U2 R2 F D2 L2 F' U2 B' R2 U2 D Rw2 U' R' Uw2 Rw2 U' R Fw2 U2 R D B' Fw' R2 F' D' Rw F' Fw2 Uw Rw D' L D2
Also got this PB9 for 3x3
Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-31
single: 10.69

Time List:
1. 10.69 R B F U2 B' D2 R2 B2 D2 F U2 L2 U F2 L2 B R B2 L' F'
And finally I tried to do a FMC attempt, which I think is my second ever attempt, and I didn't learnt anything for FMC, but still managed to get a 43 moves solution, with 3 free pairs and an A perm, also I need to learn rotations, I know them in skewb, but I wasn't sure how to transfer to 3x3, so I just did everything from green front and white up
I didn't do anything with invers scramble, since I didn't know how it works
Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-31
single: 0.43

Time List:
1. 0.43[43 moves] R2 D2 R U2 R2 U L2 B2 U' F2 L2 B2 R2 B U L R D2 B' L2


Feb 5, 2024
Romania, the Land With No Skewbers Except Me
Visit Channel
So in the morning I learnt full EO and CP for Square-1, EO I already know but forgot which alg to which case.
And I got a PB single, mo3 (sub 30), ao5 and ao12 (sub 40)
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-01
single: 25.11

Time List:
1. 25.11 (0,5)/ (4,-5)/ (-4,2)/ (1,-2)/ (5,-1)/ (4,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (5,-2)/ (2,0)/ (-4,0)/ (-4,-1)/ (-3,0)
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-01
mean of 3: 29.62

Time List:
1. 25.11 (0,5)/ (4,-5)/ (-4,2)/ (1,-2)/ (5,-1)/ (4,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (5,-2)/ (2,0)/ (-4,0)/ (-4,-1)/ (-3,0)
2. 30.35 (1,0)/ (2,2)/ (-3,3)/ (-2,-5)/ (5,-4)/ (6,-5)/ (-3,-3)/ (0,-5)/ (4,0)/ (6,-2)/ (3,0)
3. 33.39 (1,0)/ (-4,2)/ (-5,-5)/ (0,-3)/ (5,-1)/ (-3,0)/ (0,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (-3,0)/ (-5,0)/ (-2,0)/ (-4,-3)/ (2,-4)/
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-01
avg of 5: 31.29

Time List:
1. (1:18.50) (-5,0)/ (0,-3)/ (-4,2)/ (-3,0)/ (-5,-2)/ (3,0)/ (5,0)/ (-3,0)/ (-2,0)/ (6,-1)/ (1,-2)/ (2,-4)
2. (25.11) (0,5)/ (4,-5)/ (-4,2)/ (1,-2)/ (5,-1)/ (4,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (5,-2)/ (2,0)/ (-4,0)/ (-4,-1)/ (-3,0)
3. 30.35 (1,0)/ (2,2)/ (-3,3)/ (-2,-5)/ (5,-4)/ (6,-5)/ (-3,-3)/ (0,-5)/ (4,0)/ (6,-2)/ (3,0)
4. 33.39 (1,0)/ (-4,2)/ (-5,-5)/ (0,-3)/ (5,-1)/ (-3,0)/ (0,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (-3,0)/ (-5,0)/ (-2,0)/ (-4,-3)/ (2,-4)/
5. 30.13 (0,2)/ (4,-5)/ (3,0)/ (-3,0)/ (-4,-1)/ (0,-3)/ (-5,-3)/ (3,0)/ (-3,0)/ (-3,0)/ (0,-2)/ (0,-1)/ (2,-2)/
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-01
avg of 12: 39.16

Time List:
1. 43.46 (0,-4)/ (-5,4)/ (5,5)/ (0,-3)/ (-3,0)/ (3,0)/ (0,-2)/ (-3,-3)/ (-2,0)/ (6,-1)/ (-1,0)/
2. 27.39[messed up the AUF out of PB] (4,0)/ (0,3)/ (3,-3)/ (-4,-1)/ (-3,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (4,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (3,0)/ (-2,-4)/ (4,0)/ (0,-4)/ (0,-1)
3. 49.21 (-3,-1)/ (0,-3)/ (3,0)/ (4,-5)/ (5,-1)/ (-3,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (-2,0)/ (0,-1)/ (4,0)/ (-5,0)/ (-4,0)/ (-2,-2)
4. 41.06 (-3,-4)/ (-5,1)/ (-4,-1)/ (-2,-5)/ (-3,-3)/ (2,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (4,0)/ (5,0)/ (-2,-5)/ (4,-2)/
5. 27.37 (-3,2)/ (1,-2)/ (-3,0)/ (2,-1)/ (-3,-3)/ (-2,0)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-2)/ (-1,0)/ (3,-2)/ (1,0)/ (3,-4)/ (-4,0)
6. 30.70[Messed up EO, but got CP skip] (-2,0)/ (2,2)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-3)/ (4,-5)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-1)/ (-3,-3)/ (-5,-2)/ (2,0)/ (2,-2)/ (-2,-2)
7. (1:53.53) (0,-1)/ (-2,4)/ (-3,0)/ (3,-3)/ (-3,0)/ (-1,-1)/ (4,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (5,0)/ (0,-4)/ (6,-4)/ (-4,-5)/ (0,-3)
8. 1:18.50 (-5,0)/ (0,-3)/ (-4,2)/ (-3,0)/ (-5,-2)/ (3,0)/ (5,0)/ (-3,0)/ (-2,0)/ (6,-1)/ (1,-2)/ (2,-4)
9. (25.11) (0,5)/ (4,-5)/ (-4,2)/ (1,-2)/ (5,-1)/ (4,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (5,-2)/ (2,0)/ (-4,0)/ (-4,-1)/ (-3,0)
10. 30.35 (1,0)/ (2,2)/ (-3,3)/ (-2,-5)/ (5,-4)/ (6,-5)/ (-3,-3)/ (0,-5)/ (4,0)/ (6,-2)/ (3,0)
11. 33.39 (1,0)/ (-4,2)/ (-5,-5)/ (0,-3)/ (5,-1)/ (-3,0)/ (0,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (-3,0)/ (-5,0)/ (-2,0)/ (-4,-3)/ (2,-4)/
12. 30.13 (0,2)/ (4,-5)/ (3,0)/ (-3,0)/ (-4,-1)/ (0,-3)/ (-5,-3)/ (3,0)/ (-3,0)/ (-3,0)/ (0,-2)/ (0,-1)/ (2,-2)/


Feb 5, 2024
Romania, the Land With No Skewbers Except Me
Visit Channel
So PB single, mo3, ao5 and ao12 in squan
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-02
single: 21.08

Time List:
1. 21.08 (0,-4)/ (1,-2)/ (2,5)/ (1,-2)/ (6,-3)/ (3,-1)/ (0,-3)/ (-1,0)/ (0,-2)/ (0,-2)/ (0,-4)/ (4,0)/
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-02
mean of 3: 25.70

Time List:
1. 30.82 (-2,0)/ (-3,0)/ (5,5)/ (-2,-5)/ (0,-3)/ (2,0)/ (-3,0)/ (0,-1)/ (2,0)/ (4,-2)/ (0,-4)/ (1,-4)/
2. 21.08 (0,-4)/ (1,-2)/ (2,5)/ (1,-2)/ (6,-3)/ (3,-1)/ (0,-3)/ (-1,0)/ (0,-2)/ (0,-2)/ (0,-4)/ (4,0)/
3. 25.19 (1,0)/ (6,0)/ (5,-4)/ (-5,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-3)/ (5,0)/ (3,0)/ (1,-3)/ (6,-1)/ (0,-4)/ (0,-2)/
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-02
avg of 5: 26.83

Time List:
1. (21.08) (0,-4)/ (1,-2)/ (2,5)/ (1,-2)/ (6,-3)/ (3,-1)/ (0,-3)/ (-1,0)/ (0,-2)/ (0,-2)/ (0,-4)/ (4,0)/
2. 25.19 (1,0)/ (6,0)/ (5,-4)/ (-5,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-3)/ (5,0)/ (3,0)/ (1,-3)/ (6,-1)/ (0,-4)/ (0,-2)/
3. (40.36) (0,-4)/ (6,3)/ (4,1)/ (0,-3)/ (3,0)/ (-1,-4)/ (1,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (-3,-4)/ (2,0)/ (0,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (5,0)
4. 25.78 (-5,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (-4,-1)/ (1,-5)/ (3,0)/ (-3,-1)/ (0,-3)/ (5,0)/ (6,0)/ (-2,0)/ (-4,-4)/ (-2,0)/ (-2,-3)
5. 29.51 (-2,3)/ (0,3)/ (-4,2)/ (1,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (2,0)/ (3,0)/ (-3,-4)/ (-2,0)/ (-3,-4)/ (0,-1)/ (0,-2)/ (-5,0)
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-02
avg of 12: 34.07

Time List:
1. 39.16 (-2,3)/ (-3,0)/ (3,0)/ (3,0)/ (-1,-4)/ (0,-3)/ (-3,-5)/ (0,-3)/ (-2,0)/ (-4,0)/ (0,-5)/ (4,0)/ (-4,-1)/ (-4,0)
2. 30.82 (-2,0)/ (-3,0)/ (5,5)/ (-2,-5)/ (0,-3)/ (2,0)/ (-3,0)/ (0,-1)/ (2,0)/ (4,-2)/ (0,-4)/ (1,-4)/
3. (21.08) (0,-4)/ (1,-2)/ (2,5)/ (1,-2)/ (6,-3)/ (3,-1)/ (0,-3)/ (-1,0)/ (0,-2)/ (0,-2)/ (0,-4)/ (4,0)/
4. 25.19 (1,0)/ (6,0)/ (5,-4)/ (-5,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-3)/ (5,0)/ (3,0)/ (1,-3)/ (6,-1)/ (0,-4)/ (0,-2)/
5. 40.36 (0,-4)/ (6,3)/ (4,1)/ (0,-3)/ (3,0)/ (-1,-4)/ (1,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (-3,-4)/ (2,0)/ (0,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (5,0)
6. 25.78 (-5,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (-4,-1)/ (1,-5)/ (3,0)/ (-3,-1)/ (0,-3)/ (5,0)/ (6,0)/ (-2,0)/ (-4,-4)/ (-2,0)/ (-2,-3)
7. 29.51 (-2,3)/ (0,3)/ (-4,2)/ (1,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (2,0)/ (3,0)/ (-3,-4)/ (-2,0)/ (-3,-4)/ (0,-1)/ (0,-2)/ (-5,0)
8. (1:07.69) (-5,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (-1,-4)/ (3,0)/ (3,0)/ (-2,-2)/ (0,-1)/ (-3,-3)/ (0,-2)/ (5,0)/ (1,0)/ (0,-1)/
9. 27.99 (4,0)/ (-4,-1)/ (-5,4)/ (-3,0)/ (5,-1)/ (3,0)/ (0,-2)/ (-3,-3)/ (6,-3)/ (2,-4)/ (0,-2)/ (2,0)
10. 40.45 (4,3)/ (6,3)/ (0,-3)/ (-1,-4)/ (-3,0)/ (3,0)/ (-2,0)/ (-3,0)/ (-3,-2)/ (4,-4)/ (0,-5)/ (6,0)/ (-3,-2)
11. 31.95 (-2,0)/ (0,6)/ (-3,0)/ (2,-4)/ (3,-3)/ (3,0)/ (1,0)/ (3,0)/ (2,-5)/ (-4,0)/ (-3,0)/ (4,0)/ (-2,-4)
12. 49.49 (4,0)/ (-1,5)/ (3,0)/ (-3,0)/ (-2,-2)/ (-3,0)/ (6,-1)/ (3,0)/ (3,0)/ (-5,0)/ (5,0)/ (4,0)/ (0,-3)

I also got this 10 seconds solve in 3x3 which is tied PB12
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-02
single: 10.93

Time List:
1. 10.93 L' U2 R U' L' B' U' L2 D' L F2 B2 R2 D2 R2 D2 F' R2 F L2 B2


Feb 5, 2024
Romania, the Land With No Skewbers Except Me
Visit Channel
Got PB2 Square-1 single
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-03
single: 23.67

Time List:
1. 23.67 (-5,0)/ (3,0)/ (-1,5)/ (3,-3)/ (4,-5)/ (3,-1)/ (3,0)/ (-4,0)/ (3,-5)/ (3,0)/ (6,0)

And 3x3 was so good, I got 2 PLL skips, one SUB 10 SECONDS SOLVE, and a DNF by 3 moves, which actually If I didn't DNF'ed I would had a PB ao5, with 12.69 seconds
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-04
single: 10.80

Time List:
1. 10.80[PLL skip] L' D2 L' U2 B2 D2 F2 R2 B2 L B2 D' U' L' B2 D' U' F' L' D' U

Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-04
single: 11.74

Time List:
1. 11.74[PLL skip] F' U R' D2 R2 D R B' F2 D' B2 D' F2 R2 F2 B2 U2 B2 R2 U F
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-04
single: 9.45

Time List:
1. 9.45 U' F' D' B' L U D2 R' F U2 L2 U2 L2 D2 B' U2 L2 B' U2 F'
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-04
avg of 5: 15.62

Time List:
1. (DNF(10.06)[DNF by 3 moves]) D F2 U R2 D L2 F2 R2 U' L2 R2 U2 B L' U' F' L' B' U L
2. 15.50 U2 B D' R B' R D2 B U F2 R' U2 D2 B2 L' F2 R' B2 L B2 U2
3. 12.50 D' B' D' F' D' F' B L' D' R' B2 R F2 R2 F2 U2 D2 L U2 L2
4. 18.85 L2 D L B' R' F D2 R' U F2 D2 L2 B2 L2 B R2 F D2 B' D2 L2
5. (9.45) U' F' D' B' L U D2 R' F U2 L2 U2 L2 D2 B' U2 L2 B' U2 F'


Feb 5, 2024
Romania, the Land With No Skewbers Except Me
Visit Channel
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-04
single: 19.96

Time List:
1. 19.96+ (0,2)/ (4,1)/ (2,5)/ (1,-2)/ (-1,-4)/ (-5,-3)/ (-3,0)/ (-3,-2)/ (6,-3)/ (0,-3)

Also PB ao12 still in squan
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-04
avg of 12: 31.17

Time List:
1. 38.90 (0,2)/ (-3,0)/ (3,0)/ (4,-5)/ (3,0)/ (3,0)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-1)/ (-3,0)/ (-1,0)/ (-2,0)/ (3,-2)/ (6,-1)/ (-2,0)
2. 23.67 (-5,0)/ (3,0)/ (-1,5)/ (3,-3)/ (4,-5)/ (3,-1)/ (3,0)/ (-4,0)/ (3,-5)/ (3,0)/ (6,0)
3. 31.21 (1,0)/ (5,-4)/ (4,1)/ (-3,0)/ (3,0)/ (3,-3)/ (5,0)/ (-3,0)/ (4,-1)/ (-4,0)/ (4,0)/ (-2,0)/ (-2,0)/ (3,0)
4. (41.85) (1,3)/ (-3,3)/ (-4,-1)/ (-5,-2)/ (5,-1)/ (0,-5)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-3)/ (6,-2)/ (0,-2)/ (0,-4)/ (-4,-4)
5. 36.76 (-2,0)/ (2,-4)/ (3,0)/ (4,-5)/ (2,-1)/ (3,0)/ (0,-2)/ (-3,0)/ (4,-1)/ (2,-2)/ (4,0)/ (0,-1)/ (0,-4)/
6. 32.88 (4,0)/ (3,0)/ (-1,-1)/ (3,0)/ (0,-3)/ (-2,0)/ (3,0)/ (3,0)/ (-5,-3)/ (6,-2)/ (6,-4)/ (4,0)/
7. 27.29 (1,0)/ (2,-1)/ (-2,1)/ (5,-4)/ (1,-2)/ (6,-1)/ (-3,-3)/ (-5,0)/ (0,-4)/ (0,-2)/ (-1,0)/
8. 31.38 (1,0)/ (-3,6)/ (-4,-1)/ (4,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (3,0)/ (-1,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (0,-5)/ (-2,0)/ (2,0)/ (4,-1)/
9. 31.03 (0,-4)/ (3,3)/ (-5,4)/ (-1,-1)/ (4,-2)/ (2,0)/ (-3,0)/ (0,-1)/ (4,0)/ (0,-2)/ (-2,0)/ (0,-4)/ (-2,0)
10. 34.27 (-2,0)/ (3,0)/ (3,0)/ (-1,-4)/ (3,0)/ (6,0)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (4,-1)/ (4,0)/ (0,-4)/ (2,0)/ (6,-1)
11. 24.27 (0,5)/ (3,3)/ (0,-3)/ (-5,-5)/ (-1,-4)/ (-3,0)/ (0,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (3,0)/ (5,-5)/ (4,0)/ (-4,-3)/ (-2,0)/
12. (19.96+) (0,2)/ (4,1)/ (2,5)/ (1,-2)/ (-1,-4)/ (-5,-3)/ (-3,0)/ (-3,-2)/ (6,-3)/ (0,-3)


Feb 5, 2024
Romania, the Land With No Skewbers Except Me
Visit Channel
Many good times in many events
So PB single in square-1, avenged myself from yesterday +2 a 17, and PB ao12 and PB mo3, I also dropped my ao50 to sub 35 and ao100 to almost sub 40
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-05
single: 17.60

Time List:
1. 17.60 (1,0)/ (0,3)/ (2,5)/ (-3,0)/ (6,-3)/ (-3,-3)/ (0,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (-3,0)/ (5,-3)/ (-4,-5)/ (-1,0)/ (0,-5)
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-05
mean of 3: 22.51

Time List:
1. 23.27 (0,5)/ (0,6)/ (-3,0)/ (1,-2)/ (2,-1)/ (1,-5)/ (5,0)/ (0,-3)/ (-3,0)/ (0,-5)/ (4,0)/ (0,-4)
2. 26.66 (0,2)/ (3,0)/ (4,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (2,-1)/ (6,0)/ (-2,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (-3,0)/ (-2,-4)/ (0,-4)/ (-2,0)/ (6,0)
3. 17.60 (1,0)/ (0,3)/ (2,5)/ (-3,0)/ (6,-3)/ (-3,-3)/ (0,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (-3,0)/ (5,-3)/ (-4,-5)/ (-1,0)/ (0,-5)
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-05
avg of 12: 30.39

Time List:
1. (46.21) (0,2)/ (-2,-5)/ (6,3)/ (2,-1)/ (-2,-5)/ (2,0)/ (6,-3)/ (2,0)/ (-5,0)/ (-4,0)/ (0,-1)/ (-4,0)/ (-3,0)
2. 28.10 (0,5)/ (4,-2)/ (6,-3)/ (0,-3)/ (5,-1)/ (-3,0)/ (4,0)/ (3,0)/ (3,0)/ (0,-3)/ (-1,0)/ (6,-4)/ (5,-2)/
3. 31.96 (-3,-4)/ (6,0)/ (-5,1)/ (0,-3)/ (5,-4)/ (-5,0)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-3)/ (-3,0)/ (-1,0)/ (-4,0)
4. 31.05 (4,-3)/ (5,-4)/ (6,0)/ (-3,0)/ (-5,-2)/ (-3,0)/ (-4,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (6,-1)/ (2,-2)/ (2,-2)/ (4,0)
5. 35.82 (4,0)/ (3,0)/ (-1,-4)/ (-3,-3)/ (3,0)/ (4,-2)/ (-1,0)/ (0,-3)/ (-2,0)/ (-4,0)/ (4,-5)/ (-4,0)/ (0,-4)/ (6,0)
6. 25.05 (4,0)/ (2,5)/ (3,-3)/ (1,-2)/ (-3,-3)/ (0,-4)/ (3,0)/ (2,0)/ (1,-2)/ (-1,0)/ (-2,0)/ (4,0)
7. 31.91 (-3,-4)/ (4,-2)/ (3,0)/ (-4,-4)/ (1,-5)/ (5,0)/ (3,0)/ (-5,-3)/ (-4,0)/ (4,0)/ (4,-5)/ (6,-4)
8. 33.76 (0,-1)/ (1,4)/ (6,3)/ (-4,-1)/ (-2,-5)/ (2,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (4,-1)/ (0,-4)/ (-2,0)/ (2,-4)
9. 36.27 (-5,0)/ (3,0)/ (-4,-4)/ (-3,0)/ (0,-3)/ (3,0)/ (6,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (-2,-3)/ (2,0)/ (-3,0)/ (2,0)/ (5,0)/ (4,0)/
10. 23.27 (0,5)/ (0,6)/ (-3,0)/ (1,-2)/ (2,-1)/ (1,-5)/ (5,0)/ (0,-3)/ (-3,0)/ (0,-5)/ (4,0)/ (0,-4)
11. 26.66 (0,2)/ (3,0)/ (4,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (2,-1)/ (6,0)/ (-2,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (-3,0)/ (-2,-4)/ (0,-4)/ (-2,0)/ (6,0)
12. (17.60) (1,0)/ (0,3)/ (2,5)/ (-3,0)/ (6,-3)/ (-3,-3)/ (0,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (-3,0)/ (5,-3)/ (-4,-5)/ (-1,0)/ (0,-5)
In Pyraminx, first from what I remember I lockup from PB single, but at least is PB2, then +2 from PB2 single, and also lockup from a PB, but at least got a PB ao12, and got down my ao100 to sub 8
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-05
single: 3.40

Time List:
1. 3.40 R L R' L R U L' U' R' r u
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-05
single: 5.02

Time List:
1. 5.02+ B R U L U' L' R' B' b u
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-05
avg of 12: 6.90

Time List:
1. (5.02+) B R U L U' L' R' B' b u
2. 7.10 U' B' R U' R' L R' U' l' u'
3. 8.04 L U' R L B' R B U r b'
4. 5.83 R L U' R' U' L B' L
5. (13.43) R U R B' R' U L B l' r' b
6. 6.72 U' B' R' U' R' L R' B' L l r' b u'
7. 8.91 B U' B' R' U L' B' R l b
8. 6.76 L' R B R L' U R L' r' b' u
9. 7.57+ L R' B L B' U L B' r b u
10. 5.25 L R U R' U' L U' B' l' b u'
11. 5.96 B R' B' U' B U B' U l b u
12. 6.88 B U R L B' R' L' R b'
Also in 2x2 I relearnt full CLL in one sitting, since I think is 3rd tine relearning this alg set, I really need to practice this event


Feb 5, 2024
Romania, the Land With No Skewbers Except Me
Visit Channel
How, this scramble has 3 free pairs, but unfortunally I sledges the last one, which given me a dot case
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-08
single: 12.33

Time List:
1. 12.33[3 free pairs] U2 D2 B' L F B R B2 D F2 L2 D2 R2 F2 U2 F D2 R2 F'
And also this PB10 solve on 3x3
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-08
single: 10.56

Time List:
1. 10.56 F' L2 D2 R2 D2 U2 B F2 D2 B' R2 F' R' D B' F' R2 D F2 R U2

And so sad for 2x2, first got a 8 mover and +2ed, and because of it, I +2 a PB2 ao5, would have been 3.34 seconds ao5
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-08
single: 4.17

Time List:
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-08
avg of 5: 3.82

Time List:
2. 3.34 R' F U' F R2 F2 R' U2 R2
3. (5.08) U F R2 F' R' U R' U R
4. (2.74) U' R F U' R2 U2 R' F R2 U'
5. 3.94 R2 U2 R' U R2 U' R U' F2 R2


Feb 5, 2024
Romania, the Land With No Skewbers Except Me
Visit Channel
OMG, so GOOOODDDD for 2x2 and pyraminx
So 2x2 I got PB in every way possible except single and ao100, and also so many 1 and 2 seconds solves
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-09
mean of 3: 2.92

Time List:
1. 3.18 U2 F U2 R' F2 R F U' F
2. 2.72 R' F' R U R' F2 U R2 U2
3. 2.87 R U F R' F R' F U2 F' U'
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-09
avg of 5: 3.28

Time List:
1. (3.81) R2 F2 R F' R' U' R U R'
2. 3.18 U2 F U2 R' F2 R F U' F
3. (2.72) R' F' R U R' F2 U R2 U2
4. 2.87 R U F R' F R' F U2 F' U'
5. 3.80 U' F U' R2 U' R2 U R' F
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-09
avg of 12: 3.88

Time List:
1. 4.79 U R2 F R' U' R' F2 R' F'
2. 3.54 F' R F' U R U' F U2 R
3. 3.61 U F2 U F' U' R' F U2 F
4. 4.77 R2 F' R F' U2 F U R2 U'
5. (1.63) R' F2 U' R U F2 R2 U R'
6. (5.35) R2 U' F' R U' F' R2 F' U
7. 2.97 F' R F2 U' R' F' U2 R' U'
8. 2.44 R F' U' R U F' U' R' F'
9. 5.35 F R2 F' R U' R U' R' F'
10. 4.31 R2 U F' U R F' R U F2
11. 3.51 U2 R F R2 U' F' U2 R F2
12. 3.52 R2 F' R2 F2 U2 R' U' R2 U'
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-09
avg of 50: 4.76

Time List:
1. 4.17 U' F U2 R' U2 R F2 U' F'
2. 7.94 U2 R2 F2 R' U2 R' U R' F
3. (2.23) R U2 F' R F U2 F2 R F2
4. 5.39 F' U2 F' R2 F R' F2 U' R'
5. 6.43 R2 F' U' F U2 R' U' F' U R2
6. 6.06 F' R2 F U R2 F' U R2 U'
7. 5.50+ F2 U R' F' U2 F U R2 U'
8. (8.61+) U2 F' R2 F' U F R U2 F'
9. 4.67 R' F2 U2 R2 F' R F U F'
10. 2.91[7 mover] R' F' R' F2 R2 U F2 R' U'
11. 5.53 R2 U' R F R F' U2 R U'
12. 5.21 F2 R F' R' F R' U2 F U'
13. 4.43 U' R' U R' F R2 F U2 R2
14. 4.79 U R2 F R' U' R' F2 R' F'
15. 3.54 F' R F' U R U' F U2 R
16. 3.61 U F2 U F' U' R' F U2 F
17. 4.77 R2 F' R F' U2 F U R2 U'
18. (1.63) R' F2 U' R U F2 R2 U R'
19. 5.35 R2 U' F' R U' F' R2 F' U
20. 2.97 F' R F2 U' R' F' U2 R' U'
21. (2.44) R F' U' R U F' U' R' F'
22. 5.35 F R2 F' R U' R U' R' F'
23. 4.31 R2 U F' U R F' R U F2
24. 3.51 U2 R F R2 U' F' U2 R F2
25. 3.52 R2 F' R2 F2 U2 R' U' R2 U'
26. 6.71 R2 U F' R2 U' R F' R F R'
27. 8.12 R' U2 F R2 F R' F2 R' F2
28. 4.43 F' U F' R U2 R F U2 R
29. 5.26 U R2 U2 R' F2 U R F2 R'
30. 5.88 F' U R2 F' U2 F U F' R'
31. 4.43 F' R2 U2 R' F2 U F' U R
32. 5.17 U2 R' U F' R U R' F2 U2 R2
33. 6.21+ U2 F2 U' R U' F2 U R' U'
34. (12.99) F U2 R2 U R2 U' F U R
35. 3.81 R2 F2 R F' R' U' R U R'
36. 3.18 U2 F U2 R' F2 R F U' F
37. 2.72 R' F' R U R' F2 U R2 U2
38. 2.87 R U F R' F R' F U2 F' U'
39. 3.80 U' F U' R2 U' R2 U R' F
40. 4.54 R' F U2 F' R2 F U F' R'
41. (8.62) U F2 U F2 U2 R F' U2 R
42. 7.83 U F R' U' F' U2 F' R2 U
43. 4.25 F R F' R' F R' U R' F
44. 5.43 U2 F2 R2 F U R2 F' U R2
45. 4.35 U2 R F R' U2 R' F U' F'
46. 4.14 R F' U' F' R F2 U' R2 F'
47. 4.14 F' R' U R2 F' U2 F R' F2 R'
48. 3.59 F R' U R2 U' R U' R2 U' R'
49. 3.50 R' U F' U' R2 F R2 F' R2 F'
50. 5.15 R F2 U' R F' U R2 F R'

And in Pyraminx I got a PB2 single, which is PB in CStimer, PB mo3, ao5, ao12 and ao100
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-09
single: 2.87

Time List:
1. 2.87 B' R' U' R' B R' B' U' u
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-09
mean of 3: 4.64

Time List:
1. 2.87 B' R' U' R' B R' B' U' u
2. 7.19 R' B' U' B' L' U R L l' b u
3. 3.86 B L R' U' R U' B' R' l' u'
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-09
avg of 5: 4.83

Time List:
1. (3.86) B L R' U' R U' B' R' l' u'
2. (8.59+) R L B' U L' U' R' B l' r b'
3. 4.89 B' R B L U' L' B' L' r b
4. 5.67 R' L' R' L' U' L' B U' r b' u'
5. 3.93 B' U B L R' B U' R' l' r
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-09
avg of 12: 6.32

Time List:
1. (2.87) B' R' U' R' B R' B' U' u
2. 7.19 R' B' U' B' L' U R L l' b u
3. 3.86 B L R' U' R U' B' R' l' u'
4. (8.59+) R L B' U L' U' R' B l' r b'
5. 4.89 B' R B L U' L' B' L' r b
6. 5.67 R' L' R' L' U' L' B U' r b' u'
7. 3.93 B' U B L R' B U' R' l' r
8. 7.95 L U R L' U' R B U' b'
9. 7.68 R B' L' B' R' L B' U R' l' r' b' u
10. 6.27 U' B' R U L B L R' l r b' u'
11. 7.55 R B' L R' B' L B' U l' b u
12. 8.24 R L' B' R L' R B R' l r
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-09
avg of 100: 7.59

Time List:
1. 8.91 R L R' B' R U R L r' u
2. (10.88) U' L U R' U' B U' B' u'
3. 7.25 R L' U B R U' R B L l' r
4. 6.29 B' L B U B L' B L' l' r' b u'
5. 10.29 U B R' U R' L U R B l b u
6. 10.67 L' U R L' U R B' L r' b u
7. 6.85 R' U B U' R' B' R U' l r' b u
8. 9.03 U' L' B' U L' B' L' U R U' l' r u
9. 7.68 B' R' L B R U' L' R l' u'
10. 9.99 L' U' B' R U L U B R' L' l r' b'
11. 7.03 U' B' L U R' B' L' R L' l' b
12. 7.83 R' B U' L R' B' L R' l r' b u
13. 10.10 L' B' R L' B L B L' l' r b u'
14. 10.55 B' U B' U L B R L' r' b' u
15. 6.71 B' L' U B' L' U' B U' R' r' u'
16. 8.96 R' U L B' U' L' U' B u
17. 6.56 B' R L B' U' L B U' R l'
18. 8.85 L' B U' L U' R U L l' u
19. 8.07 U' B U' R B' U' B' L l' r' b'
20. (3.40) R L R' L R U L' U' R' r u
21. 5.92 B U B U L U' R B r b'
22. 7.89 R' U' R' L' R' L R' B u'
23. 7.26 U' R' B' U B' R' U L' l' r b' u
24. 6.25 U L' B U' B R' L' B l' r u
25. 7.84 B R' U R' L B U' L' l'
26. 9.62 U' B U L' U B L' B l' b' u'
27. 7.84 R U R' B' U B' R L' l r' b' u
28. 7.35 R U L U' R U' B U' l r' u
29. 4.45 L' R' B L' B' R L B' l' b
30. 8.82 B' L' R L R L R B l r b' u
31. 8.10+ B' R U' L' B' L U L' l' r b
32. 5.02+ B R U L U' L' R' B' b u
33. 7.10 U' B' R U' R' L R' U' l' u'
34. 8.04 L U' R L B' R B U r b'
35. 5.83 R L U' R' U' L B' L
36. (13.43) R U R B' R' U L B l' r' b
37. 6.72 U' B' R' U' R' L R' B' L l r' b u'
38. 8.91 B U' B' R' U L' B' R l b
39. 6.76 L' R B R L' U R L' r' b' u
40. 7.57+ L R' B L B' U L B' r b u
41. 5.25 L R U R' U' L U' B' l' b u'
42. 5.96 B R' B' U' B U B' U l b u
43. 6.88 B U R L B' R' L' R b'
44. 8.26 L' U' B L R L' B' R r b' u
45. 8.95 L' U B U R L B L l' r u'
46. 6.43 R L' R' U' R' L' R' U l r' b' u
47. 7.75 U R L B' L' B' R' L' l b
48. 8.18 R B L U R' B U' R L' l' b
49. (4.44) L' U L U' L' B' U B' l b
50. 10.26 L' R U L' U' R U R l r b u
51. 10.48+ B U R' L U B R U' l r b
52. 7.00 L' B' U' L R B L' U l r' b u
53. 10.78 L' B' U' R' L' B L R' l r
54. 5.89 R' L' U' B' R B' L R' r' b
55. 5.00 U R U B L' B' R' B l r b
56. 10.09+ U' R B' U B' R' U' L' r b
57. 8.80 L' U B L' U L B U u
58. 8.07 R U' L' R U' B L R' l' r' b u
59. (11.07+) U B U' B' R' L' U B' l' r b'
60. 8.66 L' R' B' U L U' R' B l r' u'
61. 6.34 B' L R L' U' R B' R U' u
62. 7.07 L' R' B U L R B L' b
63. 6.95 L U' R' B U' R' B' L' b
64. 8.08 R B' L U L' R L' U' b u'
65. 6.68 L B' U L' R' B R B' R' r' b u'
66. 6.33 L R U L R' B' U R l' b u
67. 7.28 L' B' U' L' B' U L' U B l b u'
68. (16.96) L' R' U B R' U R' U' l' r b' u
69. 6.73 R' L B U' B' R L' R L' l r' b'
70. 6.21 L B' U' B U' L' R B' l b'
71. 5.10 R' B' L B' L' R' B R' l' r u
72. 8.03 B U R L' B' R U R r' b u
73. 10.43 L U R' L B' R' L R' L l' r' b' u
74. 5.72 R L' B R L' R' L' U r b' u'
75. 4.66 B R B' R U R' L' R l b' u
76. 8.12 R U' L' B U' B R' L' l' r
77. 6.62 L U' L' R U' L' R' B' l b'
78. 7.73 U' L B' U R L' U' R' L' l' r b u'
79. 9.03 R U' R U' L' R' L' U l' u'
80. 7.78 B L' U' R' U' B' U' R' L' l' r b' u
81. 7.57 U B U L B' R L R l' r
82. 7.26 U' R' U B' U R L U' l' r' b u'
83. 9.44 L U' R B' U' R L' B r b' u
84. 7.03 L R' U' L' U' R L' U' l' b
85. 8.00 U' R B' R B' R U' B R' l r' b'
86. 8.43 U B L B' R' L B' U' L b' u'
87. (2.87) B' R' U' R' B R' B' U' u
88. 7.19 R' B' U' B' L' U R L l' b u
89. (3.86) B L R' U' R U' B' R' l' u'
90. 8.59+ R L B' U L' U' R' B l' r b'
91. 4.89 B' R B L U' L' B' L' r b
92. 5.67 R' L' R' L' U' L' B U' r b' u'
93. (3.93) B' U B L R' B U' R' l' r
94. 7.95 L U R L' U' R B U' b'
95. 7.68 R B' L' B' R' L B' U R' l' r' b' u
96. 6.27 U' B' R U L B L R' l r b' u'
97. 7.55 R B' L R' B' L B' U l' b u
98. 8.24 R L' B' R L' R B R' l r
99. (10.89) R' L B L' R B U L B' l r b
100. 5.25 R B U' R' U' B' L B'


Feb 5, 2024
Romania, the Land With No Skewbers Except Me
Visit Channel
PB ao12 in 2x2
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-10
avg of 12: 3.80

Time List:
1. 4.70 F' U2 R U' F U' R2 F' U'
2. (5.14) R2 U2 F' U F' R2 F R U2 R2
3. 4.08 F' R2 U2 R U F2 U2 F' U2
4. 3.53 U R U2 F' R' F2 R' U' R' U'
5. 3.04 R' F2 U F' U F' U2 F2 U2
6. (2.56) U F R U2 F' R U F' U
7. 3.35 F U F' U2 R F U2 R' F2
8. 4.54 R2 F R' U F2 R2 U2 R' U' R'
9. 3.69 F R U2 F U R2 F' U2 R2
10. 3.19 R' U' F' R F' U R' U2 F2
11. 3.90 R' U' F R U' R F R2 U'
12. 3.99 F2 U' R2 U R F' R U R'
I also got this 10 in 3x3
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-10
single: 10.93

Time List:
1. 10.93 L D2 L2 F2 D2 U2 F2 R' D2 U2 R B U F2 D' L D R2 D2 B' U
But also a lockup and a +2 out of sub 10
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-10
single: 12.51

Time List:
1. 12.51+ L2 B' R B2 L B2 D2 B2 L R2 D2 R2 D R2 U L2 B L B


Feb 5, 2024
Romania, the Land With No Skewbers Except Me
Visit Channel
Brought down my PB ao12 to almost sub 3 minutes
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-11
avg of 12: 3:04.71

Time List:
1. (3:42.41+) Rw Uw R' Dw D' Bw' Dw Bw D2 Uw2 Rw Bw' U Dw2 B Uw B2 L F Lw Fw' R' D R B Rw Dw F2 Uw2 D2 B2 U2 L' Uw Fw Rw2 L' Bw' D' Lw2 B F R Rw2 U2 L D B Fw F Dw' R Uw F' U' Uw L2 Fw L' Dw2
2. 3:03.28+ B2 Dw' R2 Lw2 Uw B2 Lw2 F' D' Rw F' D2 Fw F Dw Uw2 U Bw' R U2 Lw2 U2 B' Fw2 D' Lw2 Dw2 F2 Fw' D B2 L2 Uw2 Lw' Rw R2 D' R D2 R F R2 Dw' B' Rw2 R2 F2 B2 Lw' Dw L Rw Bw2 Lw2 B' R Lw2 F' Uw Bw'
3. 2:54.34 L2 Rw F2 Lw L D' Dw U2 F Dw2 Lw2 R L2 Rw' U Lw2 Uw Rw' R2 Bw' Uw' Rw' D' Lw' U R2 Fw' R2 L Bw2 U2 Dw B' Uw2 Fw' U' R' L2 D' Uw R2 Bw U B L' Bw2 Rw2 F2 Fw R D Bw' Dw' U2 Fw R2 D F' B' Fw'
4. (2:38.71) U' Rw Bw' Lw2 Fw2 D' F R' U Rw R' Bw' B D Rw' B' F2 Fw Dw' B2 U2 Lw2 U2 Fw Lw Dw2 F2 Rw2 L Lw2 Bw2 F D Lw L2 Uw' R2 B D' L R Fw' R2 D' U' F B2 U' Dw B2 Lw' Rw R U D R F2 Uw2 Dw' Lw'
5. 3:26.95 U2 F2 L2 Fw' D Rw2 Uw Dw' B2 D2 B2 Lw2 D Dw2 Fw2 Uw' B2 R2 Uw2 D Bw' F Lw2 Bw' B2 U2 Bw2 Fw' U Uw Dw' L Bw' R D' F' B2 R2 Uw' U' Fw Dw2 R L2 Fw Bw' Rw2 Bw2 Fw2 Uw Rw2 B' Rw2 R' F Dw' Fw U' Uw Bw2
6. 3:10.64 R2 U2 Dw' Rw D2 L Fw' D Rw2 Lw B2 Uw' D2 U2 L Bw' L2 D' L' F B2 Uw' Dw' D' L Rw' Lw' D U Fw' U R' D' R Lw Bw' F2 Rw' D2 Fw' Dw2 Rw B2 Dw F' U Dw Fw2 Bw R2 F2 Rw B' Lw' Dw2 R' Rw Uw2 B Fw2
7. 2:39.44 Rw L' R U2 D Uw2 Fw2 Uw' Dw2 Rw' Bw2 Rw Dw Lw D2 F2 Dw' Bw R D' Lw2 Fw' Bw2 F2 Lw' Uw2 D B F D2 R' D R' Uw B Lw2 Bw' Rw2 Dw2 D' Uw2 B2 Fw2 Dw U2 Uw F' R2 Lw2 F2 Lw Uw' R2 Uw D' Lw2 F' R' L2 F2
8. 2:58.68 F' D' Lw2 B' Dw Lw2 B R' F' D U' Uw' Fw' B2 Dw L' Uw2 R F2 Bw D2 F' Fw2 L' Fw' Dw2 R' U F' B2 R Rw' F2 Rw2 R' Dw B Dw' Rw L Dw' L' Rw2 D Fw2 L2 R Bw2 B' Uw Bw' B' Uw F' B D2 Rw U2 D2 F
9. 3:34.15 Uw2 R' Dw L R Lw U Rw2 Fw' Bw' U Dw' Lw2 Fw2 L' F' Fw2 D Lw Uw2 F2 Fw' B2 Uw R Fw2 R' D' L' Lw F' Lw2 Dw B' Rw D2 Bw2 B2 Fw' F' U' Bw' Dw2 Lw B' R2 Lw F Fw' U R B2 U Uw L2 U' Fw2 U2 Rw D
10. 2:55.64 D' U2 Dw2 B2 L2 U' L2 F2 Bw2 U' Bw U' Bw Rw Dw2 U2 R' Rw F' D F B' Dw' Uw2 B' Lw2 R' Dw2 Bw' L2 R D2 Rw2 Bw U' Bw Fw2 Dw Uw D' Fw' R' Lw Uw' U2 Bw' L' Uw' Dw F' Dw' Fw' F' Rw2 Lw' Fw2 L2 R' Lw2 Bw2
11. 2:53.24 Bw Lw2 Dw Lw' Uw2 Lw' Uw Bw R2 B Uw2 Fw2 R Uw2 D Dw' B' L2 Dw' D Uw Lw2 D U2 Dw' Fw2 U Lw2 R Fw2 B Dw Uw Rw' L' B' D' Rw Dw' Uw R Uw Fw' F Bw2 L' Lw Uw U' R Bw' L2 D' Dw' U Bw Rw Lw D U2
12. 3:10.69 Lw D' L2 F' R U F2 R D' U Fw' R Uw2 D2 F U' R Dw' Fw2 Dw U Rw2 Bw' Lw' R' Dw B Uw D2 Bw' Lw' Bw' R' Dw Bw' Rw2 D2 Rw2 L2 D2 Bw Dw' Lw' Fw2 Bw2 F' L' R2 B' Fw2 U Uw Bw U2 Rw2 Uw' Dw' L' F Fw2
And also messed up this easy scramble on 2x2, I downsolved to 1.41 seconds, which would have been PB
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-11
single: 7.93

Time List:
1. 7.93[aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa] U2 R' F' R2 U F R U R'