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CubeLite's Progression Thread | Road to Skewb NR | Grinding Skewb, 3x3, 4x4 and squan | Squan PB ao5

What is going to be my main event?

  • 3x3

  • 2x2

  • Skewb

  • Clock

  • Square-1

  • 4x4

  • 3x3 BLD

  • Pyraminx

  • Multi-BLD

  • Ignore what is above, new question. What should I do?

  • Learn coll on 3x3

  • Practice big cubes/megaminx for look ahead

  • Learn better algs for F2L

  • Learn zbll (Idk why I put this here)

  • Drill algs

Results are only viewable after voting.


Sep 4, 2020
the table, eating lasagna.
Visit Channel
Really, I'm relearning the better algs for NS on skewb, relearning better algs for cll and learning EG-1 on 2x2, and also Grinding 3x3, and I MIGHT NOT HAVE A COMP AT ALL this summerView attachment 33117
The first one is too far, the rest don't have skewb at all, so I'm not going If it doesn't have skewb, I pray that since those comps are named warm up, I think it means is a big comp coming, and is maybe the nationals, but there is another problem, If the comps is starting on 17 august, I can't go to Bucharest between 11-17, so If nationals starts on 17, I hope that first day has big blind and FMC since I don't care about them
Become and allrounder and suddenly you have 4 comps to go to.


Feb 5, 2024
Romania, the Land With No Skewbers Except Me
Visit Channel
Got 2 10 seconds solves on 3x3, but both should have been 9, and also got an EXTREMLY EASY RED CROSS WITH SOOOO MANY FREE PAIRS, but messed up, but I EVEN PLANNED FIRST 2 PAIRS AND GOT...
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-14
single: 12.06

Time List:
1. 12.06[2 planned pairs] L2 D' R2 D2 F2 R' U2 R2 F2 L' B2 F2 R' B2 D F R2 D R' D' U'
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-14
single: 12.35

Time List:
1. 12.35[red cross] D2 U B' L2 B U2 F' L2 R2 F' D2 L' U2 B2 F' R B D' F2
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-14
single: 10.50

Time List:
1. 10.50 L2 F2 U' R2 D F2 D2 B2 R2 L U' B2 F U L2 F' U2 L F

Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-14
single: 10.96

Time List:
1. 10.96 F U2 F2 D' R2 U' F2 D' B2 D' L2 U' R D2 U' B U' R' D L

But at least I got soo many PBs in 2x2 and so many 1s, and even a 5 MOVER
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-14
avg of 5: 2.56

Time List:
1. 2.21 R' F2 R U R' U F R F
2. 2.63 F R F2 U' F' U2 F' U' R
3. (6.05) R U2 R' U R' F' R F2 U' F
4. (2.05) F' U' R' U R' F' R2 F' U2
5. 2.83 F U F2 R' U' R' F R2 U'
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-14
avg of 12: 3.17

Time List:
1. 2.71 U F' U F2 U' F R' F2 U'
2. 4.02 F' R' U F' R U' R2 F2 U' F'
3. (1.54[5 MOVER]) R' F R2 U R2 F2 U2 R2 U2
4. 2.75 U F U' R F' U' R U F'
5. 2.98 U2 F U' F U' F2 R U F
6. (6.18+) R2 F2 R F2 U' F R' F2 U
7. 3.44 U R2 F2 U' R F' R' U F
8. 2.21 R' F2 R U R' U F R F
9. 2.63 F R F2 U' F' U2 F' U' R
10. 6.05 R U2 R' U R' F' R F2 U' F
11. 2.05 F' U' R' U R' F' R2 F' U2
12. 2.83 F U F2 R' U' R' F R2 U'
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-14
single: 1.54

Time List:
1. 1.54[5 MOVER] R' F R2 U R2 F2 U2 R2 U2
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-14
single: 1.71

Time List:
1. 1.71 U' R2 U R' U2 R' F R' F2
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-14
single: 1.92

Time List:
1. 1.92 R' U R F' R U' F2 R' U'


Feb 5, 2024
Romania, the Land With No Skewbers Except Me
Visit Channel
PB ao5 in clock and another 5 seconds solve, but I also messed up out of possibly PB single, even sub 5
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-17
single: 5.92

Time List:
1. 5.92 UR5+ DR5+ DL4- UL3+ U1+ R2+ D3- L2- ALL1+ y2 U1+ R1- D2+ L5- ALL4+
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-17
avg of 5: 6.52

Time List:
1. (7.23) UR5- DR5- DL3+ UL4- U1- R1+ D3- L1+ ALL1+ y2 U3+ R0+ D6+ L1- ALL5-
2. 6.03 UR1- DR3- DL3- UL4+ U6+ R2- D6+ L1+ ALL6+ y2 U3+ R2+ D0+ L2+ ALL3+
3. 6.68 UR5+ DR3- DL5- UL3+ U0+ R2- D4- L4+ ALL1- y2 U2- R1+ D5+ L1+ ALL3+
4. 6.85 UR4+ DR5- DL0+ UL2+ U0+ R6+ D4+ L3- ALL1+ y2 U4- R2- D1+ L5+ ALL2+
5. (5.92) UR5+ DR5+ DL4- UL3+ U1+ R2+ D3- L2- ALL1+ y2 U1+ R1- D2+ L5- ALL4+
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-17
single: 10.00

Time List:
1. 10.00[could have gotten pb single, 6 simul] UR3- DR1+ DL0+ UL4+ U2+ R1- D4- L1- ALL5+ y2 U0+ R4- D3- L1- ALL3+


Feb 5, 2024
Romania, the Land With No Skewbers Except Me
Visit Channel
Got two 5 seconds solves from a forum comp
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-19
single: 5.43

Time List:
1. 5.43 UR0+ DR4+ DL3+ UL3+ U3- R5- D2+ L6+ ALL5- y2 U3- R0+ D3+ L5- ALL2+
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-19
single: 5.78

Time List:
1. 5.78 UR3+ DR4- DL2+ UL1- U2- R1+ D5- L3+ ALL4- y2 U5+ R3- D0+ L0+ ALL0+


Feb 5, 2024
Romania, the Land With No Skewbers Except Me
Visit Channel
I did 12 3x3 solves were I tried to plan cross+1, and predicted correctly 9 out 12 cubes, so 75%
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-24
avg of 12: 13.35

Time List:
1. (9.13[Y]) L B' D' L B2 D' R' B L2 D' L2 U R2 D2 R2 F2 U B2 L2
2. 11.81[Y] L2 F' L2 B2 D2 F L2 B L2 F2 D2 U2 R B U2 B U' B L' U' R'
3. 11.85[Y] R' B' F2 U' F2 U B2 R2 U' B2 D' R2 U2 B' R' F' D2 F D2 R'
4. (16.13[N]) L F' R L2 U' L2 F2 D2 U' B2 D L2 D L U2 B U R' F2 L
5. 13.30[Y] U R2 L2 D' F' R' F L2 B2 U' B2 U R2 D' L2 D L2 B U2
6. 11.98[Y] L U R D2 F' U' R2 F' B2 U2 B2 D2 R2 D2 L' U2 B2 R2 B2 D2
7. 15.96[N] F R F2 D2 B' R2 B F2 D2 R2 F2 D2 R2 F L' R' U' B2 R' D' B'
8. 14.79+[Y] R2 D' B2 D R2 D R2 U R2 U F R2 U' L2 U' R' B F2 L2 D'
9. 14.21[Y] R' L2 B2 F2 U L2 F2 U L2 R2 F2 B' D' U2 F L R2 B' R' U
10. 12.47[N] F' U B D' F R' L' B U2 B2 U2 F2 R2 U2 R' L2 B2 R' B2 F
11. 13.80[Y] R2 U L2 R2 U' R2 F2 D' L2 U L2 D2 R' B' F' D R' B' D2 F2 R'
12. 13.31[Y] L2 R D2 B' D2 F' L2 U2 B2 L2 B2 L2 U' L' D L R' D' U'
But the first solve was...
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-24
single: 9.13

Time List:
1. 9.13[Y] L B' D' L B2 D' R' B L2 D' L2 U R2 D2 R2 F2 U B2 L2


Feb 5, 2024
Romania, the Land With No Skewbers Except Me
Visit Channel
So many things in 3x3, I got another sub 10 solve
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-26
single: 9.82

Time List:
1. 9.82 F' B U' L' B2 R' D2 F U D2 R F2 U2 L' U2 R' F2 R2 D2 B2
butttt, also 2 other solves that were...
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-26
single: DNF

Time List:
1. DNF(9.11)[3 moves] L' U2 L2 U' L2 D' B2 U' R2 B2 U2 L2 F' L' F' D2 F' L' R' D' U'
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-26
single: 33.40

Time List:
1. 33.40+ D' F R2 F U2 F D2 R2 F2 D2 B' D2 F' L' U' L D' L U2 R2


Feb 5, 2024
Romania, the Land With No Skewbers Except Me
Visit Channel
Square-1, Square-1, square-1
Got a PB ao12
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-27
avg of 12: 27.09

Time List:
1. 21.35 (0,2)/ (1,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (3,-3)/ (0,-3)/ (5,-4)/ (0,-2)/ (-3,0)/ (6,0)/ (-5,0)/ (0,-4)/ (-2,0)/ (-4,0)/ (-5,0)/
2. 22.98 (0,-1)/ (4,-2)/ (-1,-4)/ (6,0)/ (-2,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-1)/ (-3,-3)/ (0,-4)/ (0,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (-4,-2)/ (4,-2)
3. (20.61+) (4,0)/ (-3,0)/ (2,-4)/ (1,-2)/ (3,0)/ (5,-4)/ (-2,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (0,-4)/ (-5,0)/ (0,-4)/ (6,-1)/ (0,-3)
4. 29.91 (0,-1)/ (6,0)/ (-5,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (3,-3)/ (-1,-4)/ (4,0)/ (3,0)/ (2,-5)/ (2,0)/ (4,0)/ (-1,0)/ (4,-4)/
5. 33.70 (4,0)/ (2,2)/ (-2,1)/ (-4,-1)/ (6,-3)/ (1,0)/ (-3,0)/ (-1,0)/ (-4,-2)/ (0,-4)/ (-5,0)/ (-3,0)
6. 34.51 (0,-4)/ (4,-2)/ (6,-3)/ (-4,-3)/ (3,0)/ (1,0)/ (-2,-3)/ (-4,0)/ (0,-4)/ (3,-2)/ (0,-5)/ (-5,-3)/
7. 30.99 (4,-3)/ (2,5)/ (-5,-2)/ (-3,-3)/ (-1,-4)/ (0,-5)/ (3,0)/ (3,0)/ (-4,0)/ (-2,-4)/ (6,-4)/ (0,-2)/
8. 23.56 (4,0)/ (5,-4)/ (4,4)/ (-3,0)/ (3,0)/ (0,-3)/ (3,-1)/ (0,-3)/ (-1,0)/ (0,-4)/ (-5,0)/ (1,0)/ (-1,0)
9. 23.60 (4,3)/ (-4,5)/ (-3,0)/ (6,0)/ (-2,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (0,-1)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-2)/ (2,0)/ (6,-2)/ (-5,0)/ (0,-2)/ (6,0)
10. (35.32) (3,-4)/ (0,3)/ (-5,-2)/ (6,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (0,-3)/ (-4,0)/ (3,0)/ (-5,0)/ (-4,0)/ (-4,0)/ (0,-4)/ (-3,0)/ (-5,0)
11. 26.74 (0,-4)/ (4,-2)/ (-1,2)/ (4,-2)/ (-1,-4)/ (0,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (3,0)/ (-3,-5)/ (-2,-3)/ (6,0)/
12. 23.58 (1,0)/ (3,0)/ (2,2)/ (0,-3)/ (-2,-5)/ (3,-3)/ (0,-4)/ (0,-3)/ (5,-2)/ (-4,0)/ (3,0)/ (-4,0)/ (0,-4)
But also this solve where I locked up and +2 out of...
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-27
single: 20.61

Time List:
1. 20.61+ (4,0)/ (-3,0)/ (2,-4)/ (1,-2)/ (3,0)/ (5,-4)/ (-2,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (0,-4)/ (-5,0)/ (0,-4)/ (6,-1)/ (0,-3)


May 30, 2022
under the baltic ice
Square-1, Square-1, square-1
Got a PB ao12
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-27
avg of 12: 27.09

Time List:
1. 21.35 (0,2)/ (1,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (3,-3)/ (0,-3)/ (5,-4)/ (0,-2)/ (-3,0)/ (6,0)/ (-5,0)/ (0,-4)/ (-2,0)/ (-4,0)/ (-5,0)/
2. 22.98 (0,-1)/ (4,-2)/ (-1,-4)/ (6,0)/ (-2,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-1)/ (-3,-3)/ (0,-4)/ (0,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (-4,-2)/ (4,-2)
3. (20.61+) (4,0)/ (-3,0)/ (2,-4)/ (1,-2)/ (3,0)/ (5,-4)/ (-2,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (0,-4)/ (-5,0)/ (0,-4)/ (6,-1)/ (0,-3)
4. 29.91 (0,-1)/ (6,0)/ (-5,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (3,-3)/ (-1,-4)/ (4,0)/ (3,0)/ (2,-5)/ (2,0)/ (4,0)/ (-1,0)/ (4,-4)/
5. 33.70 (4,0)/ (2,2)/ (-2,1)/ (-4,-1)/ (6,-3)/ (1,0)/ (-3,0)/ (-1,0)/ (-4,-2)/ (0,-4)/ (-5,0)/ (-3,0)
6. 34.51 (0,-4)/ (4,-2)/ (6,-3)/ (-4,-3)/ (3,0)/ (1,0)/ (-2,-3)/ (-4,0)/ (0,-4)/ (3,-2)/ (0,-5)/ (-5,-3)/
7. 30.99 (4,-3)/ (2,5)/ (-5,-2)/ (-3,-3)/ (-1,-4)/ (0,-5)/ (3,0)/ (3,0)/ (-4,0)/ (-2,-4)/ (6,-4)/ (0,-2)/
8. 23.56 (4,0)/ (5,-4)/ (4,4)/ (-3,0)/ (3,0)/ (0,-3)/ (3,-1)/ (0,-3)/ (-1,0)/ (0,-4)/ (-5,0)/ (1,0)/ (-1,0)
9. 23.60 (4,3)/ (-4,5)/ (-3,0)/ (6,0)/ (-2,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (0,-1)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-2)/ (2,0)/ (6,-2)/ (-5,0)/ (0,-2)/ (6,0)
10. (35.32) (3,-4)/ (0,3)/ (-5,-2)/ (6,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (0,-3)/ (-4,0)/ (3,0)/ (-5,0)/ (-4,0)/ (-4,0)/ (0,-4)/ (-3,0)/ (-5,0)
11. 26.74 (0,-4)/ (4,-2)/ (-1,2)/ (4,-2)/ (-1,-4)/ (0,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (3,0)/ (-3,-5)/ (-2,-3)/ (6,0)/
12. 23.58 (1,0)/ (3,0)/ (2,2)/ (0,-3)/ (-2,-5)/ (3,-3)/ (0,-4)/ (0,-3)/ (5,-2)/ (-4,0)/ (3,0)/ (-4,0)/ (0,-4)
But also this solve where I locked up and +2 out of...
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-27
single: 20.61

Time List:
1. 20.61+ (4,0)/ (-3,0)/ (2,-4)/ (1,-2)/ (3,0)/ (5,-4)/ (-2,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (0,-4)/ (-5,0)/ (0,-4)/ (6,-1)/ (0,-3)
wut method do u use. I can cube like once a week, and avg sub-45-50.