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Cube4You - Missing Spring?


Mar 6, 2008
Visit Channel
I ordered a DIY Black Type A from Cube4You and got it a few weeks ago. I began to assemble it yesterday when I noticed that there were only 5 springs. I thought maybe I dropped it so I searched the entire area where I was working and I couldn't find it. I was also careful when emptying the bag to make sure nothing rolled off the table. So, I checked Lowe's and WalMart and neither one had springs small enough for the cube.

Has anyone else had this problem or does anyone know where I could get an extra spring?
when you order from cube4you, order a spring set just in case next time. I would just take pen springs and cut it out to a size but it may have a scratch
atleast thats better than no springs at all
I thought I read one time on the cube4you forums that if you've checked and are sure he sent you an incomplete set, you can let him know and he'll send you whatever you're missing, free of charge. I'm not sure, though, but it's worth a try, yeah?