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Creating Algorithms for Disorientation


Nov 17, 2017
I recently came across the idea of ZZ-blah after finally making an experimental jump from using ZZ-VH to using other subsets. I'm not really a fast speedsolver, but I wanted to figure out a way to find a way to access a 1LLL, and ZZ-blah and ZZ-B seemed the most promising.

I have a question though:

Is there a way to find out F2L LS algorithms for ZZ-blah using cube explorer? Specifically I am interested if I can only isolate ZBLL cases to the H-cases through disorienting the corners while inserting an EJF2L case. From my limited knowledge, Cube Explorer only takes the "solved state" as a perfectly solved/correctly oriented/correctly permuted states, and I have no clue how to generate algorithms for intentional disorientation. So, for the 16 (+7) EJF2L cases, instead of orienting the corners, I want to figure out how to disorient into an H-case ZBLL.



Dec 24, 2015
Generate RU algs for every EJF2L case, and then to solve a specific case, look at the two EJF2L cases that are a "H OCLL" off; if you use either of those algs instead of the correct one, you'll end up with a H ZBLL.

This doesn't work if you have RUL/RUF/RUD/etc. algs in your EJF2L alg list, because you can end up with pi cases too, which I assume you don't want. You need to do more fiddling to get that to work, or use a solver that can handle different solved states, such as ksolve.

(The "more fiddling" is to generate algs for every TCLL case (86 cases, not counting COLL), then filter them out.)
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Nov 11, 2014
Gauteng, South Africa
I recently came across the idea of ZZ-blah after finally making an experimental jump from using ZZ-VH to using other subsets. I'm not really a fast speedsolver, but I wanted to figure out a way to find a way to access a 1LLL, and ZZ-blah and ZZ-B seemed the most promising.

I have a question though:

Is there a way to find out F2L LS algorithms for ZZ-blah using cube explorer? Specifically I am interested if I can only isolate ZBLL cases to the H-cases through disorienting the corners while inserting an EJF2L case. From my limited knowledge, Cube Explorer only takes the "solved state" as a perfectly solved/correctly oriented/correctly permuted states, and I have no clue how to generate algorithms for intentional disorientation. So, for the 16 (+7) EJF2L cases, instead of orienting the corners, I want to figure out how to disorient into an H-case ZBLL.

Cube Explorer can generate algs standard ZZ-blah which allows both H or Pi cases, but it takes some effort. To generate algs for H only, you'd have to use R and U moves only to set up the case, and then restrict Cube Explorer to only R and U moves.

Get a real cube to use as reference and set up the case you want to find an algorithm for.

Starting from a solved cube, right click all of the stickers in the U layer and the F2L slot you want to solve to clear them. Then place the F2L edge and corner in the position that you want to generate algs for. Then hold <CTRL> and click each remaining edge, click each edge sticker that is the top colour on your reference cube (it's ZZ, so the top colour should always be on the top face, or on the front for the edge in the F2L slot). Holding <CTRL> instructs Cube Explorer to solve orientation only ignoring permutation.

The sticker should be black with yellow stripes instead of filled. Then still holding <CTRL>, click three of the corner stickers that have a front or back colour on your reference cube. You can ignore the last corner as it is determined by the rest.

Then click solve. You can stop it when you've got a few solutions. Copy these somewhere. Click the button to do a U turn, solve again, and repeat until you return to the position you started at.

Now right click each of the three corners you solved before to clear them, and then hold <CTRL> and this time click the sticker that has the side colour on your reference cube. Solve and repeat for each AUF.

You should now have 8 sets of algs. Copy them all into a tool like
to filter them and find the ones you like.