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Cleaning Cubes be like:


Sep 23, 2023
Whenever I try to clean my cube, a few days later, I drop it on my dusty floor, and the cube is dirty again. It’s always disgusting to take apart your cube only to see countless specks of dust, dirt, and the occasional hair. So, I never clean my cube. Not even once a year. And gradually, the cube gets dustier and dustier. That hinders my performance.

Now I realise that is why I’m doing so badly in cubing competitions. At home, I can easily pull off consistent 15 second solves and even 14 second solves if I’m lucky. But because we (my family) go to cubing competitions once a year, the cubes are dusty. During Cubing at the Cube 2024 (the comp that Tymon had a chance for a 4.49 ao5, Link:
) I got my worst times yet. But after that comp, my cubes were clean, very clean. I realised that my mom cleaned my cube for me and it was so clean, I bet you wouldn’t see a speck of dust under a microscope. So if your cube needs cleaning, call my mom. LOLIMG_1026.jpeg
I have a method that i learned from other cubers, First, take apart the cube and put it in a plastic container (dont put the core in the plastic container) Than clean it using water, soap etc and then put it in a towel and then clean the parts induvidually. For the core, use an other towel and clean the core. I know my method isnt explained that well but firstian fushada has an amazingt tutorial.

Fush's Video: