Hi all -
I'm Anthony and I'm a chess player from West Yorkshire, in England. I'm 41 years old, and believe it or not, I solved my first cube last month! Sure I've come across these things as a kid but as I've always played chess, they never interested me before. I'm autistic and I've always fiddled with stuff so recently I thought, why not get ones of these things and see if it's something I can fidget with in anxious situations. I firstly bought a classic Rubik's cube and solved it in around 5 minutes but after reading about cubing I realised that I needed a speed cube. I already have about 4 speed cubes and can now solve in around one minute. I know that's not very fast but it has been less than a month and I just use beginner method but with the direct cross. Any tips to get faster are welcome. I have been told that intuitive f2l is a good place to start, rather than learning all of the algorithms. I am used to memorising loads of stuff as I study chess openings and other chess stuff all the time and in chess you can be expected to recall things from memory that you haven't seen for years! Other things about me, I'm goth and I enjoy a lot of post punk music. Also are there any senior cubers here who go to UK events?
Hit me up on Instagram if you want to connect. I'm dansewithdeath on there! See you soon and happy cubing!
I'm Anthony and I'm a chess player from West Yorkshire, in England. I'm 41 years old, and believe it or not, I solved my first cube last month! Sure I've come across these things as a kid but as I've always played chess, they never interested me before. I'm autistic and I've always fiddled with stuff so recently I thought, why not get ones of these things and see if it's something I can fidget with in anxious situations. I firstly bought a classic Rubik's cube and solved it in around 5 minutes but after reading about cubing I realised that I needed a speed cube. I already have about 4 speed cubes and can now solve in around one minute. I know that's not very fast but it has been less than a month and I just use beginner method but with the direct cross. Any tips to get faster are welcome. I have been told that intuitive f2l is a good place to start, rather than learning all of the algorithms. I am used to memorising loads of stuff as I study chess openings and other chess stuff all the time and in chess you can be expected to recall things from memory that you haven't seen for years! Other things about me, I'm goth and I enjoy a lot of post punk music. Also are there any senior cubers here who go to UK events?
Hit me up on Instagram if you want to connect. I'm dansewithdeath on there! See you soon and happy cubing!