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CG’s Progression Thread—FMC god grind—25 single FMC💀

Which goal should I achieve next?

  • Sub 50 4x4 ao50

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Sub 1:30 5x5 ao50

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Sub 3 6x6 ao25

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Sub 1:20 Megaminx ao50

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Sub 9 Clock ao50

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Sub 6 Skewb ao50

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Sub 30 Squan ao50

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Sub 23 OH ao50

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • Sub ∞ 3BLD single

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • Other (comment)

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Sub 5 7x7 ao25

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Y’all is 7-simul actually good

Comp on the 29th of December with Clock and Megaminx, and am practicing both for my last comp of the year to improve my averages and singles

Rewatched a few videos, found out some issues with my memo, and now I’m getting like an 80% success rate 💀.

I’m ready to start putting the milk before the cereal before the bowl y’all

Generated By csTimer on 2024-11-29
avg of 5: 6.86

Time List:
1. (8.65) UR3- DR3- DL2+ UL4- U5+ R2- D2- L5- ALL6+ y2 U0+ R1+ D2+ L3- ALL3+
2. 6.84 UR3- DR3- DL2+ UL4- U5+ R2- D2- L5- ALL6+ y2 U0+ R1+ D2+ L3- ALL3+
3. (6.07) UR2- DR0+ DL4- UL6+ U5- R2+ D5- L1+ ALL2+ y2 U1+ R0+ D1+ L2- ALL3-
4. 7.47 UR1- DR0+ DL3+ UL1+ U1- R5- D3+ L4- ALL3+ y2 U5- R4- D3+ L1- ALL2-
5. 6.26 UR4- DR4+ DL3+ UL5- U5- R4+ D6+ L3- ALL4+ y2 U2+ R0+ D1- L3+ ALL4+

Bruh it’s method switching time ig (also rolled that last average into a 6.39 ao5)
Generated By csTimer on 2024-11-29
single: 5.22

Time List:
1. 5.22[💀] UR0+ DR5+ DL5- UL6+ U5+ R3+ D1- L5- ALL5+ y2 U6+ R0+ D4+ L5- ALL1+
Bruh, finally, we raced in April, I knew 7sf, and lost to you, averaging under 6 seconds for half an year with flip
Hi 7 simul is actually good

Generated By csTimer on 2024-12-02
avg of 5: 4.79

Time List:
1805. 4.64[WOI] UR4+ DR5+ DL5+ UL2+ U5- R4- D5+ L0+ ALL5- y2 U0+ R4+ D3+ L3- ALL2+
1806. 4.71[REALLY WOI] UR5+ DR2- DL3+ UL5+ U2+ R1+ D1- L4- ALL3- y2 U3- R3+ D3+ L4- ALL1+
1807. 5.01 UR6+ DR4+ DL0+ UL4+ U5+ R1+ D6+ L2- ALL0+ y2 U2+ R2+ D1+ L0+ ALL1+
1808. (DNF(6.07)) UR5+ DR1- DL3- UL1+ U1- R5+ D1+ L2+ ALL2- y2 U6+ R2- D6+ L0+ ALL1+
1809. (3.62[WHAT THE AVTUAL WOI]) UR5+ DR5- DL2+ UL6+ U3- R5- D5- L5+ ALL6+ y2 U0+ R1- D0+ L2- ALL3+
It’s been a really long time since I posted (almost a month), so I’ll post a really big mega-update here

1. Small Comp went surprisingly OK-ish

Currently, I have been globaling 54-55s at Megaminx, and getting an official 1:01 and 1:03 averages (while not wonderful or great) were really good. I had pretty OK F2L, mostly OK S2L, and I lost most of my time (3-4 seconds, mostly on lockups) in LL. I did get a little unlucky with how I solved EP, with no 4CP’s (my fastest algs) and only 2 3CP’s overall, but I recognized a one-look PLL a full 5 times (a W perm (on my 55) a U perm, a T perm, an A perm (on my 54) and whatever the 2 3x1 bar case is called). My official 7s debut was a mess, and I forgot to start the timer twice. I may be switching methods to a slightly easier method (Bpaul flip prob), as memo was my biggest trouble.

2. WV Comp is on the Schedule!!!

This comp has 3x3, 2x2, 4x4, 6x6, OH, Clock, Pyra, and FMC. My biggest foci are on my “worst” events (3x3, OH, 4x4, and Pyraminx, as well as 2x2).

For 3x3, I need to focus on planning cross+1 every single solve in under 12 seconds and turning faster for cross, and fixing some unoptimal LL habits (like avoiding dot OLL’s or doing inefficient COLL’s). I will also try out a couple more comp nerve tests, such as

For OH, I will focus on finishing U ZBLL, as well as watching many EOCross videos to solve efficiently. I also will learn a couple of better F2L algs for backslots.

For 4x4, I feel that I should work on fixing a really bad habit of not solving the bottom slot after centers. I’ll also work on turning faster (this seems to be a big problem with comp turning)

For 2x2, I need to relearn many CLL’s and a couple of EG’s, as the last time I learned them was November of last year, when my 2x2 alg selection was mid at best. I also will work on one-looking in sub 5, so I’ll be doing 2x2BLD quite a lot.

For Pyraminx, just finishing out the last couple of L4E cases and setting up my cube to be much more stable with probably guarantee me a PR, and I’ll throw in fast V finger tricks as well just to be quirky

For FMC, block building and NISS are all that I’ll need to be learning, so maybe just doing solves should get me sub 50 easy, so yeah.

For Clock, just learning a new method (bpaul flip was recced by @BVCuber13, so I’ll def consider that) and grinding memo/exec should do it for me ngl

Finally, for 6x6, I’ll just do what I’ve learned over the past half-year from my last round and just solve
my first FMC attempt in several months is a PB by 18 moves

Ik this isn’t an FMC scram, but I didnt take advantage of the scramble for my first actual attempt with block building (didn’t use NISS for this solve) (but I’ll do another attempt later today or tomorrow with it)

F U B2 D' R' U2 L2 F' L' F2 D2 L2 U2 B U2 F' U2 B2 D2 F

B R' //2x2x1 (2/2)
B D' B2//2x2x2 (3/5)
F' L R U R' U F//EO+2x2x3 (7/12)
L2 U L2 U2 L2 U L U' L' U L2 U'// F2L(tried making skeleton, failed) (12/24)
x z R U R' U R U2 R' U //LL (8/32)

This solve did have a lucky Sune at the end, but the solve up to the 223+EO was really good, and I made it to ZBF2L-1 in 16 moves, which was a lot better than I expected, especially since this solve was done in less than 25 minutes. The skeleton, while easy and efficient, would have been a 5C 3com solution, which, at least for this scramble, wouldn’t have been efficient, and the solution I found worked in my favor at least this time.
Did that attempt with an FMC scramble, and got another sub 40 (without NISS bc I’m away from pen/paper but I promise I’ll do an attempt with NISS soon)

Scram: R' U' F U2 L F D2 U2 L' F2 D2 L2 D2 R D2 F2 L D L F' D B2 L D' R' U F

D' R2 D
F' D' F' R F
L B' L2 B'
L' D2 L2 D L' D2 L2 D2 L B' L' B2 L B' L B L B L B L B L' B' L' B2

Had a couple of very nice cancellations that I took advantage of, but overall, this had some very ok block building, and no rotations throughout (translating the U perm took at least 5 minutes out of this 45 minute solution).
i got a 25 on FMC (i wish i was joking) (again, this is my second full day of FMC ever) (do not think im breaking this this year) (beginners luck strikes me)

R' U' F R' U L' D F2 D2 R F R L' D2 F2 L F2 R B2 U2 B2 L D R' U' F

R U' B2 //222+setup cancellation to 223 (3/3)
F U' F' B L2 //223 (5/8)
U F' U' F //EO (4/12)
L F' L' U2 //3rd pair (4/16)
F' L //last pair setup (2/18)
F2 L' F L F2 L' F' //Sune cancellation (7/25💀)
the actual hell am I solving.

why did I decide to be good at 3x3 again

for context, I’ve been averaging around 7.5 until I learned ZBLL Friday-Sunday

Generated By csTimer on 2024-11-12
avg of 5: 5.84

Time List:
4174. (4.20) U' B2 L B2 U2 L B2 U2 L D2 B2 F2 R2 B' U2 F' U' L B D' B2
4175. 6.17 D R2 B2 D' R2 F2 U' F2 D' U2 L2 R2 B' R2 D' B R' F2 D2 F' R
4176. 5.56 R2 L U2 D' F B U' L B2 U2 R2 B2 L2 F2 L2 D' F2 B2 U
4177. (6.41) R2 U' L2 B L F' D R' F' B2 R' F2 R' U2 L F2 U2 L' B2 L D2
4178. 5.80 D' R' U2 R2 B2 L B2 R U2 B2 F2 L2 D R' D L F' L' D2 R
Don't worry guys, its just comp nerves. I don't care at all that CubistGuitar is faking his solves I just find it really funny.
FYI this comparing @CubistGuitar's PB sheet's global times to his comp results today and yesterday.
3x3: "Global" 7.4 compared to a 11.79 official average.
4x4: "Global" 39 global compared to 47 official average.
2x2: 1.6 "global" with a 4.11 average.
6x6 is legit.
OH: "global is 16" and he gets a 22 average.
Pyra: 4.2 "global", 5.89 average.
Don't worry guys, its just comp nerves. I don't care at all that CubistGuitar is faking his solves I just find it really funny.
FYI this comparing @CubistGuitar's PB sheet's global times to his comp results today and yesterday.
3x3: "Global" 7.4 compared to a 11.79 official average.
4x4: "Global" 39 global compared to 47 official average.
2x2: 1.6 "global" with a 4.11 average.
6x6 is legit.
OH: "global is 16" and he gets a 22 average.
Pyra: 4.2 "global", 5.89 average.
I could also see pyraminx as being legit, since he's within 2 seconds, and it doesn't seem too far off. But otherwise all other results really don't seem legit. I'm around mid 9 in 3x3 and I'm getting similar averages as he's getting while he claims to be around 2 seconds faster than me, so that's definitely not legit.
I could also see pyraminx as being legit, since he's within 2 seconds, and it doesn't seem too far off. But otherwise all other results really don't seem legit. I'm around mid 9 in 3x3 and I'm getting similar averages as he's getting while he claims to be around 2 seconds faster than me, so that's definitely not legit.
Nah in round 2 he got a 7 average in Pyra haha.
i was at the comp with him and his times seem pretty legit for 3x3 when not actively competing at least. id say he averages a solid 9-10 going off of what i saw iirc. comparing that number to what he got in comp makes sense for comp nerves.
Based on my experience with 3x3 he definitely averages around 9-10 like what you said, but nowhere near a 7.4 global. Even with nerves it should never get that bad, his averages should be around 8-11 with nerves.
I could also see pyraminx as being legit, since he's within 2 seconds, and it doesn't seem too far off
His PB sheet isn't updated. He posted a sub 2 pyraminx average in this thread a few months ago.
I avg 39 but my pr is 46 in 4x4
id say he averages a solid 9
Lol no
Based on my experience with 3x3 he definitely averages around 9-10 like what you said, but nowhere near a 7.4 global. Even with nerves it should never get that bad, his averages should be around 8-11 with nerves.
I really doubt he averages sub 10, considering he got a grand total of one sub 10 single at this comp. My estimate for his global is around 11.