Caleb Valenzuela
Here are all the events I do and my PBs/PRs
Single PB: 5.94
Ao5 PB: 7.96
Single PR: 7.50
Ao5 PR: 9.07
Single PB: 0.93
Ao5 PB: 2.24
Single PR: 2.50
Ao5 PR: 3.18
I forgot because I don't really do 4x4 anymore

3x3 OH:
Single PB: 9.80
Ao5 PB: 16.18
Single PR: 15.xx
Ao5 PR: 18.xx
I forgot both PRs they are somewhere in that range
My goals as of now are to break the sub-9 barrier for 3x3, break the sub 3-barrier for 2x2 CONSISTENTLY and for 3x3 OH my goals are to be sub-15.
My long term goal is world champion. (I am coming for you gsnigh)
WCA ID: 2022VALE15
Single PB: 5.94
Ao5 PB: 7.96
Single PR: 7.50
Ao5 PR: 9.07
Single PB: 0.93
Ao5 PB: 2.24
Single PR: 2.50
Ao5 PR: 3.18
I forgot because I don't really do 4x4 anymore

3x3 OH:
Single PB: 9.80
Ao5 PB: 16.18
Single PR: 15.xx
Ao5 PR: 18.xx
I forgot both PRs they are somewhere in that range
My goals as of now are to break the sub-9 barrier for 3x3, break the sub 3-barrier for 2x2 CONSISTENTLY and for 3x3 OH my goals are to be sub-15.
My long term goal is world champion. (I am coming for you gsnigh)
WCA ID: 2022VALE15