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"Bring your best" competition: FTO comp | ROUND 3

Mar 2, 2023
At the lake fishing for bluegill and trout
HEY!! It's been a bit since I hosted a comp, and I'm very grateful that you guys have liked my unique ideas in the past so I'm doing another one! This is a more "abstact" idea so tbh, register at your own risk lol. I've taken some time thinking about this (and talking to ai about it lol) and the layout should work, but again i may end up dumping it for a more basic approach. The main idea is to make a fair competition in an event that has a large skill gap at the moment, and thats all i'll say. But anyway here's the instructions.


Registration instructions: Reply with a message indicating you will join along with what you are confident you are averaging. please round what you average to the nearest 5. (5,10,15, 20 etc...)

Ranking: players are ranked at the end of the round (rounds last 4 days from post of first day to midnight of last) the competitor with the least number of points is eliminated from the competition. NOTE: I will not be disclosing how points are tallied until registration ends (3 days, sooner if cap is reached)

Time submission format: Times are mo10's, i will post the ten scrambles here, and you will post your times here, if you don't want to calculate your mo10, the hosts will do that. a post for each round will be made and updated throughout the 4 days.

thats about it. if you have any questions, message me here, your inquiry is valued by others who may be confused by my layout. with that, please join and have fun!

Note: this thread was edited at 11:31 PM PDT due to some miswording.

Competitor list 10/10:

@1x1 wr holder! (avg 45)
@precompsubwr (avg 25)
@Chris Choi (avg 15)
@CubeLite (avg 1:05)
@GeographicalCuber (avg 1:05)
@Cubist-Guitar (avg 30)
@BVCuber13 (avg 40)
@Fred (avg 1:20)
@Justincubes (avg 1:15)
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HEY!! It's been a bit since I hosted a comp, and I'm very grateful that you guys have liked my unique ideas in the past so I'm doing another one! This is a more "abstact" idea so tbh, register at your own risk lol. I've taken some time thinking about this (and talking to ai about it lol) and the layout should work, but again i may end up dumping it for a more basic approach. The main idea is to make a fair competition in an event that has a large skill gap at the moment, and thats all i'll say. But anyway here's the instructions.


Registration instructions: Reply with a message indicating you will join along with what you are confident you are averaging. please round what you average to the nearest 5. (5,10,15, 20 etc...)

Ranking: players are ranked at the end of the round (rounds last 4 days from post of first day to midnight of last) the competitor with the least number of points is eliminated from the competition. NOTE: I will not be disclosing how points are tallied until registration ends (3 days, sooner if cap is reached)

Time submission format: Times are mo10's, i will post the ten scrambles here, and you will post your times here, if you don't want to calculate your mo10, the hosts will do that. a post for each round will be made and updated throughout the 4 days.

thats about it. if you have any questions, message me here, your inquiry is valued by others who may be confused by my layout. with that, please join and have fun!

Note: this thread was edited at 11:31 PM PDT due to some miswording.

Competitor list 1/10:

@1x1 wr holder! (avg 45)
@precompsubwr (avg 25)
@Chris Choi (avg 15)
@EvanCuber1 (avg 1:10)
@CubeLite (avg 1:05)
@GeographicalCuber (avg 1:05)
ME!!!!! I avg 40
Alright, round one begins!

Here are the rules for how the ranking will go. only based on how your average ranks, worst average is 1 point, second to last is 2 points, third last is 3 points etc. additionally your mean can earn you points or cost you depending on how many seconds below or over your average they are. for instance, since i avg 45 seconds, if i got a 42.xx 3 points because that's how many seconds i shaved off (note: if you tie your average say i got a 45.xx, you get a point), but if i got a 47.xx i would lost two points as i was 2 worse than my average. This is to create a competitive environment, and make competitors BRING THEIR BEST. so while competing against others, they have to do well themselves. It also helps to prevent cheating as we now know everyone's average (not saying anyone would cheat). anyway, the way you get eliminated from each round is by having the least number of points. again, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Round 1 starts as soon as i post and you will have a little more than four days as the round will end on the 25th at midnight (don't bother getting fussy about time zones).

edit: this portion was edited at 4:55 pm ptd on the 25th please note that there have been some minor adjustments in additional points.

Scrambles post in mo10 (note: this is a mean not an average, include best and worst times):
1. B R' B' R B' R' F' L' D' F' L F' D' F' L D L F' D F' L F B' BR BL F' B L' BR'
2. L' B' L R L' R B' D' BL L' D L BL' L BL' L BL' D' L' D BL D' L U' BL B D BR' B'
3. L R' B L' D R' D L' R' BL B' D' B' BL B' D B' BL' B' D BL' D' B' D' L' BL' R U BR R BL
4. L' D' B' D L' B D' BL' L D BL' L' BL' D' BL D L' D' BL' L BL D R BR D' BL D
5. D' R' L' R' L' R D' B' D U L' U R U' L R' U L U' L' U' R U' R' BL D BR' U D' B BL'
6. B' R' B' D' B R D R' BL B' L' B' L' B BL B L' B BL' B' BL' B BL' R BR' F' R B' BL R
7. R' B' L D' R BL' L D' L BL L D BL' L D BL' D BL D' BL U BR U' L D BR' B'
8. D R' B L' D B' D' B' U R' U B' U' R' U' B U' B R' B' R' U B' F' BL F' R F' R
9. B R' L B R B' D' L BL' D BL' L D BL' D BL' D' L' D' L D' L BL D' U' F' L' BL B' BR
10. B D R' D' L' D R' BL' L' D L' BL' L D L' D BL' L' D L BL' L' B' BL' L' U R' F' D

Round 1 leaderboard (will be updated as times are posted):
1. @Chris Choi (15.39mo10 pts: 12)
2. @BVCuber13 (39.27mo10 pts: 11)
3. @1x1 wr holder! (44.31mo10 pts: 10)
4. @Fred (1:18.73mo10 pts: pts 8)
5. @GeographicalCuber (1:06.73mo10 pts: 6)
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Alright, round one begins!

Here are the rules for how the ranking will go. if you submit your times before the due date, you receive one point. If you podium 1st-3rd this is how many points you get (1st five points, 2nd four points, 3rd three points). additionally, each of your solves can earn your points depending on how many seconds below your average they are. for instance, since i avg 45 seconds, if i got a 42.xx and a 43.xx, i would get 5 points because that's how many seconds i shaved off. This is to create a competitive environment despite the rather large skill gap that i knew would result lol (i'm looking at you Chris). It also helps to prevent cheating as we now know everyone's average (not saying anyone would cheat). anyway, the way you get eliminated from each round is by having the least number of points. again, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Round 1 starts as soon as i post and you will have a little more than four days as the round will end on the 25th at midnight (don't bother getting fussy about time zones).

Scrambles post in mo10 (note: this is a mean not an average, include best and worst times):
1. B R' B' R B' R' F' L' D' F' L F' D' F' L D L F' D F' L F B' BR BL F' B L' BR'
2. L' B' L R L' R B' D' BL L' D L BL' L BL' L BL' D' L' D BL D' L U' BL B D BR' B'
3. L R' B L' D R' D L' R' BL B' D' B' BL B' D B' BL' B' D BL' D' B' D' L' BL' R U BR R BL
4. L' D' B' D L' B D' BL' L D BL' L' BL' D' BL D L' D' BL' L BL D R BR D' BL D
5. D' R' L' R' L' R D' B' D U L' U R U' L R' U L U' L' U' R U' R' BL D BR' U D' B BL'
6. B' R' B' D' B R D R' BL B' L' B' L' B BL B L' B BL' B' BL' B BL' R BR' F' R B' BL R
7. R' B' L D' R BL' L D' L BL L D BL' L D BL' D BL D' BL U BR U' L D BR' B'
8. D R' B L' D B' D' B' U R' U B' U' R' U' B U' B R' B' R' U B' F' BL F' R F' R
9. B R' L B R B' D' L BL' D BL' L D BL' D BL' D' L' D' L D' L BL D' U' F' L' BL B' BR
10. B D R' D' L' D R' BL' L' D L' BL' L D L' D BL' L' D L BL' L' B' BL' L' U R' F' D

Round 1 leaderboard (will be updated as times are posted):
41.76, 39.80, 37.48, 36.92, 43.49, 38.72, 33.50, 42.29, 40.31, 38.51
Alright, round one begins!

Here are the rules for how the ranking will go. if you submit your times before the due date, you receive one point. If you podium 1st-3rd this is how many points you get (1st five points, 2nd four points, 3rd three points). additionally, each of your solves can earn your points depending on how many seconds below your average they are. for instance, since i avg 45 seconds, if i got a 42.xx and a 43.xx, i would get 5 points because that's how many seconds i shaved off. This is to create a competitive environment despite the rather large skill gap that i knew would result lol (i'm looking at you Chris). It also helps to prevent cheating as we now know everyone's average (not saying anyone would cheat). anyway, the way you get eliminated from each round is by having the least number of points. again, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Round 1 starts as soon as i post and you will have a little more than four days as the round will end on the 25th at midnight (don't bother getting fussy about time zones).

Scrambles post in mo10 (note: this is a mean not an average, include best and worst times):
1. B R' B' R B' R' F' L' D' F' L F' D' F' L D L F' D F' L F B' BR BL F' B L' BR'
2. L' B' L R L' R B' D' BL L' D L BL' L BL' L BL' D' L' D BL D' L U' BL B D BR' B'
3. L R' B L' D R' D L' R' BL B' D' B' BL B' D B' BL' B' D BL' D' B' D' L' BL' R U BR R BL
4. L' D' B' D L' B D' BL' L D BL' L' BL' D' BL D L' D' BL' L BL D R BR D' BL D
5. D' R' L' R' L' R D' B' D U L' U R U' L R' U L U' L' U' R U' R' BL D BR' U D' B BL'
6. B' R' B' D' B R D R' BL B' L' B' L' B BL B L' B BL' B' BL' B BL' R BR' F' R B' BL R
7. R' B' L D' R BL' L D' L BL L D BL' L D BL' D BL D' BL U BR U' L D BR' B'
8. D R' B L' D B' D' B' U R' U B' U' R' U' B U' B R' B' R' U B' F' BL F' R F' R
9. B R' L B R B' D' L BL' D BL' L D BL' D BL' D' L' D' L D' L BL D' U' F' L' BL B' BR
10. B D R' D' L' D R' BL' L' D L' BL' L D L' D BL' L' D L BL' L' B' BL' L' U R' F' D

Round 1 leaderboard (will be updated as times are posted):
1. @BVCuber13 (39.27avg pts: 24)
43.64, 43.47, 41.84, 51.60, 38.57, 55.20, 42.27, 43.84, 40.94, 41.77. (44.31 mo10)

Also, for those who didn't notice, i edited the point ranking process, i totally messed up trying to explain myself the first time lol. check the post with the leaderboard
I've been grinding FTO recently after recieving the DaYan, so I'd love to join.
I'd say I average about 1:05, but due to only recently learning the Nautilus method, I'll probably be faster than this by the time I compete.
We reached ten of ten competitors but I’ll let you in. The comp will just go four days longer. FYI, you will still be bound to the 25th as the submission date for round 1. Thx!!😊