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bldcuber314's 3-style Progression thread- Should I use this buffer?


Jun 20, 2010
Good luck! I'll follow your progress, as I was thinking about doing something similar a bit further down the road. I've not touched BLD for three months, so I'm not even averaging 1 minute with M2/OP sighted. :p


Jan 24, 2024
inside a blindfold, recalling a letter pair
So I have some concerns about learning 3-style.

1. I'm bad at learning algs, and I'm not sure how I can handle this many.
2. I seem to be really bad at D moves and if my TPS on 3-style isn't good enough, it won't be worth it.

Do any good BLDers know alternative buffers with slightly easier fingertricks? I don't need completely optimal 3-style, I just want to be fast. Or should I just try to get used to <R, U, D>?


Apr 19, 2022
The land of poutine
So I have some concerns about learning 3-style.

1. I'm bad at learning algs, and I'm not sure how I can handle this many.
2. I seem to be really bad at D moves and if my TPS on 3-style isn't good enough, it won't be worth it.

Do any good BLDers know alternative buffers with slightly easier fingertricks? I don't need completely optimal 3-style, I just want to be fast. Or should I just try to get used to <R, U, D>?
I would recommend staying with UFR (the most common/best buffer). For now, it's fine if you do cube rotations sometimes (like flipping the cube upside down for better fingertricks of a case). It's best to understand the commutators now and be able to make them yourself, without worrying too much about whether they are optimal. You should worry about improving your comms after you get faster with 3 style and actually get blind successes.


Jan 24, 2024
inside a blindfold, recalling a letter pair
So I looked a little more into the buffer DFR. I honestly like these algs more(primarily <R, U, L>)and find them much easier to remember. I'm considering using these, figuring out how each of them works before learning them and trying to find a new comm if I don't like the alg. Is this still a bad idea?

Jorian Meeuse

Apr 15, 2021
The Netherlands
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Ok so first of all, if you're going to learn 3-style, absolutely use UF and UFR buffers. They are easily the best buffers to use. D moves might be hard, but you'll get used to them by doing more solves. There isn't a buffer for which RUL is the primary moveset anyway, because in almost all cases RUD algs are better. I think there are only 4 cases for which I use RUL algs across all of floating, which are RUL are UFR-BUR-BUL and it's inverse and their M-mirrors.

I also recommend learning Orozco first, for a few reasons:
- The algs are a subset of 3-style, so you're going to have to learn that anyway.
- It makes it that you use the UFR buffer in your solves already, meaning if you ever get an easy case like UFR-RDF-BDR you can simply use 3-style for that instead of orozco.
- The algs are very simple, so learning them gives you a very nice intuition for how commutators work. You mentioned struggling with setup moves, and orozco doesn't have very complicated setups really, so that might help build some intuition as well.

For now, it's fine if you do cube rotations sometimes
Please don't, it'll probably be very hard to get out of that habit once you start doing that.

if my TPS on 3-style isn't good enough, it won't be worth it.
Not quite, 3-style is efficient enough for it to still be beneficial with bad turning. (turning is my biggest weakness by far as well)