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[Member Intro] been a while


Oct 11, 2022
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hi! i made an introduction post many moons ago, but i've changed a lot since then, so i'm redoing it!
my name's Elye (pronounced like Eli) but online i also go by the alias Star. i use they/them, i've been cubing since 2022, and i'm hoping to get into speed-cubing eventually, probably once i'm done with school. i'm not a professional, nor am i trying to be, and i'm not really aiming for any record; i just think cubing is a neat ability to have. my socials are linked here. i'm glad to be back! :]
hi! i made an introduction post many moons ago, but i've changed a lot since then, so i'm redoing it!
my name's Elye (pronounced like Eli) but online i also go by the alias Star. i use they/them, i've been cubing since 2022, and i'm hoping to get into speed-cubing eventually, probably once i'm done with school. i'm not a professional, nor am i trying to be, and i'm not really aiming for any record; i just think cubing is a neat ability to have. my socials are linked here. i'm glad to be back! :]
Hi! Welcome to the forums!
hi! i made an introduction post many moons ago, but i've changed a lot since then, so i'm redoing it!
my name's Elye (pronounced like Eli) but online i also go by the alias Star. i use they/them, i've been cubing since 2022, and i'm hoping to get into speed-cubing eventually, probably once i'm done with school. i'm not a professional, nor am i trying to be, and i'm not really aiming for any record; i just think cubing is a neat ability to have. my socials are linked here. i'm glad to be back! :]
Yo! Hope your able to enjoy cubing, on your social link thing you mention meteorology which I'm also interested in, I have a thread in off topic section about weather: https://www.speedsolving.com/threads/weather-cubers.93547/