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[Member Intro] Average 3x3 solver

Oct 30, 2022
Rudrapur, Uttarakhand, India
My name is Vinayak Ahuja, a 15 year old kid. I am from India. I started cubing when I was 8 yrs old but as soon as I learned how to solve a cube, I thought that there was nothing more to do so I didn't cube for 5 yrs. But suddenty i came to know about Feliks Zemdegs and then suddenly i started learning CFOP in Jan 2021. But in May 2021 when I was in 8th grade my class teacher complained to my parents about my cubing without because I was training more than half an hour a day. Because of this my parents locked up all my cubes for 10 months. And then again in Jan 2022 i started cubing. Back then i averaged 40secs now i average 17-18 secs. Thank you for reading😁