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Areli Gómez Gómez’s progression thread! | road to sub 10 3x3 | road to sub 1 sec 2x2 | road to sub 30 4x4

Hey guys my name is Areli Gómez Gómez! (No that’s not a typo, my username is different because I’m worried it would have been too long). I’m a Mexican girl speedcuber who started at age 7, I’m 13 now. Here’s some progression!
Today: 2x2 and 3x3View attachment 22924
View attachment 22923
First solve was 12.59 on 3x3, 2.31 on 2x2
Following along :D
Hey guys my name is Areli Gómez Gómez! (No that’s not a typo, my username is different because I’m worried it would have been too long). I’m a Mexican girl speedcuber who started at age 7, I’m 13 now. Here’s some progression!
Today: 2x2 and 3x3View attachment 22924
View attachment 22923
First solve was 12.59 on 3x3, 2.31 on 2x2
Cool progress.

Have you tried the other NxN event?