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Are Some Cubes Only Fit for a Certain Level of Speedcubing/Turning Style?

Jan 18, 2024
In @Cubinginatree’s hot oven
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This is some dumb question, so eyes up if you’d like.
There are many cubes out there, and sometimes, it might be hard to find a good cube suitable for your turning.
But are some cubes only fit for a certain level of speedcubing?

Like if there’s a cube that turns slow, and people say it’s for beginners? My point is when for example if some sub-1 minute cuber bought a GAN 14 Pro, and the way they turn (sub-1 style) affects how they perform, wouldn’t that show that the cube, the GAN 14 Pro be suited for cubers in the Intermediate to Pro range, if it’s not that good for beginners? And then that cuber who couldn’t perform good with the 14 Pro buys a Meilong, and likes it better, while most intermediate level cubers and above that level dont?

OK, this thread is getting more confusing, sorry.
This is some dumb question, so eyes up if you’d like.
There are many cubes out there, and sometimes, it might be hard to find a good cube suitable for your turning.
But are some cubes only fit for a certain level of speedcubing?

Like if there’s a cube that turns slow, and people say it’s for beginners? My point is when for example if some sub-1 minute cuber bought a GAN 14 Pro, and the way they turn (sub-1 style) affects how they perform, wouldn’t that show that the cube, the GAN 14 Pro be suited for cubers in the Intermediate to Pro range, if it’s not that good for beginners? And then that cuber who couldn’t perform good with the 14 Pro buys a Meilong, and likes it better, while most intermediate level cubers and above that level dont?

OK, this thread is getting more confusing, sorry.
I think I got it right, when I averaged abt 1 min and I got a Gan instead of a moyu meilong, I averaged abt 6 seconds faster
I think it's certainly possible for @AhsanDaCuber125 example to be true just due to how uncontrollable and wacky the cube can be. This could easily affect improvement for the cuber, as they wouldn't know how to control a slower cube like a WeiLong V10 or a Super RS3M. If they use a cube that's too fast for too long, it might either permanently or majorly affect their turning and lookahead. Overall I would say there's not a definite answer, but in certain scenarios it can be advantageous to use certain cubes at certain levels.
This is some dumb question, so eyes up if you’d like.
There are many cubes out there, and sometimes, it might be hard to find a good cube suitable for your turning.
But are some cubes only fit for a certain level of speedcubing?
I have a Disnsheg 2x2 that is so insanely fast and uncontrollable that it's only suitable for those who like very unstable cubes with loose magnets that can do U3 turns with little effort.
This is some dumb question, so eyes up if you’d like.
There are many cubes out there, and sometimes, it might be hard to find a good cube suitable for your turning.
But are some cubes only fit for a certain level of speedcubing?

Like if there’s a cube that turns slow, and people say it’s for beginners? My point is when for example if some sub-1 minute cuber bought a GAN 14 Pro, and the way they turn (sub-1 style) affects how they perform, wouldn’t that show that the cube, the GAN 14 Pro be suited for cubers in the Intermediate to Pro range, if it’s not that good for beginners? And then that cuber who couldn’t perform good with the 14 Pro buys a Meilong, and likes it better, while most intermediate level cubers and above that level dont?

OK, this thread is getting more confusing, sorry.
I would say certain cubes are better for different methods (eg. I wouldn't normally recommend a GTS3 M but if someone is using 3-style I will)

but as far as different cubes for different levels of cubing I feel like beginners sometimes will go for cubes that have really good corner cutting or is slower because they have an "aggressive" turning style when in fact its mostly just them not being good at at fingertricks (I used to do the same thing) sure there is cubes that are better or worse for different turning styles but be careful not to compensate your bad turning with a good cube.
For GAN cubes? Yes, those cubes dont really suit people at a beginner level. I’ve seen beginner cubers solve and wow they turn very aggressively, and if you have seen my threads about GAN cubes, you’ll know that inaccurate, aggressive turning styles are NOT the way to go. MoYu and QiYi have different cubes, for different skill level and people, which is probably why A LOT of people choose those cubes over GAN cubes. Plus the price is better so
edit: there are also cubes that are better for certain methods like Roux, where i tend to see top roux solvers using X-Man cubes
I would say certain cubes are better for different methods (eg. I wouldn't normally recommend a GTS3 M but if someone is using 3-style I will)

but as far as different cubes for different levels of cubing I feel like beginners sometimes will go for cubes that have really good corner cutting or is slower because they have an "aggressive" turning style when in fact its mostly just them not being good at at fingertricks (I used to do the same thing) sure there is cubes that are better or worse for different turning styles but be careful not to compensate your bad turning with a good cube.
1000th message
This is some dumb question, so eyes up if you’d like.
There are many cubes out there, and sometimes, it might be hard to find a good cube suitable for your turning.
But are some cubes only fit for a certain level of speedcubing?

Like if there’s a cube that turns slow, and people say it’s for beginners? My point is when for example if some sub-1 minute cuber bought a GAN 14 Pro, and the way they turn (sub-1 style) affects how they perform, wouldn’t that show that the cube, the GAN 14 Pro be suited for cubers in the Intermediate to Pro range, if it’s not that good for beginners? And then that cuber who couldn’t perform good with the 14 Pro buys a Meilong, and likes it better, while most intermediate level cubers and above that level dont?

OK, this thread is getting more confusing, sorry.
I personally feel, it is the cuber and not the cube.
At SCS I tried a weilong v10 that was so fast it kinda felt like it hadn't been screwed in properly. That kinda cube only works if you have a very light and accurate turning style, otherwise it'll just fly out of your hands. The GAN cubes and RS3M v5 weren't as bad but still pretty fast.
This is some dumb question, so eyes up if you’d like.
There are many cubes out there, and sometimes, it might be hard to find a good cube suitable for your turning.
But are some cubes only fit for a certain level of speedcubing?

Like if there’s a cube that turns slow, and people say it’s for beginners? My point is when for example if some sub-1 minute cuber bought a GAN 14 Pro, and the way they turn (sub-1 style) affects how they perform, wouldn’t that show that the cube, the GAN 14 Pro be suited for cubers in the Intermediate to Pro range, if it’s not that good for beginners? And then that cuber who couldn’t perform good with the 14 Pro buys a Meilong, and likes it better, while most intermediate level cubers and above that level dont?

OK, this thread is getting more confusing, sorry.
I've heard that the hudong is just very flexible to the point where you can do basically anything to it, but it still manages to be somewhat stable, but I don't have it so I can't confirm

The RS3M 2020 is stable but pretty slow compared to more modern cubes
The weilong V10 can be a really good cube if you set it up properly, and combine that with the best RNG and... that happens1731456093454.png
The Gan 11 M Pro is kinda old but still a solid cube, very airy and frictionless like it should be
Currently, IMO no. So many of the modern speedcubes have incredibly similar mechanics. You hand any of them to a WR level speedsolver, chances are they'll be able to solve it fast. While it may take some getting used to, any of those puzzles in the hands of a beginner will likely be an improvement. I don't think that modern puzzles require a level of skill so much as they allow for a personal feel. You may like puzzle A far more than someone else, it really boils down to preference when it comes to modern cubes.

15 or so years ago, puzzle brand really did play a part in the speedsolvers ability. The C4Y and DaYan puzzles were so different from one another that they literally effected the solve.
This is some dumb question, so eyes up if you’d like.
There are many cubes out there, and sometimes, it might be hard to find a good cube suitable for your turning.
But are some cubes only fit for a certain level of speedcubing?

Like if there’s a cube that turns slow, and people say it’s for beginners? My point is when for example if some sub-1 minute cuber bought a GAN 14 Pro, and the way they turn (sub-1 style) affects how they perform, wouldn’t that show that the cube, the GAN 14 Pro be suited for cubers in the Intermediate to Pro range, if it’s not that good for beginners? And then that cuber who couldn’t perform good with the 14 Pro buys a Meilong, and likes it better, while most intermediate level cubers and above that level dont?

OK, this thread is getting more confusing, sorry.
I have a list of NxN cubes that work for each turning style.
My main: GAN 251 M Pro (aggressive)
Light: GAN 251 M Pro
Aggressive: MoYu WeiPo WRS, GAN 251 M Pro
Controlled: YJ MGC Elite

My main: MoYu RS3M 2020 w/ V5 ball core retrofit (aggressive/controlled)
Light: GAN 12 Maglev, XMD Tornado V4/XT3
Aggressive: MoYu RS3M V5, MoYu Weilong V10
Controlled: XMD Tornado V4/XT3

My main: YJ MGC (controlled)
Light: MoYu AoSu V7
Aggressive: Vin4, MoYu AoSu V7
Controlled: Vin4

My main: XMD Hong (light/controlled)
Light: GAN 562, XMD Hong
Aggressive: XMD Hong, MoYu AoChuang V6
Controlled: GAN 562, XMD Hong

My main: MoYu Meilong V2
All-encompassing recommendation: MoYu AoShi WRM

My main: MoYu Meilong V2
All-encompassing recommendation: MoYu AoFu WRM