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Arcanist's Progression Thread // Quest to not be a bum

How much would you have to be given to quit cubing?

  • $10 - 50

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  • $50 - 100

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  • $100 - 500

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $1000 - 2000

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  • $3000 - 4000

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  • $6000 - 7000

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  • $7000 - 8000

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  • $8000 - 9000

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  • $12,000 - 15,000

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  • $15,000 - 20,000

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  • $20,00 - 25,000

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  • $25,000 - 30,000

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  • $40,000 - 50,000

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  • $75,000 - 100,000

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  • $200,000 - 300,000

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  • $400,000 - 500,000

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  • Total voters
So currently I'm doing the nxns (except for 6x6 and 7x7) and oh.

Just doing some solves. I think I will learn more PBL algs soon.

I'm really trying to focus on smoothness during solves instead of spamming tps. This has worked out pretty well and has even produced some good single times. My consistency has also improved and I feel like I'm moving forward pretty well which has motivated me to keep on practicing.
Generated By csTimer on 2023-10-05
avg of 25: 13.59

Time List:
1. (11.28) R' F2 D2 B2 F2 U L2 F2 U' L2 F2 D F2 L' B F' D' R2 U' B
2. 12.60 L D R2 D2 B' D2 B' U2 F L2 B2 D2 F' U2 R' D' B' F2 L' D2 F2
3. (11.05) F2 U' R2 L U B U R' B R F2 U2 B2 D2 F2 L' D2 L B2 L' D2
4. 12.74 U' F R' U D' B2 R' L2 U B2 U2 B2 L2 F2 R2 U F2 L' F U'
5. 16.42 L' B U' R' U2 D' R B' R2 U2 R2 U' L2 U F2 R2 D2 L2 F2 R2 B'
6. (16.61) F B2 U B2 F2 U' F2 D2 B2 R2 U2 B U L F' R' B L U2 L
7. 13.28 F2 R2 B2 D2 R2 U2 B' D2 F' R2 D R' U2 B' R2 B' U' B
8. 14.83 B' F2 U R2 U B2 D U2 F2 D B2 U' L2 F U L' R' U' B' R2 U2
9. 13.41 L U F' R2 D2 L2 B D2 B2 D2 B D2 L B2 F2 U R2 B' D2
10. 14.72 F2 U D F U2 L' B' R B2 U2 R L D2 F2 D2 B2 R D2 L' D' R
11. 11.41 L U2 F L F2 D2 F' R2 U R2 D F2 U2 D B2 L2 U' L2 R
12. 12.40 F L U2 L2 U B2 D' F2 U' R2 D' B2 D' F' D2 R B2 U' F' D' U'
13. 13.30 U B2 L2 U F2 D' R2 U' B2 L2 D' F2 L D F2 U' B' F R U' R'
14. (18.03) D R2 B R2 F' R2 B U2 F D2 L2 R2 F2 R' U R2 F' D2 B2 R F
15. 13.37 U' B2 R2 U' L2 F2 D B2 D2 L2 D2 U' R' F' U' F L' R' B' L' B'
16. 12.79 L2 F' D2 B' L2 F D2 L2 B2 L2 B2 R' B' L' R' U B F R2 D L2
17. 15.95 B D2 F2 L2 U B2 D L2 F2 U F2 U' L R U' B F R B L2
18. 13.03 L U2 B' L2 B R2 B' D2 L2 F' D2 U2 R' D' B' L' F' D2 L U'
19. 12.96 L2 D F2 U B' U' R' U' L2 D2 B2 D R2 B2 L2 D2 R B'
20. 13.11 F D2 B2 L' D B L R2 U L2 F2 U' F2 L2 U F2 D' B2 U2 L' F
21. 13.65 D2 L B2 R2 D' F2 L2 R2 U' R2 D2 F2 L2 B' D' R D' U R2 F2
22. 12.91 B U' D' F' D B' L' F' R' B2 L2 D2 F' U2 F' L2 D2 R2 U2
23. 11.65 L D' L2 B2 D' F2 R2 B2 L2 D L2 B' U2 B' U F' D2 R D L
24. 16.02 U' B2 F2 L' F2 U2 L2 D2 L R2 B2 D F2 D2 U R2 F' L
25. 14.82 U2 L' U' R2 D2 B2 U B2 R2 U2 L2 U2 B D2 R B' U B' R2 B2

Probably the nxn I've done the least for. I just occasionally do a few solves.

I really haven't done much 5x5 so I've been working on that. I have just done some solves and focused on edge and center pairing. I think the main problem is my center pairing and I need to learn more about it through some more timed and untimed solves.

I always wanted to try this event but a few things held me back:
1. Small hands
2. Can't remember algs with one hand.

While these problems still remain, @AJT17 progression has motivated me to start practicing it. For Algs I'll just try and if I can't remember it I'll review it afterwards. For the small hands part I'm considering getting a smaller cube specifically for OH though I'm not sure yet. I've only done around 100 solves so I'm still averaging around 55. Considering with both hands I average 15 I still have a long way to go.
So currently I'm doing the nxns (except for 6x6 and 7x7) and oh.

Just doing some solves. I think I will learn more PBL algs soon.

I'm really trying to focus on smoothness during solves instead of spamming tps. This has worked out pretty well and has even produced some good single times. My consistency has also improved and I feel like I'm moving forward pretty well which has motivated me to keep on practicing.
Generated By csTimer on 2023-10-05
avg of 25: 13.59

Time List:
1. (11.28) R' F2 D2 B2 F2 U L2 F2 U' L2 F2 D F2 L' B F' D' R2 U' B
2. 12.60 L D R2 D2 B' D2 B' U2 F L2 B2 D2 F' U2 R' D' B' F2 L' D2 F2
3. (11.05) F2 U' R2 L U B U R' B R F2 U2 B2 D2 F2 L' D2 L B2 L' D2
4. 12.74 U' F R' U D' B2 R' L2 U B2 U2 B2 L2 F2 R2 U F2 L' F U'
5. 16.42 L' B U' R' U2 D' R B' R2 U2 R2 U' L2 U F2 R2 D2 L2 F2 R2 B'
6. (16.61) F B2 U B2 F2 U' F2 D2 B2 R2 U2 B U L F' R' B L U2 L
7. 13.28 F2 R2 B2 D2 R2 U2 B' D2 F' R2 D R' U2 B' R2 B' U' B
8. 14.83 B' F2 U R2 U B2 D U2 F2 D B2 U' L2 F U L' R' U' B' R2 U2
9. 13.41 L U F' R2 D2 L2 B D2 B2 D2 B D2 L B2 F2 U R2 B' D2
10. 14.72 F2 U D F U2 L' B' R B2 U2 R L D2 F2 D2 B2 R D2 L' D' R
11. 11.41 L U2 F L F2 D2 F' R2 U R2 D F2 U2 D B2 L2 U' L2 R
12. 12.40 F L U2 L2 U B2 D' F2 U' R2 D' B2 D' F' D2 R B2 U' F' D' U'
13. 13.30 U B2 L2 U F2 D' R2 U' B2 L2 D' F2 L D F2 U' B' F R U' R'
14. (18.03) D R2 B R2 F' R2 B U2 F D2 L2 R2 F2 R' U R2 F' D2 B2 R F
15. 13.37 U' B2 R2 U' L2 F2 D B2 D2 L2 D2 U' R' F' U' F L' R' B' L' B'
16. 12.79 L2 F' D2 B' L2 F D2 L2 B2 L2 B2 R' B' L' R' U B F R2 D L2
17. 15.95 B D2 F2 L2 U B2 D L2 F2 U F2 U' L R U' B F R B L2
18. 13.03 L U2 B' L2 B R2 B' D2 L2 F' D2 U2 R' D' B' L' F' D2 L U'
19. 12.96 L2 D F2 U B' U' R' U' L2 D2 B2 D R2 B2 L2 D2 R B'
20. 13.11 F D2 B2 L' D B L R2 U L2 F2 U' F2 L2 U F2 D' B2 U2 L' F
21. 13.65 D2 L B2 R2 D' F2 L2 R2 U' R2 D2 F2 L2 B' D' R D' U R2 F2
22. 12.91 B U' D' F' D B' L' F' R' B2 L2 D2 F' U2 F' L2 D2 R2 U2
23. 11.65 L D' L2 B2 D' F2 R2 B2 L2 D L2 B' U2 B' U F' D2 R D L
24. 16.02 U' B2 F2 L' F2 U2 L2 D2 L R2 B2 D F2 D2 U R2 F' L
25. 14.82 U2 L' U' R2 D2 B2 U B2 R2 U2 L2 U2 B D2 R B' U B' R2 B2

Probably the nxn I've done the least for. I just occasionally do a few solves.

I really haven't done much 5x5 so I've been working on that. I have just done some solves and focused on edge and center pairing. I think the main problem is my center pairing and I need to learn more about it through some more timed and untimed solves.

I always wanted to try this event but a few things held me back:
1. Small hands
2. Can't remember algs with one hand.

While these problems still remain, @AJT17 progression has motivated me to start practicing it. For Algs I'll just try and if I can't remember it I'll review it afterwards. For the small hands part I'm considering getting a smaller cube specifically for OH though I'm not sure yet. I've only done around 100 solves so I'm still averaging around 55. Considering with both hands I average 15 I still have a long way to go.
I ordered a 54mm DaYan Guhong Pro M recently, and it should be here today or tomorrow, so I can tell you how much I recommend it for OH shortly after I get it.
Good luck with all of your other goals, I can't wait to see how much you improve in each event!
I'll try to post weekly updates on Monday:

Haven't really done anything else since the last update. Occasionally doing some solves.

I am officially sub 15. I'm fairly confident with this statement since I now have an ao1000 that is sub 15. Unfortunately the session is on a different device. I also have several low 10s but still only 3 sub 10 singles.
Umm Just got a pb ao5 randomly. Ignore the 17.06, that was a Ja perm. (pb by 0.03 seconds)
Generated By csTimer on 2023-10-09
avg of 5: 12.09

Time List:
1. 11.42 U F' U2 F2 U L2 F2 R2 U2 B2 U B2 U2 R B2 U L' U' F2 L
2. 12.66 B' L' B D2 B2 F2 R2 F2 U2 R2 D R2 D' F' D B U' L F2 U
3. 12.19 U' R2 B2 D2 F2 D R2 U2 F2 R2 D' R F2 L U' B L' F2 U2 L2
4. (10.74) U2 R2 U2 L D2 L' D2 B2 L' B2 R U' F' U2 R2 F2 D2 L2 B2 R'
5. (17.06) B' R2 U F2 R' F U' D L' B L2 B D2 R2 U2 F2 L2 B' R2 B'

Same as 2x2

I haven't been doing a lot of solves for this due to the fact that my solves take like 5 minutes so hopefully this week I'll get around to doing some more.

Recently got a PB single! It had a PLL skip and I think I would have done better if it was at home instead of on a dry YLM but still quite happy with this. This is the event I've been mostly focused on along with 3x3.

Generated By csTimer on 2023-10-08
single: 33.22

Time List:
1. 33.22 L2 D2 R2 B2 U B2 R2 U B2 F2 R2 D' F R F' R' D' R' D2 B R2
Last edited:
Generated By csTimer on 2023-10-09
avg of 5: 11.93

Time List:
1. 12.19 U' R2 B2 D2 F2 D R2 U2 F2 R2 D' R F2 L U' B L' F2 U2 L2
2. (10.74) U2 R2 U2 L D2 L' D2 B2 L' B2 R U' F' U2 R2 F2 D2 L2 B2 R'
3. (17.06) B' R2 U F2 R' F U' D L' B L2 B D2 R2 U2 F2 L2 B' R2 B'
4. 11.58 D2 F R2 B U2 L2 U2 R2 F2 R2 B L' F U' B' L2 F2 U B L2
5. 12.01 D2 B2 L2 F U2 F L2 F2 R2 U2 B2 D R' B2 U B L' D' U2 R2
Sorry for double post but this is crazy.
I thought the pb ao5 was over after the 17.06 but then I get an 11.58 and 12.01 so
Sub 12 pb ao5!!
Getting much more consistent and maybe closing in on sub 14.

3x3 OH:
So normally I solved with my right hand because my pinky on that hand is more flexible but I want to switch to my left hand just because most people use it and it is easier to follow along on tutorials. Anyone have thoughts on this?

Didn't do many other events this week.
3x3 OH:
So normally I solved with my right hand because my pinky on that hand is more flexible but I want to switch to my left hand just because most people use it and it is easier to follow along on tutorials. Anyone have thoughts on this?
Using the left hand will probably be the better option because that is what most tutorials use. Also you won't have to mirror most algs for your right hand which will make it much easier to follow along with any tutorials or algs that you see.
General Update:
So I've been basically only doing 3x3 and OH. Whenever I branch out to other nxns I always find myself coming back to these 2 events for some reason. A comp was announced nearby, but I don't do many of the events so I don't think I will go.

I need to drill and learn better finger tricks for a lot of algs. I currently am averaging sub 15 but I feel like I can improve my entire solve.
Cross - Less rotations and faster planning
F2L - Less rotations and better lookahead
OLL - Mainly faster recognition
PLL - Mainly faster execution

3x3 OH:
Switching hands is slow going and I have some habits from my right hand that I need to shake off. Mainly rotating weirdly for F2L. I currently average around 50 seconds.
Registered for a comp, no 3x3 though...
Focusing on comp events but mainly pyra. Sounds ridiculous bc I have a trash pyra and learned how to solve it with the actual beginners method 3 days ago, but I want to podium or make it to finals. (it is a small comp though <35 people)
Any tips for solving pyra with a bad pyra?
Registered for a comp, no 3x3 though...
Focusing on comp events but mainly pyra. Sounds ridiculous bc I have a trash pyra and learned how to solve it with the actual beginners method 3 days ago, but I want to podium or make it to finals. (it is a small comp though <35 people)
Any tips for solving pyra with a bad pyra?
What time do you think you need to get the podium? My first pyra average was with a bad pyra too btw. I used beginners' method and got 7.7 ao5
What time do you think you need to get the podium? My first pyra average was with a bad pyra too btw. I used beginners' method and got 7.7 ao5
I think probably sub 5.5 or somewhere around there...
Do you think I could get global sub 5 in like 25 hours? I currently average 13. I'm not really sure how much of a jump that is but I think it's quite a bit. I'm pretty sure I'll have to learn full l4e...
If it isn't somewhat plausible I'll focus on all events more equally.
I think probably sub 5.5 or somewhere around there...
Do you think I could get global sub 5 in like 25 hours? I currently average 13. I'm not really sure how much of a jump that is but I think it's quite a bit. I'm pretty sure I'll have to learn full l4e...
If it isn't somewhat plausible I'll focus on all events more equally.
No I don’t think in one day u can’t get sub5, even I am not sub 5 after I practiced for a month
Any tips for solving pyra with a bad pyra?
I am known for having a bad pyraminx, and I have made pyraminx finals with just the beginners method. If you want to make finals, you don't need to learn a new method, you just have to practice lots and find ways to make your solves faster.
I didn't mean one day. I meant over 1 month with like 30 hours of practice. If not, how fast could I get?
You could easily get faster than me, I don't practice pyraminx at all. 1 month might be enough time to learn L4E.
Yeah, you could definitely learn intuitive l4e in a few days and then practise that a lot. Make sure your first layer of V is somewhat efficiënt, so not inserting every piece
Given my time frame of a month with about an hour of practice every day, how fast would I be able to average? Also would it be better to go for intuitive l4e instead of algorithmic like I was planning
Given my time frame of a month with about an hour of practice every day, how fast would I be able to average? Also would it be better to go for intuitive l4e instead of algorithmic like I was planning
Algoritmic, intuitive, it doesn't really matter how you learn it. It is just that 'beginner' l4e is often called intuitive l4e. Basically first making the case a l3e case and solve that and like full l4e might take up a lot more time to learn and recognising is really hard in the beginning.
Either way, I think getting to somewhere around 5.5 is possible. I for example used intuitive l4e until averaging 5 seconds and only then started learning the full l4e algs