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Aolong V2 Mod ( For smoother turning )


Jan 8, 2016
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Moyu Aolong v2 Cube4you mod

- x1 Moyu Aolong V2
- x1 Cube4you red/orange core

I got inspiration for this mod from Pestvic and Yu Nakajima, and I decided to try it on some more current puzzles. The reason this mod works is the same reason it worked on the zhanchi a while back.

The core itself is made of really strong material that lets your screws go in a lot straighter than stock cores. This ensures smooth and even turning throughout your puzzle. While it may not be a drastic change, it improves the feeling of the cube. I prefer quieter cubes as opposed to the clickiness of the Aolong v2, but I do enjoy it's performance. The core also has a longer lifespan than that of stock cores, which let's you use the cube for a while more.

Simply take out your old blue moyu core and put in the cube4you one, which could be bought pretty cheaply at any cube store. This also has the added bonus of making the inside of your cube look cooler as well.

Hope you enjoy,

Ha-ha, I did this with yuxin core while ago. Yuxin is so perfect, but this is a thing that I can't say about my aolong v2. Its corners shakes. Cobe locks, it is very unstable.

So if you don't like your aolong V2 like me, saith cores with yuxin. Yuxin is great kinda same reason as in your mod.