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analyzing own solves just like in chess

Aug 12, 2013
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sorce = https://www.chess.com/forum/view/general/10-steps-for-getting-good-at-chess-fast
Step 3. Analyze All Your Losses

Analyzing lost games is one the most important aspects of getting good at chess. Many amateur players prefer either not to analyze their games altogether or just to focus on analyzing the wins. Unfortunately, we cannot learn from somebody else’s mistakes.

We learn the best from our own. Touching a hot plate once and getting burned is 1000% more efficient than being told 100 times that touching a hot plate is dangerous. In chess it works the same way. By missing a back rank mate once or twice you’ll beware and avoid future accidents.

By analyzing your lost games you will understand what went wrong and will do your best to avoid this kind of things from happening in future games. It is painful to look at your losses, but it is the only way for getting good at chess. If you want to learn how to analyze games I suggest reading https://thechessworld.com/articles/...important-factors-in-chess-position-analysis/ & https://thechessworld.com/articles/...o-ask-yourself-when-analyzing-your-own-games/
So... On chess is important to analyze your losses and how to improve.

What about when you did a slow average or really bad solve, reconstruct it (by watching the footage or using a smart cube) and then trying to find a better solution, wondering what would happen if you did a different cross, an x cross, planned different first pairs, solved with different techniques like pseudo slotting and keyhole or simply inserted pairs differently (sledge hammer, R U2 R' or used an L before inserting a pair on right and undo setup, to preserve what's in left side). you can also see what cases you should learn from different subsets, that would led to a better influencing of next case or shorter and faster f2l algs.

That apply to any method btw...

I'm planning on doing that because lately I've been doing a lot of slow solving and finding different ways of solving some cases and it helps at lot with efficiency

EDIT: I forgot to mention, cstimer and cubedb.net are great resources. Cstimer have lots of tools like optimal cross and many more and cubedb.net has an automatic solve critique
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CubingApp also has a reconstruction tool, and I have a feature in mind that I want to add soon.

After doing a solve on the virtual cube, it could automatically create the reconstruction. Kind of like how chess websites give you a reconstruction and analysis directly after the game.
sorce = https://www.chess.com/forum/view/general/10-steps-for-getting-good-at-chess-fast

So... On chess is important to analyze your losses and how to improve.

What about when you did a slow average or really bad solve, reconstruct it (by watching the footage or using a smart cube) and then trying to find a better solution, wondering what would happen if you did a different cross, an x cross, planned different first pairs, solved with different techniques like pseudo slotting and keyhole or simply inserted pairs differently (sledge hammer, R U2 R' or used an L before inserting a pair on right and undo setup, to preserve what's in left side). you can also see what cases you should learn from different subsets, that would led to a better influencing of next case or shorter and faster f2l algs.

That apply to any method btw...

I'm planning on doing this because lately I've been doing a lot of slow solving and finding differnt ways of solving some cases and it helps at lot on efficiency

EDIT: I forgot to mention, cstimer and cubedb.net are great resources. Cstimer have lots of tools like optimal cross and many more and cubedb.net has an automatic solve critique
Me when I i review my solve and realize I did the wrong OLL:

Rats! I blundered!

jk I think it’s a good idea.