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An exercise plan to get faster at cross and F2L with 90 minutes a day


Apr 27, 2014
Montreal, QC
Here is a daily exercise routine to practice systematically CFOP(especially cross and f2l) every day with only 1h30min of your time:

  • use or plan to learn CFOP
  • know f2l(sub-30 it)
  • be able to do a blindfolded cross
Preferably, you should be sub-45 before you use this routine or else it would take too much of your time.

Basically, you do 48 BLD crosses, 3 averages of 12(ao12) of cross(time yourself) plus one f2l slot(or x-cross if you can)(time yourself, 6 ao12s of cross+f2l(time yourself) and 2 ao12s of solves(time yourself).

Here is a printable sheet that has the exercises and the spots where you can write your times and calculate your averages:
View attachment cube training daily.doc

If you find this too long(I did on schooldays), do one sheet every 2 days, making 45 minutes per day.

Keep all your sheets for "future reference" or just to see how much you have improved.

I am currently averaging 21.5 sec and i lowered my f2l from 14,5 to 13.5 sec in 5 days with this method.:)

Sorry if my English is bad I speak French in Montréal.
For me it is(avg 21.5) but for others, maybe a little more or less. you can do two sheets or half a sheet per day, depending on your time arrangement.
Here is a daily exercise routine to practice systematically CFOP(especially cross and f2l) every day with only 1h30min of your time:

  • use or plan to learn CFOP
  • know f2l(sub-30 it)
  • be able to do a blindfolded cross
Preferably, you should be sub-45 before you use this routine or else it would take too much of your time.

Basically, you do 48 BLD crosses, 3 averages of 12(ao12) of cross(time yourself) plus one f2l slot(or x-cross if you can)(time yourself, 6 ao12s of cross+f2l(time yourself) and 2 ao12s of solves(time yourself).

Here is a printable sheet that has the exercises and the spots where you can write your times and calculate your averages:
View attachment 4009

If you find this too long(I did on schooldays), do one sheet every 2 days, making 45 minutes per day.

Keep all your sheets for "future reference" or just to see how much you have improved.

I am currently averaging 21.5 sec and i lowered my f2l from 14,5 to 13.5 sec in 5 days with this method.:)

Sorry if my English is bad I speak French in Montréal.
I will definitely use this method, but definitely not 90 minutes a day, maybe 30:) thanks!
Hi, I'm Celebrity Endorser and I'm here to show you an amazing workout plan I claim to have discovered! Introducing the QQW plan! With just 90 minutes a day you can see improvement in your first two layers. This four step plan consists of a range of activities to strengthen problem areas. This really works! Just listen to this real person's testimonial:

"I was stuck in a rut averaging 21.5 seconds. But since I discovered the QQW plan, I managed to lower my first two layer times from 14.5 to 13.5 seconds! Thanks Celebrity Endorser!"

Now doesn't this seem easy? You too can see amazing results if you simply follow the QQW plan. Order now and you'll receive my Daily Training Worksheet absolutely free!

*Must know or plan to learn the CFOP method
*Must be sub-30
*Must have the ability to solve a cross blindfolded
My Super Duper Mega Ultra something something something Fridrich Training Method was something like this, but much more time intensive and the exercises were split into something like doing 20 * (50 BLD Cross) per day, and then the next month doing 20 * (Ao12 F2L) per day, and so on and so forth. This, IMO, is much better, kudos, definitely will use
Love it. Been using this for a few months now and I've become much better at EO-Line, also somewhat better at ZZF2L. I found that using excel is much better for this kind of thing, so I've made two excel worksheet templates, one for ao5 and one for ao12.

  • Automatic calculation of average
  • Lowest and highest value of a given ao# is automatically discarded
  • Combined average of all averages in a set
  • Color coding for the highest (red) and lowest (green) value in a given set.

Note that you can simply rename the Cross, Cross + 1 etc if you use another method. I use ZZ and have the following names: EO-Line (BLD), EO-Line + 1 Block, EO-Line + ZZF2L, Full Solves.

[Requires Microsoft Excel 2007 or greater]
Template for ao5
Cubing Routine Template - CFOP - ao5.xlsx
Template for ao12
Cubing Routine Template - CFOP - ao12.xlsx
(Couldn't upload the .xlsx documents to speedsolving.com's uploader, so I had to use an external one, but it's a completely safe site)
