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Amateur cube solving robots discussion


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 9, 2014
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The aim of this thread is to list out all the cube solvers made and demonstrated until now and to discuss the feasibility in making them work again, at a cheaper price or at a scaled up version.

This is the speedsolving wiki page of the list of robots. It is not complete and outdated page and cannot be taken as the default reference to know the current status of cube solving robots. I have decided to maintain an active thread to discuss about the history and the upcoming cube solving robots.

Some rules on the direction of discussions that I would prefer in this thread:
  1. No commercial solvers like the Gan robot (The aim is to have open source DIY type projects being discussed here)
  2. Robot to solve an unmodified Rubik's Cube (GWR breaking robots are tuned to work in special condition and involve a lot of cost to make)
  3. Preferably no Lego only solvers (I would prefer if the project is made using engineering tools and embedded boards)
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Guinness has nothing to do with it, there are robots that surpass Mitsubishi's results. Point 2 can be reformulated as follows:
2. Robot to solve an unmodified Rubik's Cube
edited the second point, thanks!

Which is the Yandex robot video link you shared which is the fastest one, what is the solve time in realtime?