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alg replacement


Dec 17, 2008
so heres my dilemma:

i have f2l solved and top solved.

i currently use this to orient corners

r' f r' b2 r f' r' b2 r2

then i proceed with orienting the 3 or 4 leftover sides to thiere correct place

can anyone help me with replacing the alg with no back or bottom movements and preferably anything i can do quickly with right hand. namely front top and right moves.

everytime i get in a rush, when hitting the back side i somehow manage to twist the front at least twice in the same motion always screwing up the cube lol. its frustrating. esp when im trying to get as close to 1 minute solves as possible and cant do finger tricks with this alg.
That's the algorithm that most people use to permute corners. If you're not getting even sub-60 solves, you shouldn't be worrying about how fingertricky an algorithm is. You should be focusing on getting the algorithm right every single time.
Your main problem is doing B turns. Yes, it sucks, that's why you should hold the cube from an other angle and perform the same algorithm.

This algorithm is the same as the one you use, just the B turns on yours are D turns here:

l' U R' D2 R U' R' D2 R2

This algorithm cycles the pieces the other way around;
R U' R D2 R' U R D2 R2

Mind you: Algorithms with single layer turns are always written in capital letters. Learn more about notation why.
Your main problem is doing B turns. Yes, it sucks, that's why you should hold the cube from an other angle and perform the same algorithm.

This algorithm is the same as the one you use, just the B turns on yours are D turns here:

l' U R' D2 R U' R' D2 R2

This algorithm cycles the pieces the other way around;
R U' R D2 R' U R D2 R2

Mind you: Algorithms with single layer turns are always written in capital letters. Learn more about notation why.

ah thanks for that, much appreciated.
This will only swap the FRU and FRB but it will also destroy the Edge Permutation and is only recommended if you do the 4Look LL and permute the edges in the end.

L U' R' U L' U' R U2

And which corner would FRB be?

And if you did U instead of U2 at the end, you end up with a 3 corner cycle.