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Making a 4bld sandwich with Stanely Chapel out of the entire world


Mar 18, 2016
Illinois, USA
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So I haven't updated this thread in 3 weeks because I haven't really done any solves in the last 3 weeks.

You know, because of school.

I've done a little 3x3 solving in between, and I've competed in the ZZ Method Solvers Discord Weekly Competition so there's a tiny margin of maintenance, but I've only done about 300 OH solves this month.

I did some solves yesterday night. 9.9 3x3 ao100 which is nice. I'm a little surprised that I'm not getting any slower for not solving, but it is cool to stay sub 10. I also haven't completed an ao1k yet, so by some formal definitions I'm not sub10 yet, but I don't think that will be a real issue as long as I can just knock out solves over the next week.

Anyway, I really haven't done much OH solving at all since something like July. August was the 10k attempt, and while I only got in a little over 6k that was huge in terms of improvement As of July, I hadn't been doing that much OH and was struggling to get sub 15.

I know that I've done a couple hundred solves that have been sub 14, but that's not something that's sunken in yet; I haven't really internalized that every time I get a 13 its not just a lucky solve. I just got four 12s in the span of 5 solves-- the ao5 was about 0.8 away from my PB but what surprised me wasn't that it was fast, but how natural they were and I didn't notice them until like 10 solves later. They seemed pretty natural -- nothing about the solve seemed particularly fast or efficient, but that's how most of my solves are now.

School is going as well as it can; running is good enough so far. I'm hoping to be able to incorporate a daily ao50 into my schedule so that I can start grinding out PBs. Can't break an ao100 if I'm not doing solves to track that ao100, even if I'm fast enough :/

PBs from the session:
13.60 ao100 -- almost what my previous ao50 was
13.32 ao50
12.99 ao25 -- sub 13!!
12.80 ao12 -- 1.0 slower than my ao5


Aug 10, 2021
So I haven't updated this thread in 3 weeks because I haven't really done any solves in the last 3 weeks.

You know, because of school.

I've done a little 3x3 solving in between, and I've competed in the ZZ Method Solvers Discord Weekly Competition so there's a tiny margin of maintenance, but I've only done about 300 OH solves this month.

I did some solves yesterday night. 9.9 3x3 ao100 which is nice. I'm a little surprised that I'm not getting any slower for not solving, but it is cool to stay sub 10. I also haven't completed an ao1k yet, so by some formal definitions I'm not sub10 yet, but I don't think that will be a real issue as long as I can just knock out solves over the next week.

Anyway, I really haven't done much OH solving at all since something like July. August was the 10k attempt, and while I only got in a little over 6k that was huge in terms of improvement As of July, I hadn't been doing that much OH and was struggling to get sub 15.

I know that I've done a couple hundred solves that have been sub 14, but that's not something that's sunken in yet; I haven't really internalized that every time I get a 13 its not just a lucky solve. I just got four 12s in the span of 5 solves-- the ao5 was about 0.8 away from my PB but what surprised me wasn't that it was fast, but how natural they were and I didn't notice them until like 10 solves later. They seemed pretty natural -- nothing about the solve seemed particularly fast or efficient, but that's how most of my solves are now.

School is going as well as it can; running is good enough so far. I'm hoping to be able to incorporate a daily ao50 into my schedule so that I can start grinding out PBs. Can't break an ao100 if I'm not doing solves to track that ao100, even if I'm fast enough :/

PBs from the session:
13.60 ao100 -- almost what my previous ao50 was
13.32 ao50
12.99 ao25 -- sub 13!!
12.80 ao12 -- 1.0 slower than my ao5
Hmm. Solid improvement. Sometimes a break can do you good!;)


Mar 18, 2016
Illinois, USA
Visit Channel
Got a good amount of improvement over the last week :)

mo3: 10.87 (σ = 0.92) first sub11
ao5: 11.53 (σ = 0.12) third sub12 and anto official average
ao12: 12.47 (σ = 1.03)
ao25: 12.74 (σ = 1.12)
ao50: 12.98 (σ = 1.22) first sub13
ao100: 13.20 (σ = 1.34) faster than my pb ao12 from may

The only PB that I haven't broken recently is my single, but I've gotten 3 sub 10s so far in this session which is pretty cool


Mar 18, 2016
Illinois, USA
Visit Channel
I pbed in oh in ao5 or smth
i posted in accomplishments thread idc to cross post here and that was like a month ago anyway

I also started practicing OH roux (w/y xy2) as of a week or two ago. In case the rouxers get to the WR before I do, I'll be able to switch methods really quickly and to get back on an even playing field.

School has been kicking my butt the last two months so i haven't been practicing that much but my free rs3m2020 (i put extra magnets in the first one that i bought) was very kind to me earlier today. Got my first sub9 ao12 in th, with TWO counting 7s.

Generated By csTimer on 2021-11-28
avg of 12: 8.93

Time List:
1. 8.35 D R2 U' L2 D F2 D B2 U2 B2 R2 L F D L R2 U2 B' R F' L
2. 7.69 L' U2 B' L2 B2 R2 F' L2 B' L2 B2 U2 D R U B' U L' B2 R'
3. 9.54 L' F R U2 B2 U2 F2 L' R2 U2 B2 R D' F U' L D F U2
4. 9.68 F' R B2 U F2 L2 D F2 L2 F2 R2 U2 R2 U F' L' R D' F' U F
5. 9.34 R2 F2 U2 F D2 B L2 R2 U2 B L2 B' U L2 B' L F L D F R'
6. 10.09 L2 F2 U2 F' R2 D2 B' L2 R2 D2 U B' U2 F' L' U2 R' D L' R'
7. 8.61 B' D B' R2 F' L' B' U R U2 L B2 U2 R' B2 U2 L F2 U2 L
8. 7.85 U2 D' F2 B' R B R' L' U F R2 D2 F B D2 B R2 D2 R2 B2
9. 8.30 L2 D2 R2 U' B2 L2 R2 D B2 D2 L2 B2 L' R F' L D' U2 B' U' L2
10. (10.55) D' R2 D2 F2 R2 D2 B2 L D2 F2 B D' F2 R2 B' R' B' U'
11. 9.82 R2 D2 B2 R2 D' U R2 U L2 R2 U' F L D R2 D' U2 F R B D'
12. (7.55) L2 F2 D R2 D' L2 U' R2 U' B2 L2 U B U2 F2 L U2 B D2 B2 U2


Mar 18, 2016
Illinois, USA
Visit Channel

Generated By csTimer on 2021-12-13
avg of 5: 11.65

Time List:
1. 11.37 F R B D2 B2 U R2 D2 F2 U L2 F2 D R2 L D R2 U' L D2 F2
2. (15.29) L' U D' R' F' U F' R B D L2 D F2 B2 D2 R2 U F2 U B2
3. 12.56 L U' L2 F2 L B2 U2 R' D2 B2 L2 U2 F2 B' R' U B L' F2 R
4. (9.47) D2 R' U2 R' D L B U R2 F2 L2 B2 R2 D B2 U2 R2 B' L
5. 11.02 R2 B2 U2 F' L2 D2 R2 D2 B' D2 R2 F D R' F' R U' F' U' R' D'

D2 R' U2 R' D L B U R2 F2 L2 B2 R2 D B2 U2 R2 B' L

x2 // inspection
U' L2 F R' D // eoline
R U2 R U R' U R' // rb
U z U' R2 z' R' // rf
z R U' R' U R' U2 // lb
R U' R' U z' // lf
U R U2 R2 U' R2 U' R2 U2 R U2 // zbll
37 htm, 3.90 tps

Average would place me 54th in the world. single is only 136 smh
Average is 0.3 away from pb


Mar 18, 2016
Illinois, USA
Visit Channel
doin some th in the late night vc with the zms bois and popped off. Very nice mo3, which is pb from 7.69

Generated By csTimer on 2022-01-14
mean of 3: 7.62

Time List:
1. 6.63 F' R2 D2 B2 R2 U2 F2 L R' F2 L' U2 D' R B F L' F2 R' B'
2. 7.92 L2 F2 R2 F R2 D2 R2 F R2 F U2 D R D' L U2 B2 D' U' F' R
3. 8.32 R D L2 B2 U B2 D U L2 F2 R2 F2 U L F' U L U' L R' U2

1. 6.63 F' R2 D2 B2 R2 U2 F2 L R' F2 L' U2 D' R B F L' F2 R' B'
F D M' D x' D2 U' // eo223-1c
L' U R U' R' U R U' L' // lb
U2 R' U R2 U' R' U2 R U' R' // right block
U R U' R' U' R U2 R' U' R' D' R U2 R' D R U' // zbll
42stm 6.63 tps

not a great zbll recognition or execution so i choked the sub6. f2l was mid3 and pauseless


Mar 18, 2016
Illinois, USA
Visit Channel
Generated By csTimer on 2022-01-22
solves/total: 1000/1000
average: 9.75

best: 6.01
worst: 14.73

mean of 3
current: 9.86 (σ = 0.79)
best: 7.62 (σ = 0.88)

avg of 5
current: 9.86 (σ = 0.79)
best: 8.20 (σ = 0.24)

avg of 12
current: 9.32 (σ = 0.75)
best: 8.88 (σ = 0.92)

mean of 25
current: 9.62 (σ = 1.04)
best: 9.28 (σ = 1.09)

avg of 25
current: 9.65 (σ = 0.89)
best: 9.19 (σ = 0.83)

mean of 50
current: 9.64 (σ = 1.02)
best: 9.40 (σ = 1.12)

avg of 50
current: 9.67 (σ = 0.82)
best: 9.40 (σ = 0.91)

mean of 100
current: 9.64 (σ = 1.19)
best: 9.50 (σ = 1.24)

avg of 100
current: 9.61 (σ = 0.89)
best: 9.48 (σ = 0.96)

mean of 200
current: 9.74 (σ = 1.32)
best: 9.57 (σ = 1.23)

avg of 200
current: 9.68 (σ = 0.98)
best: 9.55 (σ = 0.95)

mean of 500
current: 9.74 (σ = 1.23)
best: 9.69 (σ = 1.24)

avg of 500
current: 9.71 (σ = 0.92)
best: 9.66 (σ = 0.93)

mean of 1000
current: 9.77 (σ = 1.26)
best: 9.77 (σ = 1.26)

avg of 1000
current: 9.75 (σ = 0.95)
best: 9.75 (σ = 0.95)

Average: 9.75 (σ = 0.95)
Mean: 9.77

I've been sub10 for almost 5 months at this point but I haven't managed to finish an ao1k since then. I had a session at around 800-900 solves in September that got deleted when I restarted my computer. So this is my formal unofficial entrance into the sub10 club (as I missed my opportunity to do it officially 3 weeks ago).
Time to do the same in OH...
Last edited:

Quốc Hưng

Nov 25, 2021
i want a record
unfortunately, among other things, i live in the us
this is unfortunate both because setting records is hard and also for other reasons

all of the events for which i have any sort of aptitude are all occupied by countrymen of the highest caliber:

3x3 - max is a 3x3 god
megaminx - nicholas is a mega god
feet - daniel is a feet god
fmc - cale is an fmc god
bld - lmaooo (stanely is a bld deity)

well, that is except of course oh

like there are so few fast people
literally only 20 ppl are sub11, and not even 75 ppl are sub12
ofc max and patrick are good but cmon. they're not that good
so i know for sure ill be able to get world class ez

the only question is if i can get to low9 and get an official result at that speed before anto and iuri and other rouxers compete again

and ive got a lot of work to do bc im like barely mid 14 and everyone else is already low9 but covid is gonna hang around for a few more months at the very least, preventing most comps, so if i can drop a second each month then i should be good

unfortunately i also start uni again soon so ill have to be really deliberate with my practice as well
Good lũcky


Mar 18, 2016
Illinois, USA
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Generated By csTimer on 2022-01-30
avg of 100: 12.93

12.93, 14.12, 12.56, 12.81, 12.62, 13.50, 13.85, 13.63, 12.25, 10.99, 12.82, 11.66, 12.83, 14.33, 14.03, 12.57, 12.11, 14.27, 13.07, 12.21, 12.80, (16.75), 12.73, 12.62, 13.41, (9.69), 13.47, 10.73, 12.16, 14.70, 12.27, 12.65, 14.04, 12.46, 13.42, 12.67, 13.02, (10.57), 14.27, (15.02), 14.41, 12.19, 14.22, 14.49, 12.33, (16.19), 13.72, 14.22, 13.53, 12.17, 12.08, 10.74, 10.80, 13.52, 14.69, 12.77, 12.04, 12.64, (15.84), 13.42, (9.32), 12.93, 13.68, 11.46, 13.34, 13.49, 12.41, 11.22, 13.98, 11.28, 14.30, 12.57, 11.81, 10.77, 12.66, 13.98, 12.40, (10.12), 14.05, 13.05, 13.02, 12.29, 14.67, 11.05, 13.33, 12.78, 12.83, 12.75, 12.46, 14.65, (10.53), (15.01), 13.14, 13.89, 12.25, 12.97, 13.75, 14.48, 10.99, 12.44

still in the first month of the year
global is still somewhere around 13.3ish though
Oct 12, 2020
A mythical land filled with talking Ducks
wheres your WCA profile?


Mar 18, 2016
Illinois, USA
Visit Channel
Nah man we're gonna get it first.
Yeah, I've sorta resigned myself to that by now. If I had been able to practice a ton last year and get to 10 then I would have a shot, but as is I have too much work to which leaves too much room for the rouxers to get WR. I should still have a shot an NAR or a world's podium if I can get to that sub 10 sweet spot and stay there long enough for a WC to come along.