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[Review] 54.6mm FangShi ShuangRen 3x3x3

What do you think of this puzzle?

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    Votes: 8 44.4%
  • Good

    Votes: 6 33.3%
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    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Below Average

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Poor

    Votes: 1 5.6%

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May 24, 2012
Noord Holland, The Netherlands
Visit Channel
This thread is for reviews of the 54.6mm Fangshi ShuangRen 3x3x3. You can vote in the poll above, but please only vote if you own this particular puzzle.

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What are your thoughts of this puzzle? Please vote one of the options above - but please only vote if you own and have used this puzzle extensively!


This cube is amazing.

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Nice. I've been waiting for someone to put up a video of this cube (with solve)... I wanted to see it in action with the white and black unique look. I hadn't seen a video of that yet... I thought it might throw me off if I got it or that the stickers would be too small because the pieces go together differently than the 57mm one.
Where did you order them?
Mine are still on their way to me...

I bought it from HKNow. It got here in a few days..

I thought it might throw me off if I got it or that the stickers would be too small because the pieces go together differently than the 57mm one.
Yes, me too. That's why the 18 seconds solve completely surprised me ;)
I have question for you:
If you have to compare, to which of cubes this ShuangRen is closer:
- fast Zhanchi
- stable Guhong?

I am asking, because I moved from Zhanchi to Guhong (Zhanchi was to fast for my feeling) I and I am curious what this cube is like.
I have question for you:
If you have to compare, to which of cubes this ShuangRen is closer:
- fast Zhanchi
- stable Guhong?

I am asking, because I moved from Zhanchi to Guhong (Zhanchi was to fast for my feeling) I and I am curious what this cube is like.

It's nothing like Zhanchi or Guhong. A very good LingYung might come close maybe.
I bought both the white base and black cap, and black base white cap versions, glad I did. I ended up swapping the base edges on each, leaving only the corners being the opposite color base. fangshi54.jpg. I like the cube, definitely not a main by any means but still a fast cube and looks cool.
The cube turns really well, and is definitely my fastest cube. :D
Quick Question- Does the larger Fangshi-Shuangren turn as well?
The cube turns really well, and is definitely my fastest cube. :D
Quick Question- Does the larger Fangshi-Shuangren turn as well?

The above-poster is not from Parity Case (me). Must be an issue with the site that let it come up, will PM that user.

Parity Case
(a.k.a Parity Case Cubing)
The above-poster is not from Parity Case (me). Must be an issue with the site that let it come up, will PM that user.

Parity Case
(a.k.a Parity Case Cubing)

Yes, it's an issue that the site allows people to register unused user names.

I don't think he was copying you. He's done nothing to represent himself as you. I think he just came up with the same idea for a user name as you. His doesn't have a space, yours does. It's a different user name.
Yes, it's an issue that the site allows people to register unused user names.

I don't think he was copying you. He's done nothing to represent himself as you. I think he just came up with the same idea for a user name as you. His doesn't have a space, yours does. It's a different user name.

Hi - as I said I would, I PM'd the user - it was a friendly message. I agree that it was likely unintentional (the user is brand new too, so probably has not seen my posts), though the choice of a lack of space may be due to the name with a space being unavailable (I have no way of knowing though). Since the person is brand new on here, it shouldn't be much of a difficulty for that person to change names anyhow. It's also for their benefit - if I say something terribly stupid on here, no one will think it is that person.

I don't wish to have this thread get sidetracked on a username debate, so the rest will be in ideally friendly PMs with the person.

Thanks. Back to thread...
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The cube turns really well, and is definitely my fastest cube. :D
Quick Question- Does the larger Fangshi-Shuangren turn as well?

Yes..But the larger one has the cap resting on top of the piece which kinda annoyed me
and the 54.6 has the cap recessed in to the piece
Only difference
So I took mine apart completely to clean, lube, etc. How many pieces does this cube need? Each edge and corner and centers break into three pieces! Probably the most work I've had to do to take apart and reassemble a 3x3 ever.