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Oct 29, 2024
Durban, South Africa
Hi there, I've just joined the forum. Looks like a great place for all things cubing. I have recently brought a 3x3x3 cube, and the last time I used one was back in the 1980's!
I have been trying to find a certain algorithm that I used back then, hence the reason for this enquiry. I purchased the cube new back then and it came with a small booklet having the following moves:




So as an example, move 2.1 would have something like the following:

2.1 L-U-F U-F-L
(Where L represents Left
U represents Underneath
F represents Front).

Does anyone have an Idea where I might find these types of original algorithms?

Many thanks.
Velkonmen! I also first tried the cube in high school in the mid-1980s 👻 even have a Chex Cereal brand cube I got by mailing off Chex box-tops to prove it! /o/

I don't know a specific answer to your main question
ruwix.com has many good resources for cubing methods and algortihms, from beginner and on up ✅ gl and Happy Cubing!
Hi there, I've just joined the forum. Looks like a great place for all things cubing. I have recently brought a 3x3x3 cube, and the last time I used one was back in the 1980's!
I have been trying to find a certain algorithm that I used back then, hence the reason for this enquiry. I purchased the cube new back then and it came with a small booklet having the following moves:




So as an example, move 2.1 would have something like the following:

2.1 L-U-F U-F-L
(Where L represents Left
U represents Underneath
F represents Front).

Does anyone have an Idea where I might find these types of original algorithms?

Many thanks.
Welcome to the forums! I would recommend first learning the proper notation, as nowadays cubers use "U" for "Up" or the top layer, not "Underneath". If you would like to start with the beginner's method, I recommend watching this video by J Perm or this video by CubeHead. Both are very reliable, so hopefully you can gain some knowledge about this method. Once again, welcome to the forums, and I wish you the best of luck on your return to cubing!
Velkonmen! I also first tried the cube in high school in the mid-1980s 👻 even have a Chex Cereal brand cube I got by mailing off Chex box-tops to prove it! /o/

I don't know a specific answer to your main question
ruwix.com has many good resources for cubing methods and algortihms, from beginner and on up ✅ gl and Happy Cubing!
Hi, thanks for that info. I'll definitely check the ruwix.com site. Once again, tx!
Welcome to the forums! I would recommend first learning the proper notation, as nowadays cubers use "U" for "Up" or the top layer, not "Underneath". If you would like to start with the beginner's method, I recommend watching this video by J Perm or this video by CubeHead. Both are very reliable, so hopefully you can gain some knowledge about this method. Once again, welcome to the forums, and I wish you the best of luck on your return to cubing!
Hi there, thanks for that information. I'll definitely check out those videos!
Thanks so much.