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3x3 Race To Be Featured In A YouTube Video


Aug 9, 2015
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I'm a YouTuber who's making a video where I race 100 people on 3x3, but only 45 people have signed up to race me so far. So I need your help (pls). The races will all be held on a VC in my Discord server, it's just one 3x3 solve, and if we race, you'll be in a YouTube video and possibly get a shoutout if you want. It doesn't matter how fast you are, any cuber can join. So if you want to race on 3x3, sign up here, it would be greatly appreciated :)

Link to Sign Up: https://forms.gle/iPtcJPkRwu3u998v8
I'm a YouTuber who's making a video where I race 100 people on 3x3, but only 45 people have signed up to race me so far. So I need your help (pls). The races will all be held on a VC in my Discord server, it's just one 3x3 solve, and if we race, you'll be in a YouTube video and possibly get a shoutout if you want. It doesn't matter how fast you are, any cuber can join. So if you want to race on 3x3, sign up here, it would be greatly appreciated :)

Link to Sign Up: https://forms.gle/iPtcJPkRwu3u998v8
Hi Tebocubes, I'm totally new to cubing. Super slow, but would love to join. When is the race? I dont have discord so I may have to join. I'll subscribe to your youtube channel as well. Sign up for my channel as well! Newbie here but still learning!!
