Goal- 3 sub 1s
Single- 1:01.39
Mo3- 1:50.77
Ao5- 1:58.84
Longest success streak- 6
Success rate- ???
Method- M2/OP
Goal- 3 sub 1s
Single- 1:20.57
Mo3- 1:52.00
Ao5- 1:54.94
Ao12- 2:08.94
Longest success streak- 16
Success rate- 90%
Method- M2/OP
Goal- 3 sub 45s
Single- 47.46(1:05 PB2)
Mo3- 1:25.13
Ao5- 1:21.20
Longest success streak- 12
Success rate- 80-90%
Method- M2/OP
@CubeLite and @BVCuber13 tell me if you want to change or add anything!
Goal- 3 sub 1s
Single- 1:01.39
Mo3- 1:50.77
Ao5- 1:58.84
Longest success streak- 6
Success rate- ???
Method- M2/OP
Goal- 3 sub 1s
Single- 1:20.57
Mo3- 1:52.00
Ao5- 1:54.94
Ao12- 2:08.94
Longest success streak- 16
Success rate- 90%
Method- M2/OP
Goal- 3 sub 45s
Single- 47.46(1:05 PB2)
Mo3- 1:25.13
Ao5- 1:21.20
Longest success streak- 12
Success rate- 80-90%
Method- M2/OP
@CubeLite and @BVCuber13 tell me if you want to change or add anything!
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