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2X2X2 fmc!

This seems like a fun good time actually. I signed up.

I don't think I've ever done a forum comp before, but I tried doing a practice 2x2 FMC for the sake of it and I found it quite satisfying. Here's the scramble/solution I used if anyone's interested

R U F U F2 U R' F2 U2 R' F U' R U F
(Moves inside of parenthesis are done on the inverse)

( :) R' F R' F)//First layer+1 solved
:)=U' R2 U L' U' R2 U L//3 cycle

(U' R2 U L' U' R2 U L R' x' F R' F)//Solution with first cancelation
(U' R2 U L' U' R2 U D U2 y' R' U)//Eliminating rotations from previous step and realizing there's a second cancelation

Final solution: B' D B2 U2 F D F' U2 F (9 htm)
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