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2020 Race to sub-x on a 3x3


Jun 2, 2019
Thanks to you guys, this competition is already running for more then a year!

Every monday I will post 12 scrambles for a 3x3 race.
Everybody can join in. Just post your goal, times and average.

You become a graduate, when you meet your personal goal for 3 consecutive tries.

Above 10 seconds you set goals of whole seconds.
Under 10 seconds you set goals of halve seconds.

I like your message when I updated the list of graduates with your result.

Scrambles for week 37 (monday 7 september 2020)
1. F2 L2 B R2 B U2 B U2 F2 R2 U2 D B2 L' D' U2 R B D' B2
2. U2 L D B U2 D' R' D' R2 L2 B2 D2 R2 L2 D' R2 U' B2 D' R
3. F U2 R2 F R2 B L2 R2 D2 F2 L2 B' D' B' U L' B2 F D2 L2 B2
4. D U2 F2 D F2 L2 D' L2 R2 U' L2 U' R' F R2 U R' B L U B2
5. L D2 U2 F' L2 B U2 F2 D2 L2 U2 D' L B' U2 F D R
6. D' R B2 L D' B' L' D R' D2 R2 F' L2 B2 D2 F' U2 F L2 F2
7. F L2 F2 L2 B' L2 F' U2 R2 F L' U F U2 B' L U F' R2 F
8. D' F2 U R2 U F2 D U L2 B2 F L' D2 L2 U2 B D' B R U2
9. L B' D' L' U2 B2 L' D' R' U2 R2 D2 F2 R U2 B2 R' U2 B2 L2
10. L2 B2 U2 L2 R2 U F2 D' R2 D R B2 F D' F2 L U2 B2 F2
11. U B2 R2 D L2 U' R2 D' U2 R2 U L F D2 L' D' U B2 R' U'
12. D2 L2 B2 F2 U L2 F2 D' U F U L R2 B2 F D2 B2 U


Sub 8.5
Zeke Mackay
Micah Morrison

Sub 9

Sub 9.5

Sub 11
fun at the joy

Sub 12
Little Sunrise
fun at the joy

Sub 13
fun at the joy

Sub 14
Koen van Aller

Sub 15
Koen van Aller

Sub 16
Koen van Aller
Xtreme Cuber

Sub 17

Sub 18
I'm A Cuber

Sub 19

Sub 20

Sub 21

Sub 22

Sub 23

Sub 24

Sub 25

Sub 26

Sub 30

Sub 40


Sub 8.5
1/3 ExultantCarn

Sub 9.5
1/3 LYZ

Sub 10
2/3 Nmile7300
1/3 fun at the joy (august)

Sub 11
2/3 Nutybaconator
1/3 BradyCubes08

Sub 12
2/3 SM cubing
2/3 NathanaelCubes
1/3 PugCuber
2/3 Insert---Name (august)

Sub 13
1/3 GioccioCuber

Sub 14
2/3 jronge94
1/3 Matthew W

Sub 15
1/3 Metallic Silver
1/3 G0ingInsqne
1/3 RJcub3r
1/3 ProStar
1/3 Jam88
1/3 Ordinarycuber (august)

Sub 16
1/3 sascholeks
1/3 CJCubing
1/3 MSM2002.
1/3 KMCuber374
1/3 I'm A Cuber (august)
1/3 Skewb_Cube (september)

Sub 17
1/3 qT Tp
1/3 Animaginarytale

Sub 18
1/3 Ciparo
1/3 CubingWithJay
1/3 The Cubix
1/3 KingTim96

Sub 19
2/3 Cubinwitdapizza
2/3 Weerwan

Sub 20
2/3 QuestionableCuber
2/3 Skittleskp
1/3 Ady.merchant
1/3 Brayden Adams
1/3 ABadRubiksSolver
1/3 skewbercuber
1/3 theos
1/3 MarkA64
1/3 Mike3451
1/3 FluxDigital01
1/3 CashCuber (august)

Sub 21
1/3 Nathanael

Sub 22
1/3 GAN 356 X
1/3 Fredrick
1/3 Nuuk cuber

Sub 23
2/3 Myko

Sub 24
2/3 ThisNameIsAlreadyTaken

Sub 25
2/3 ShibaImNu
1/3 BLCuber8
1/3 ADL

Sub 26
1/3 baseballjello67

Sub 28
1/3 PEN.gu1nCXI

Sub 30
1/3 KovyTheCuber
1/3 Gnome

Sub 35
2/3 swburk (september)

Sub 39
2/3 xcross

Sub 45
1/3 Iwannaganx
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goal: sub 25
cube: yuxin little magic m
comment: nice
avg of 12: 23.44
Goal: sub 16
Cube: Valk 3
Comment: First-time nerves?

avg of 12: 17.22

Time List:
1) 16.39
2) 19.98
3) 20.10
4) 14.01
5) 18.79
6) 15.71
7) 15.75
8) 17.49
9) 16.76
10) (13.51)
11) 17.25
12) (20.94)
GOAL: sub15


1. U2 B U2 F2 D2 F' L2 B' F2 D2 F2 R' B L' R2 U' F' D F' R' U' -> (12.57)
2. L' D' B L2 D' L' B L2 F2 R F2 L U2 B2 L F2 R D' F' -> 13.64
3. L U' R U' R' F B L' B2 U R2 D R2 U2 R2 F2 U2 D R2 L2 B -> 18.16
4. U B' L2 R2 F' U2 B' L2 B R2 U2 B D' R' U2 B' U' R' U' B' F' -> 19.08
5. F2 L D' R L B' R' F' L' U' B2 U R2 F2 U F2 B2 U F2 U' F2 -> 17.78
6. L' U' R2 B2 F' L2 D2 L2 D2 F' D2 R2 F' U2 D' F' U L D2 L2 U' ->17.03
7. L' U' B' U D2 F' U2 L D F' U2 R2 F L2 B' D2 R2 F' D2 R2 F' -> 15.44
8. B L2 F' R2 D2 U2 F2 U2 L2 F' L2 U F2 D2 L' D' R2 U L' U -> 14.52
9. L' B' R2 F2 R' D2 U2 R F2 R' D2 B2 R U2 B' L F D' R U B' -> 16.44
10. B' L2 F2 U' L B2 U B' R2 D' R2 U2 R2 L2 F2 L2 D' R2 D' L2 B' -> 18.33
11. D2 L2 R2 F' L2 R2 D2 B' U2 F L2 B' L D2 R D' R' B U2 B' R ->18.32
12. L' B L2 D2 R F' B' D F2 U2 R2 F' R2 F2 U2 B U2 F' D2 F D -> (24.65)

some bad solves and messing up / not remembering some easy COLLs
should've sub15 more
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Scrambles for sunday 2 june 2019

I am SUB 18
Goal Average : SUB 15
Current Average : 16.18
Main : Yuxin Little Magic M

Generated By csTimer on 2019-06-03
avg of 12: 16.18

Time List:
1. 17.14 F2 D2 R2 F R2 U2 B D2 F U2 D' R F' L2 U' L F' U' R2
2. 16.91 L B' D B' R U2 F2 B' L F' U2 D2 B D2 F' B' D2 F'
3. 14.15 U' F L2 F' D2 B D2 U2 B F2 U2 R' B' L U' L2 R' D' B R
4. 17.16 R2 D R2 D2 F' U2 F U2 L2 B2 L2 B D2 B2 R' D L R D' R2 B'
5. (11.73) B U2 D2 L2 U2 L' U' B D2 L2 B' R2 F2 U2 R2 L2 D
6. 16.57 R2 F2 R2 D' L2 D F2 U' B2 D R2 B R' D' L2 U' L2 B U B F2
7. 12.93 D2 R2 F' L2 U2 B2 U2 B' U2 B D2 F L B' F D F2 U2 R F2 U'
8. 15.85 D2 L2 B2 U2 L2 D B2 D L2 B2 L' B U2 R D U F' R B' U2
9. (21.16) D2 U2 F' L2 F2 U2 B2 D2 B' R2 F' L2 D' R' F U' L B F' U2 L'
10. 16.22 R2 D L2 B2 U2 R2 D L2 D F2 U' L2 B U' L F L F' R' U2
11. 17.07 F' L2 D' B' D2 L2 F D L' U2 R D2 R U2 L2 B2 D2 B2 U2 R
12. 17.83 U2 R' D' R2 B2 L2 F2 R2 D2 U F2 R2 U B' D L U2 F2 L' F'

Ignore the scrambles written on the top I followed yours.
Goal sub-14
1. 14.08
2. 13.60
3. 12.27
4. (12.04)
5. 12.14
6. 13.87
7. (DNF(14.15))
8. 14.50
9. 15.24
10. 18.57
11. 13.56
12. 13.98

No sub-12 singles smh
Plus kill me for that counting 18

Ao12: 14.18

In all that's about what I average but that DNF :(
Goa: Sub-15
1. 17.19
2. 15.71
3. (12.62)
4. (19.60)
5. 16.47
6. 14.39
7. 16.40
8. 15.23
9. 15.13
10. 16.09
11. 14.11
12. 14.02

Ao12: 15.47

Pretty inconsistent but pretty mediocre. Planned out all my crosses in inspection which was pretty good for me though and the 12 single was nice :)
Goal: Sub-22
Cube: Valk 3 Power M
Comment: First two solves got me off on the wrong foot and surprised that in the end I only just missed out on the goal by 0.04 seconds.

Avg of 12: 22.04

Time List:
1. (38.21)
2. 24.72
3. (18.81)
4. 22.30
5. 22.51
6. 24.32
7. 20.53
8. 21.41
9. 22.19
10. 21.24
11. 21.07
12. 20.06
Goal sub 20
1. 27.377
2. 23.949
3. (21.880) (could have been a pb but messed up a little on oll and pll)
4. 29.641
5. 26.476 +2
7. 31.043
8. 27.200
9. 26.441
10. 29.341
11. 22.385
12. 27.764

Ao12: 26.937

Cube: Valk 3 M
Goal: Sub 9.5
avg of 12: 9.41

Time List:
1. 10.09 U2 B U2 F2 D2 F' L2 B' F2 D2 F2 R' B L' R2 U' F' D F' R' U'
2. 9.45 L' D' B L2 D' L' B L2 F2 R F2 L U2 B2 L F2 R D' F'
3. 9.47 L U' R U' R' F B L' B2 U R2 D R2 U2 R2 F2 U2 D R2 L2 B
4. 10.18 U B' L2 R2 F' U2 B' L2 B R2 U2 B D' R' U2 B' U' R' U' B' F'
5. 9.27 F2 L D' R L B' R' F' L' U' B2 U R2 F2 U F2 B2 U F2 U' F2
6. 9.18 L' U' R2 B2 F' L2 D2 L2 D2 F' D2 R2 F' U2 D' F' U L D2 L2 U'
7. (10.29+) L' U' B' U D2 F' U2 L D F' U2 R2 F L2 B' D2 R2 F' D2 R2 F'
8. 8.60 B L2 F' R2 D2 U2 F2 U2 L2 F' L2 U F2 D2 L' D' R2 U L' U
9. (8.48) L' B' R2 F2 R' D2 U2 R F2 R' D2 B2 R U2 B' L F D' R U B'
10. 8.81 B' L2 F2 U' L B2 U B' R2 D' R2 U2 R2 L2 F2 L2 D' R2 D' L2 B'
11. 8.99 D2 L2 R2 F' L2 R2 D2 B' U2 F L2 B' L D2 R D' R' B U2 B' R
12. 10.01 L' B L2 D2 R F' B' D F2 U2 R2 F' R2 F2 U2 B U2 F' D2 F D

Goal:sub 20
Cube:moyu weilong gts
Ao12: 20.84
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Day 2
1. (20.39)
2. 16.91
3. (13.27)
4. 18.00
5. 15.59
6. 13.90
7. 17.32
8. 14.64
9. 14.12
10. 15.76
11. 14.46

Ao12: 15.93

Second half was good, first was too inconsistent
Just to be clear: you can only compete officially once a week.
Goal: Sub-17
Cube: YuXin Little Magic
Average of 12: 16.20
(Green is the best solve and Red is the worst solve)

Comment: Normal Average, pretty consistent. Weird thing my best solve and worst solve are the first and last ones XD.

1. (14.03)
2. 15.52
3. 15.80
4. 15.81
5. 18.89
6. 15.39
7. 14.40
8. 15.86
9. 18.12
10. 16.16
11. 16.08
12. (20.90)