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[Official] 2.09 2x2 average - Canberra Summer 2014


Jul 13, 2010
Melbourne, Australia
Visit Channel

(1.72), (2.19), 2.03, 2.16, 2.09 = 2.09

They told me to make a thread for this so yeah.

The worst solve was better than my old official average PB. :D Although I probably could've done better with the easy scrambles, and I didn't win the comp, it's still great to finally beat my official PB. Feliks is now 3rd in Australia for 2x2 average. :O Thanks to Ben Woo for filming this.

Cube: DaYan
Method: EG

Why does the thumbnail have to be my hands right on my nipples... :( plz don't laugh jay or tim or anyone
Last edited:


Sep 30, 2010
Visit Channel
Cameron Stollery - 2.09 2x2 av5 - Canberra Summer 2014

R2 F' U' R' U2 F U' F

x2 y' // inspection
R' F U' F2 R U R U2 // finish
View at alg.garron.us
[B]Step	Time	HTM	htps	ETM	etps[/B]						
[COLOR="red"]Total	1.74	8	4.60	8	4.60[/COLOR]
R U2 F2 R U R U2 F2 U' F

U' R' U R' // face
L' U2 L U L' U L // finish
View at alg.garron.us
[B]Step	Time	HTM	htps	ETM	etps[/B]
[COLOR="red"]Total	2.19	12	5.48	12	5.48	[/COLOR]	[B][SIZE="4"]%[/SIZE]
							Step		Time	HTM	ETM[/B]
Face	0.96	4	4.17	4	4.17		Face/Total	43.8%	33.3%	33.3%
Finish	1.23	8	6.50	8	6.50		Finish/Total	56.2%	66.7%	66.7%
R U2 F2 R U R U2 F2 U' F

U' R' U (R' L') // face
U2 L U L' L L' U L // finish
View at alg.garron.us
R U' F U F2 U' F2 R2 U2

x y' // inspection
R' U2 R' // face
U R2' U' R U2 R' U2 R U' R2' U' // finish
View at alg.garron.us
[B]Step	Time	HTM	htps	ETM	etps[/B]
[COLOR="red"]Total	2.03	14	6.90	14	6.90	[/COLOR]	[B][SIZE="4"]%[/SIZE]
							Step		Time	HTM	ETM[/B]
Face	0.66	3	4.55	3	4.55		Face/Total	32.5%	21.4%	21.4%
Finish	1.37	11	8.03	11	8.03		Finish/Total	67.5%	78.6%	78.6%
F' U' F2 U' R U2 F' U' R2 U2

y' // inspection
R' F2 U F2 // face
R U' R' F L' U' L U' // finish
View at alg.garron.us
[B]Step	Time	HTM	htps	ETM	etps[/B]						
[COLOR="red"]Total	2.16	12	5.56	14	6.48	[/COLOR]	[B][SIZE="4"]%[/SIZE]
							Step		Time	HTM	ETM[/B]
Face	1.03	4	3.88	6	5.83		Face/Total	47.7%	33.3%	42.9%
Finish	1.13	8	7.08	8	7.08		Finish/Total	52.3%	66.7%	57.1%
F' U' F2 U' R U2 F' U' R2 U2

y' // inspection
L' U2 x' U x U2 // face
L U' R' F L' U' L U' // finish
View at alg.garron.us
R U R2 F' R F' R2 U2 F

z2 // inspection
U2 R2' U' R2 // face
U L' U' L U R U' L' U // finish
View at alg.garron.us
[B]Step	Time	HTM	htps	ETM	etps[/B]
[COLOR="red"]Total	2.09	13	6.22	13	6.22	[/COLOR]	[B][SIZE="4"]%[/SIZE]
							Step		Time	HTM	ETM[/B]
Face	1.07	4	3.74	4	3.74		Face/Total	51.2%	30.8%	30.8%
Finish	1.02	9	8.82	9	8.82		Finish/Total	48.8%	69.2%	69.2%
Average (removing fastest and slowest solve)

[B]Step	Time	HTM	htps	ETM	etps[/B]
[COLOR="red"]Total	2.09	13.00	6.21	13.67	6.53	[/COLOR]	[B][SIZE="4"]%[/SIZE]
							Step		Time	HTM	ETM[/B]
Face	0.92	3.67	3.99	4.33	4.71		Face/Total	43.9%	28.2%	31.7%
Finish	1.17	9.33	7.95	9.33	7.95		Finish/Total	56.1%	71.8%	68.3%

Mean (5/5)

[B]Step	Time	HTM	htps	ETM	etps[/B]
[COLOR="red"]Total	2.04	11.80	5.78	12.20	5.97	[/COLOR]	[B][SIZE="4"]%[/SIZE]
							Step		Time	HTM	ETM[/B]
Face	0.74	3.00	4.03	3.40	4.57		Face/Total	36.4%	25.4%	27.9%
Finish	1.30	8.80	6.78	8.80	6.78		Finish/Total	63.6%	74.6%	72.1%

Best from each field

[B]Step	Time	HTM	htps	ETM	etps[/B]
[COLOR="red"]Total	1.74	8	6.90	8	6.90[/COLOR]

Face	0.66	3	4.55	3	5.83
Finish	1.02	8	8.82	8	8.82