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[Unofficial] 17.02 Average of 12 (16.36 Ao5)

Ross The Boss

Jun 9, 2012
Ontario Canada
Visit Channel

I like these solves, they are mostly sub average and I think they look sexy :D.
-I'm proud of my FB, and L6E look ahead + TPS.
-I notice that I didn't do L6E as optimally as I could have for a lot of these (lol dots). Doing more slow solves should fix that.
-I know most of the CMLL algorithms (only need to learn 1 or 2 bow ties), but I use 2-look sometimes because I can't execute the CMLL alg fast enough.
-On the first solve, I insert a SB corner edge pair with: F, R, F'. This isn't because I'm a noob, it's because my hand was already in a good position to do this and it would be faster for me than regriping and doing: R, r, U2', R', U', R​

*These are all hand scrambles*
*The first 5 solves are the 16.35 ao5*

Cube: Lightning Dust Guhong
Method: Roux

EDIT: Sorry for the T.V in the background.
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