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1.5 Half Turn Metric


Jul 24, 2019
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I had an idea a while ago that half turns should count as 1.5 turns for the purposes of simple counting, since half moves take roughly longer than a single move and less than two distinct moves.

Actually I noticed in J Perm's alg formula, he suggests the same exact thing, albeit with other things that are much harder to tell from just looking at an alg like hard regrips and overworking fingers. In @trangium's Movecount Coefficient Calculator the number is slightly higher at 1.65.

Now here is an application. For A perm R2 B2 R F R' B2 R F' R, it's 9 HTM or 12 QTM, but I think the value should be in between.

Another case: For F2L 32, the triple sexy (or inverse sexy) case, that alg is 12 or 11 moves, compared to 7 HTM or 12 QTM moves of R2 sune: R2' U R2 U R2' U2' R2. However I think the movecount of the R2 sune should be counted in between with 1.5TM as 9.5 moves. (This is a bad example because common 4 move triggers like sexy or inverse sexy are so fast they should be maybe counted as 3 or even fewer moves, and the R2 sune has a special execution with alternating R2 that's like the pi OLL.)

To emphasize, this is not useful for counting moves for FMC, but as a little bit more accurate way to quickly and roughly tell how fast an alg is to execute compared to HTM and QTM, without counting things like how R/U moves are easier and regrips and risk etc.
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I had an idea a while ago that half turns should count as 1.5 turns for the purposes of simple counting, since half moves take roughly longer than a single move and less than two distinct moves.

Actually I noticed in J Perm's alg formula, he suggests the same exact thing, albeit with other things that are much harder to tell from just looking at an alg like hard regrips and overworking fingers. In @trangium's Movecount Coefficient Calculator the number is slightly higher at 1.65.

Now here is an application. For A perm R2 B2 R F R' B2 R F' R, it's 9 HTM or 12 QTM, but I think the value should be in between.

Another case: For F2L 32, the triple sexy (or inverse sexy) case, that alg is 12 or 11 moves, compared to 7 HTM or 12 QTM moves of R2 sune: R2' U R2 U R2' U2' R2. However I think the movecount of the R2 sune should be counted in between with 1.5TM as 9.5 moves. (This is a bad example because common 4 move triggers like sexy or inverse sexy are so fast they should be maybe counted as 3 or even fewer moves, and the R2 sune has a special execution with alternating R2 that's like the pi OLL.)

To emphasize, this is not useful for counting moves for FMC, but as a little bit more accurate way to quickly and roughly tell how fast an alg is to execute compared to HTM and QTM, without counting things like how R/U moves are easier and regrips and risk etc.
yeah, not as good as trangium's, but I can do this in my head
Yeah but what we really need is CubeExplorer to run at 1.5HTM
And also greatly needed is the ability to deselect certain slice moves like E and S
You can deselect certain moves in CE. If you blank out an F2L edge if you are genning LL algs for example, when you hit add and solve, it opens a menu and just starts genning algs. On that page you can enable slice moves, and deselect moves you don't want.
You can deselect certain moves in CE. If you blank out an F2L edge if you are genning LL algs for example, when you hit add and solve, it opens a menu and just starts genning algs. On that page you can enable slice moves, and deselect moves you don't want.
This is false. Once you enable slice moves you can no longer deselect E or D or anything else.
which cubeexplorer are you using? the one by Kociemba? I think other programs like ksolve+ allow setting weights for moves but I'm not sure.
I added a section on the wiki: https://www.speedsolving.com/wiki/index.php/Metric#1.5HTM

is that vain? maybe lol
I went there (speedsolving wiki) and got enlightened as well as overwhelmed by all the different metrics. I do like 1.5HTM, as I suspect that these numbers are most used for working out efficiency of methods and solves, and if so, counting 1.5 turns seem quite reasonable. Thanks for your write-up there, it's a good analysis and it makes sense even to me.
I went there (speedsolving wiki) and got enlightened as well as overwhelmed by all the different metrics. I do like 1.5HTM, as I suspect that these numbers are most used for working out efficiency of methods and solves, and if so, counting 1.5 turns seem quite reasonable. Thanks for your write-up there, it's a good analysis and it makes sense even to me.
Thanks. Like I said in the OP, a sophisticated calculator would be able to take common triggers (ex. sexy, sledgehammer, even common parts of OLL and PLL algs) and which faces are being turned to reduce the computed "equivalent turn count."

edit: perhaps even as a greedy regex? lol what do you think @xyzzy
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1.5 turn metric is a better name imo
Sesquiturn metric, abbreviated as STM? ;)

(I've always thought "half turn metric" was a bad name, and obviously my joke suggestion is something I'd also consider to be a bad name. "1.5 half turn" is actually descriptive, though: it signifies that half turns count as 1.5 in this metric.)
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