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🇮🇳 India

Anyway does anyone from India (Of couse :p) who speedcubes (that too of course :p :p ) is in any group in groups.google.com ? Because I just searched and they are many groups related to speedcubing.. In some post I saw that someone was in a group but I don't remember in which..
anyway is anyone is a google group ?

I am not in a google group but I am in a facebook group called 'Speedcubing India Unlimited'. It has more than 5,200 members and the group is active. If any of you are on facebook and not in the group, come check it out.
Hello, I am from Bihar. Std - 11th.
Cubing from almost 2 months.
Anyone from Bihar??:)
Welcome Arpit. quite good times you've got there for someone cubing for 2 months. There's a girl in my class whom i taught to solve 3x3 from Bihar, she's not in this forum though :p (Only taught her half though :P)
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Hi there !

I'm From Pune ! I'm doing my B.Tech from COEP here.. Learned cubing just last month..beginners only..! I've began to learn CFOP just last week. Hope I will learn and improve in near future.
PB : 122 sec [emoji29]
Hope to improve soon!
Hi there !

I'm From Pune ! I'm doing my B.Tech from COEP here.. Learned cubing just last month..beginners only..! I've began to learn CFOP just last week. Hope I will learn and improve in near future.
PB : 122 sec

Hope to improve soon!

Welcome! I'm from Pune too :D
A comp is taking place on 22 and 23rd Dec, register here: https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/competitions/CubeleloWinterOpen2016
And pay participation fee here: http://www.cubelelo.com/competition.../event-registration-cubelelo-winter-open-2016
Registration closes on 12th Dec so hurry :)
Yeah sure ! I know the place wheres comp is takin place [emoji16]
thanks for telling! [emoji1]

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