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🇮🇳 India

Hi, I am from Raipur, Chhattisgarh. I am new to this forum. Glad to see Indian Cubers here :)
My 3x3 PB Single: 20.067
Not sure to call myself a speedcubers or not :P

Welcome to the forums!
Ayyy, I'm from Chhattisgarh too! Where in Raipur do you live BTW? You should probably invest in a better cube at this stage IMO, But I'm not a pro so IDK if you should listen to me or not LOL
You definitely are a speedcuber, once you start to time yourself and your aim is to not just solve the cube, but solve it faster and faster, I guess you could be called a speedcuber :)
Welcome to the forums!
Ayyy, I'm from Chhattisgarh too! Where in Raipur do you live BTW? You should probably invest in a better cube at this stage IMO, But I'm not a pro so IDK if you should listen to me or not LOL
You definitely are a speedcuber, once you start to time yourself and your aim is to not just solve the cube, but solve it faster and faster, I guess you could be called a speedcuber :)

That's a pretty good theory of being a speedcuber. But for me speedcubing means when i understand what i am doing and what changes it makes on the cube and that i use my own brain and do something unique and better. This way its faster too and i am a speed obsessed person so speed is always my priority :)
I too think that i should invest in some better cubes but i am in 10th grade now and i have focus on my studies along with cubing(Can't leave it :P) and i'll be free during summer holidays so i'll invest in new cubes then. But my Exam's are coming and i won't be able to focus on any other thing because of it but i still do a lot of cubing while preparing for Exam's.
That's a pretty good theory of being a speedcuber. But for me speedcubing means when i understand what i am doing and what changes it makes on the cube and that i use my own brain and do something unique and better. This way its faster too and i am a speed obsessed person so speed is always my priority :)
I too think that i should invest in some better cubes but i am in 10th grade now and i have focus on my studies along with cubing(Can't leave it :P) and i'll be free during summer holidays so i'll invest in new cubes then. But my Exam's are coming and i won't be able to focus on any other thing because of it but i still do a lot of cubing while preparing for Exam's.

Same here 10th boards. But i am still cubing :). I am not that fast like cannot do sub 30 as have to learn full pll.
I don't understand how do you get your PB single in every message of yours

If you are talking about me, its just luck. i wanna break my Full Step PB though. I haven't lubricated my cube yet so maybe if i lubricate it then maybe i'll get less lockups and break that Full Step PB of mine. But for 'How' i can only say that i keep getting lucky and when i try to do the same scramble again i can't break the time which i got while solving that scramble for first time. i hope i answered it :)

Edit: If you were asking for how there's my PB single written with every post then sorry for above typed answer, someone else{^^^} has answered your question if it was that.
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If you are talking about me, its just luck. i wanna break my Full Step PB though. I haven't lubricated my cube yet so maybe if i lubricate it then maybe i'll get less lockups and break that Full Step PB of mine. But for 'How' i can only say that i keep getting lucky and when i try to do the same scramble again i can't break the time which i got while solving that scramble for first time. i hope i answered it :)

Edit: If you were asking for how there's my PB single written with every post then sorry for above typed answer, someone else{^^^} has answered your question if it was that.

I think he meant the signature :)
Lol :p .

Everyone wishes they can edit there answer sheet after Writing their Papers.. :p

The worst thing being when you submit you answersheet then your classmate asks you about a question and you realize that you wrote something else for that answer, e.g. Question: Oxygen is released in Photosynthesis, Prove. I Wrote: Laboratory process of Preperation of Oxygen. :p
Another more painful thing, i could have wrote that answer and snatched a whole 6 marks, but now i just burn't my 6 marks, that too with Oxygen!:p
Let's just not go off-Topic here :p ;)
Anyway does anyone from India (Of couse :p) who speedcubes (that too of course :p :p ) is in any group in groups.google.com ? Because I just searched and they are many groups related to speedcubing.. In some post I saw that someone was in a group but I don't remember in which..
anyway is anyone is a google group ?