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  1. Reeno

    One-Answer WCA Competition and Regulations Question Thread

    Just Wondering: how do I get WCA scrambles from previous comps?
  2. Reeno

    [Member Intro] Hi

    Welcome! 2x2 main?
  3. Reeno

    Speedcubing Jokes Here!!

    Randomer: What's your name? Phil Yu: It's Yu. Randomer: me? Phil: No, Yu. Phil Yu. Randomer: Oh no, my names Jake. Phil: You now what, forget it. *walks off* Jake: :confused: :?
  4. Reeno

    [Help Thread] "What cube should I get?" The Puzzle Choice Thread

    What's the best 4x4? If you have a different favourite pls just comment and say what it is.
  5. Reeno

    Speedcubing in Ireland

    If you're an Irish cuber I want you to post something on this thread. I'm just wondering if any other irish people are on The speedsolving forum. Thanks!