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  1. J

    Probability Thread

    I'm interested in learning Winter Variation, and was curious as to what the probability of attaining a winter variation (no specific case, just getting a case) in any given solve is. I suppose this is equivalent to asking "knowing Winter Variation, what is the probability of an 'OLL Skip'" (yes...
  2. J

    Giiker Cube can't connect to PC but can connect to iOS

    I found that if you have an iOS device, you can use a free app called Bluefy (a web browser) to access some of the websites and the cube connects no problem. But as for pc, I have no solution as of yet.
  3. J

    Giiker Cube can't connect to PC but can connect to iOS

    My giiker supercube i3s (v2) is not connecting to my PC, but connects to any of my ios devices just fine. I use windows 10 (bluetooth enabled.) The PC picks up the cube but only momentarily, and even then, when I click connect it tells me to 'Try to pair again'. I am using chrome canary, and...
  4. J

    Probability Thread

    I asked in the probability thread the probability of having a WV case at last slot , and the answer turned out to be about 1/150. But in practice, since a lot of f2l algs involve an (R U' R') insert at the end, I'd imagine that WV would actually appear more than 1/150 of the time. So when...
  5. J

    OLS Subset where all pieces on top layer are oriented correctly (except the f2l pair of course)?

    Is there an OLS subset where every non f2l piece on the top layer is oriented properly? I.e. Top face is solved except for any f2l pieces on that layer, if any. I'm asking because: 1. I don't think the alg list would be that big, I think it would be the same size as regular last slot f2l (as...
  6. J

    Probability Thread

    Ah. I would've thought it would be slightly more frequent (maybe 1/60 or 1/70). Thanks.
  7. J

    Probability Thread

    For 3x3, what is the probability of getting a WV case out of all possible OLS cases (every single one of them). *By OLS I mean every case of solving the last f2l slot no matter the relative arrangements of the edge and corner and solving OLL at the same time.
  8. J

    Probability Thread

    Oh I didn't notice there was such a thread. Thanks
  9. J

    Probability Thread

    Ah. I was trying to find out the number of total possible combinations of last f2l pair and the orientation of the last layer. Then find the number of ways to get a WV case to hence find the probability of getting a WV case for your last f2l case.
  10. J

    Probability Thread

    I tried calculating it but I’m not sure if it is correct. I calculated # possible f2l-oll cases there were (last slot and last layer orientations): (5*2) * (4*3) * 2^3 * 3^3 / 4 = 6480 combinations. This is why I did this. On the the permutation of the f2l edge counts: - 5 ways of permuting...
  11. J

    Is my F2L time OK for my level?

    Yea I always go and try to learn but never stick to it. I've found some good videos on Cross from J-Perm so I'll take a look at that.
  12. J

    Is my F2L time OK for my level?

    I use CFOP for the 3x3, and I've been cubing for about 3 months (I spent a few months last year then didn't cube for a while and now I have been cubing for a couple of weeks). My average time is 25 seconds. My cross is fairly bad, as I still do it with white on top, which costs me a couple of...
  13. J

    [Help Thread] Cubing Critiques and Help

    Seriously, can we just let anyone critique solves, and we can maybe debate on better ways of solving. Because no one is responding.
  14. J

    [Help Thread] Cubing Critiques and Help

    Method: CFOP Average: 28.4 Scramble: L B' L2 F' U2 L' D' F2 R2 U' B U F R' F U2 B2 F2 R' D2 U F' U2 F D' Cross: D2 F’ R D F B D’ R F2L 1: U y’ L’ U’ L F2L 2: U’ R’ U R (F R’ F’ R) F2L 3: y U’ R U’ R’ y U R U’ R’ F2L 4: U L’ U2 L U L’ U’ L (36) OLL: U f R U R’ U’ f’ U’ (R U2' R2 U’ R2 U' R2...
  15. J

    [Help Thread] "What cube should I get?" The Puzzle Choice Thread

    With $50 AUD total ($35 USD) budget I want a 2x2 and 4x4 cube, both magnetic. What is the best combo? Just for context on my magnet preference, my 3x3 is a Moyu GTS 2M. I think the magnets should be a bit stronger. I'd prefer something closer to the strength of gan air sm (somewhere in between).
  16. J

    Generate an algorithm to get from one state to another.

    Thank you. The mathematical approach is precisely what I wanted.
  17. J

    Generate an algorithm to get from one state to another.

    What is the best program to use to get a cube from one unsolved state to another? Like an f2l case to complete OLL (just one example), but not necessarily a solved cube.
  18. J

    [Help Thread] F2L Discussion and Help

    I know all the 41 basic cases. (Pretty efficiently as well, with most being 9 or less moves, or easy triggers). Is it worth learning some of the more important cases? HOWEVER, cases, when the edge and or the corner are slotted in the wrong place, are really inefficient for me. With cube...
  19. J

    Can we solve a 3x3 each doing only one move?

    U2 L B F' U' F2 U2 R2 R' U R U R L' U L2 R' U L' L' U' U2 L U L' U' L U2 L' U L U' U B U' B' U B' B B U' B2 R B R' z' B2 B2 R2 D D z L2 D2 R2 D Rw' U2 Rw D' R' U2
  20. J

    Can we solve a 3x3 each doing only one move?

    D (assuming we are counting that R2)