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  1. L

    Blindfold Accomplishment Thread

    Learned the 3BLD method on Sunday. Yesterday, I tried very slowly on edge swaps and corner swaps separately, and it worked (took me almost an hour in total)! Today on my bus to work, I tried memorizing both at the same time but failed. On the way back I finally got it right! It just took me a...
  2. L

    Accomplishment Thread

    I ordered a cosmic GTS3M weeks ago, and planned not opening the box until I got sub-25... Now is the time! ;) My current breakdown: cross: 5s f2l: 13s ll: 7s
  3. L

    Accomplishment Thread

    Thanks for the kind words! I have a couple of very slow f2l cases that I need to drill.. Road to sub-25 :)
  4. L

    Accomplishment Thread

    Thank you so much! I have been struggling at 33~36s for the past 2 weeks. Then today I practiced blindfolded cross + slow f2l solves the whole afternoon, and somehow it worked! Gotta keep practicing to officially break sub-30! ;)
  5. L

    Accomplishment Thread

    Started on 3/2/2019, and set the milestone to get sub-30. Just got a AO5 of 30.00, on 4/20/2019.