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  1. M

    Rate the User Above You

    10/10 your times are nice, youtube channel look mild-professional, your wca pic is great, and your from Canada.
  2. M

    WCA Live

    I just checked it out and it seems like cubecomps with light mode turned on.
  3. M

    Can we solve a 3x3 each doing only one move?

  4. M

    Can we solve a 3x3 each doing only one move?

    MOVE: U wait, I only saw the first page, this is gonna take me a couple hours to figure out Edit2: B2 L B F' U' F2 U2 R2 R' U R U R L' U L2 R' U L' L' U' U2 L U L' U' L U2 L' U L U' U B U' B' U B' B B U' B2 Edit 3: I want my Gan356M back, hurry up people
  5. M

    What is the longest break you have taken from cubing, and Why?

    The longest break I took from cubes wasn't because of burn out, but I had two surgery's and couldn't sit up and than right when I was about to recover, my brother got hit by a truck and had to have surgery, and than my mum had a baby so I didn't really have time, this lasted from about I wanna...