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  1. stormtrooper

    Broken Lingpo

    I was trying to put the corner back in, then the corner broke. Which 2x2 should I get that is more durable, and doesn't pop?
  2. stormtrooper

    [Unofficial] 4.37 LBL 2x2 avg

    Even though I use Ortega as my main method, this average is not that bad. The 2.22 single was a LL skip if you didn't know. 3.11, 4.93, (2.22), 5.07, (6.02)
  3. stormtrooper

    [Max Park] 3.36 3x3 single YTUWR

    Solve starts at 2:39 if you are impatient and just want to see the solve. Reconstruction: Scramble: B2 R2 U' L2 F2 D B2 D R2 U B2 R U B' D' F U L' D' R2 D y' z2 // inspection F' B' R D' R U' R' D2 y' // fraction cross + 1st & 2nd pair R' F R // xxcross U2 L' U L // 3rd pair R U R' // 4th pair U...
  4. stormtrooper

    Do people even still use Dayan cubes? // Dayan thread

    I am wondering this, because Dayan cubes are old. And I think a lot of people forgot and just moves on to modern cube companies such as Qiyi MoFange, Moyu/YJ, Gan, etc. I know for a fact that no ones uses Eastsheen anymore due to the fact that they don't compete with any modern cubes. I think...
  5. stormtrooper

    Will Smith's 55 second solve (Will Smith solve the rubik's cube).

    I have the scramble in the video, and I have a simplified version of Will Smith's solve. In the reconstruction it has Will's solution with a simplified CO. This has took me so long to reconstruct because the angles kept changing, plus the video quality was grainy but nonetheless here is a...
  6. stormtrooper

    Are there going to be upcoming cubing competitons in Illinois?

    I can't go to any competitons, apparently there is a competition in Wisconsin but my parents say that I can't go. I really want to go to a competition but there is no competition that is upcoming in Illinois.
  7. stormtrooper

    How do I tension my Qiyi Qidi 2x2?

    I want to loosen my Qidi without breaking the plastic, I am trying but it is hard for me to understand. How can loosening/tensioning it be done without breaking plastic?
  8. stormtrooper

    Where can I find a replacement core for a LanLan 2x2?

    I need help because I am trying to revive my LanLan 2x2, where can I buy a replacement core though?
  9. stormtrooper

    How long do you think the Devil's Algorithm will be for 4x4.

    My personal inference is that it would be quadrillion moves long or even longer. My inference can be wrong.
  10. stormtrooper

    Is sub 5 on 2x2 considered good?

    The method I use is ortega, my pb average is sub 4 however. I do sometimes get sub 5. Is averaging 4 seconds to be considered good or not? I do usually get sub 5 on 2x2, but I can't tell if I this is good or bad. Is it?