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  1. H

    Intro video for my new channel

    Hi this is CaptainCuber. Just finished my into video for my channel, here's the link. Please tell me your honest opinion and if you like it, like and subscribe. Thanks Second video: Why you should take up 2x2: Please take a look. :) -CaptainCuber
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    Anywhere to buy cubes in real life?

    I don't think this question has been asked but sorry if it has. I was just wondering if there were any non-online stores to buy cubes from like good brand like Moyu.
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    First of all, sorry if I'm posting in the right place, I think this place seems appropriate for my thread but sorry if not. Anyway, I'm want to make a workshop for cubing where I makes mods, unsticker and resticker, take apart cubes, take out ballbarings and other various things. But I don't...
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    [Help Thread] Best way to learn CFOP after using beginners?

    So for a long while I've been using beginners method, I spent 5 weeks learning it and since then it has been about 8 weeks, I average around 45s using a speedcube with it and my pb using a speedcube is 31 seconds, I want to move on to fridrich but I can't even get my head round the notation, if...